Alert: 194 WHO Countries Agree to Arrest Citizens Who Oppose Bird Flu Vaccine – Media Blackout
So, watch out for the WHO Gestapo and their apparatchiks in the UN co-opted world police forces...
The War on Antivaxxers rages on…now we know why they waited to roll out this new bird flu hoax…but remember, even though we know it is bs, they will still use it to come after us and slaughter millions of animals, continuing to decimate the food supply…
Non-compliance isn’t going to do it…could this be “the hill?”
Mass vaccination of self-replicating messenger RNA vaccines is the Endgame…
194 World Health Organization (WHO) member states have agreed to begin arresting and prosecuting citizens who speak out against the Bird Flu vaccine, as part of tough new measures designed to stomp out so-called ‘misinformation’.
The World Health Assembly this week adopted amendments to the controversial International Health Regulations without any fanfare from the mainstream media.
These amendments abolish the national sovereignty of countries, grant the WHO sweeping powers to pass laws in western nations, and criminalizes speech that the WHO says undermines the official narrative.
No one is stopping them. It looks as if no one WILL stop them, and they will always find a work-around and find another way…no matter how hard you vote…or scream…
here’s the vid and the full article…
Tedros Declares Victory, 1 June 2024
In a media briefing on the pandemic, preparedness and response and other developments at the 77th World Health Assembly, WHO Dictator General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said:
“Today the nations of the world made history at the World Health Assembly. After 2 years of negotiations, they adopted a strong package of amendments to the International Health Regulations based on the lessons learned from the covid-19 pandemic. The IHR was last updated 19 years ago. The amendments adopted today strengthen global preparedness, surveillance and response to public health emergencies including pandemics.
“And although the Pandemic Agreement has not yet been finalised the Health Assembly has charted the way forward. It has agreed to extend the mandate of the Intergovernmental negotiating body to finalise negotiations on the Pandemic Agreement as soon as possible and by next year’s World Health Assembly at the latest.
“The success of the IHR amendments demonstrates that in our divided and divisive world countries can still come together to find common cause and common ground.”
Peter Halligan writes:
The writers of these articles may be subject to a dawn raid by 20 armed and armoured FBI agents!
'First Human Bird Flu Death' Exposed as Hoax: Patient Died from Kidney Failure - News Addicts
“According to Alcocer, the Mexican man died from a combination of underlying conditions and severe illnesses culminating in “mainly kidney and respiratory failure. He further urged the Mexican population to remain calm, calling the WHO’s announcement “not accurate”.
“I can point out that the statement made by the World Health Organization is pretty bad since it speaks of a fatal case [of bird flu], which was not the case,” Health Secretary Alcocer said.”
So, who is going to be arrested? The health minister, the Mexican paper and/or the website reporting the story?
Maybe it should be Tedros Ghebreyesus for spreading mal-information or mis-information or dis-information or whatever!
It could very well be the hill. So sick of these bastards. 😭 Thanks for the heads up. ❤️
How unfortunate, so it begins.
I must wonder how they think they will keep hiring more agents with the morgue filling up with them. It will become a job only the Venezuelan gang members will want; Oh wait.... the USA is over stocked with those.