I’ve been sitting on this info for way too long, and this seemed like the time to unleash the flying monkeys. It’s been in my Vetting Trump files forever…
Kushner Kondos…
sharpening my clawz…
About that Triumphant Trump Trip to Saudi Arabia? I found it a bit over the top...but now we know...laying the “groundwork” for the Kushner Kondos...
Let’s look at a son-in-law, just like the other son - the one who loses his stash in the White House…
Kushner has been very, very busy…and just because they vacated the White House doesn’t mean the deals that were made while Kushner was in office, aren’t kicked off and running.
It could only be Jared…
His new company is investing millions in Israel, and wouldn’t you know, it’s a beautiful partnership with some serious Saudi investments, now that there’s some new beachfront property available right next door.
And how does he feel about the Prince? Or the murder of Khashoggi?
At the Axios BFD Conference in Miami, Kushner deflected questions about the Khashoggi murder, responding “are we really still doing this?” to the interviewer. Kushner claimed lied he had not read the Department of National Intelligence report released in 2021 that implicated bin Salman, but claimed the Saudi prince was a “visionary leader” who accomplished “transformative things” for his country. “I think what’s happened there is absolutely critical—the person who deserves credit for that is Mohammed bin Salman who at that time was the deputy crown prince. I think what he’s done has been absolutely historic for the country. I think he’s done a lot of things that are in America’s interest and I think he’s done a lot of things that have made the world a better place. I think I stand by all the policies that we put forward at the time.” Kushner later said he thought Khashoggi’s murder was “absolutely horrific,” but claimed “we had to do a lot of unconventional things, but we had to be very pragmatic about how we advance the things that are in America’s interest.”
So it’s “we” - even regarding the murder of Khashoggi? No, he couldn’t mean THAT, could he?
Let’s see that last bit again…
It could ONLY be Jared….
Kushner later said he thought Khashoggi’s murder was “absolutely horrific,” but claimed “we had to do a lot of unconventional things, but we had to be very pragmatic about how we advance the things that are in my/our America’s interest.”
Does that go for the “unconventional” unleashing of AI Lavender WarGame that deployed indiscriminate and unimaginable genocide in Gaza too? That would be some “historic regional changes” wouldn’t you say? Okay then, Jared, totally understandable…unconventional…pragmatic…advancing…interests…historic regional changes…got it.
Have I mentioned lately how much I loathe all politicians and anyone even close to them or in the mix? Every. Single. One.
I feel my political rant/quote coming on…I’ll try to refrain, but no promises.
Here’s the full article…there’s another that looks telling in the WSJ but I am not a paid subscriber…
Back to the other son-outlaw?
Even wiping out some aid workers will not deter Jared…remember his quote:
“we had to do a lot of unconventional things, but we had to be very pragmatic about how we advance the things that are in my America’s interest.”
I know, I’m repeating myself…
But…(from 2022)
Just a few days ago Trump met with Saudi elites to plan the finance of the Kushner condos in Gaza;
We’re building a Pier…lift those glasses…
The US military is on schedule to build a pier off the Gaza coast to expand Gaza “Green Zone,” the Defense Department says, even as other agencies have pulled back after Israel killed many aid workers.
The pier is about turning Gaza into a "Green Zone" - a US embassy, a US military base, and an airport, devoid of Palestinians and patrolled by IDF forever…
You know, those “unconventional things” - “advancing the things in the Zionists/DS’s investor’s best interests.” There must have been a few other deals details in those Abraham Accords that we were not aware of. Those “normalizations deals” and arms’ sales were historic - fantastic, but there was obviously so much more. If we only knew.
Kushner did not specify which Israeli businesses the firm would be working with, nor how much money will be directed toward Israel, but he told the Journal his work in the White House “kicked off historic regional change which needs to be reinforced and nurtured to achieve its potential.”
Let’s see that again…
Jared told the Journal his work in the White House “kicked off historic regional change which needs to be reinforced and nurtured to achieve its potential.”
yep…we’ve seen some “historic regional changes,” for sure…and “unconventional things” and pragmatic…advancing…interests…”very” historic regional changes…got it.
from the article:
Affinity Partners, a new private-equity fund started by Jared Kushner, plans to invest money from Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund in Israeli businesses, the Wall Street Journal reported Saturday, marking the first time the giant Saudi fund has invested in Israel, with which the Saudi government does not have a formal diplomatic relationship.
Affinity Partners has raised more than $3 billion, which includes a $2 billion commitment from the Saudi Public Investment Fund.
I wonder if 10% went to the Orange guy?
After Saudi officials agreed Affinity Partners could invest in Israel, Kushner, who played a leading role in the Middle East policy of his father-in-law Donald Trump’s presidential administration, met with dozens of companies ranging from agriculture to healthcare to software, people familiar with the meetings told the Journal.
And btw, they did open a congressional investigation into Jared’s dealings with the Saudi Prince, but that investigation was quickly shut down. You can go down that rabbit hole on your own if you like, but be sure to read between the lies.
I hope Jared’s laptop never needs repair, it would be a shame if he ever forgot to pick it up.
I wonder if he’s ever thought of being a painter? I bet his paintings would really sell - and if they didn’t, since he has vowed to have no further involvement in any new Trump administration - his work is done there - he’s all set - time to wheel and deal behind the scenes and off the radar. Suite. Sweet. But if those paintings DON’T sell as easily as prime real estate, he could always hang them in every single room and in the plush lobbies of those Kushner Kondos on that soon-to-be Gorgeous Golden Gazan beachfront property…
RIP, Maxwell Azzarello - I feel your pain…even your MK Ultra pain
I apologize…I hate going here myself...
I hate to post anything political…I see the political charade for what it is - and what it has always been…I left the right/left paradigm Op long ago…it's just another Op, another tool of control...but now it is life and death...
I’m not a paid subscriber to any publication or anyone…cat food first - but this Rappoport post triggered me to go into my Vetting Trump archives and pull this one out for perusal…how long has this been going on…? …ever since that memorable dance in Saudi Arabia…
here’s Jon’s ss
There are actually recent JK quotes suggesting the Palestinians be resettled to the Negev while infrastructure is rebuilt in Gaza. He is just almost admitting to what the plans are now with little obfuscation. Bilbo's Bitch thinks a chunk of Gaza has also been promised to the Chinese to develop a new financial and trading hub on the Mediterranean. I would not be surprised if this was the case because shit loads of money would be made doing this by everyone involved.
Wow! Good digging! ❤️