I follow this amazing woman closely. IMO, there is no one out there with her knowledge, dedication and generosity, who is so comprehensively and tirelessly sounding the alarm on the contamination of our blood and the nanotech that is taking over our bodies and minds - and she is brilliantly connecting the dots on all the vectors of this massive poisoning of all life.
She is working closely with Dr. Carnicom, who over a decade ago sounded the alarm on Morgellons’s and connected it to the chemtrails. He came under intense attack, as did Ted Gunderson, who was a dear friend of mine, met his fate for exposing the chems in the early ‘90’s. That’s how much the chemtrails are one of their most deadly delivery systems that they must protect and deflect from - it’s been priming and poisoning us for decades.
Most don’t know that during that research period, over a decade ago, a dozen of Carnicom’s fellow researchers were “eliminated.” All dying under highly suspicious circumstances.
I guess what I’m trying to say is let’s not wait until our courageous warriors - risking everything to inform us - are no longer with us, to appreciate their unimaginable sacrifices.
The contamination of our blood and bodies is one of the most dire threats that we face, IMO. A critical component in this mass extinction event, for the hope of surviving as long as we can and staying as healthy as possible until the inevitable end of our species and all biological life on Earth.
It is soul-crushing to have this information, and few even want to know what we are up against, but for those who do, again, she is someone to follow closely.
It is my feeling that if we really want to stay over the target and arm ourselves as best we can, she is one of the most important voices/researchers out there, and an amazing person to follow for cutting edge information, mitigation and detox protocols.
My guess is that many of us that have been insanely researching this hideous capture of humanity, are not optimistic about our future. Many of us know deep in our hearts that we will not outrun or overcome this transhumanist takeover. The ghoulz have been plotting our end for decades and we are never going to get up to speed, as it is too far out of our purview. We can only get as close as we can for as long as we are still able to think clearly. Those independent thoughts will quickly become a thing of the past. The masses are not only unaware and incurious, they are (as we ALL are now) ever more frequency-mind-controlled to the point that there is no longer the courage nor the will for self-preservation.
Much gratitude to all who are still on this battlefield, striving to, at the very least, know as much as possible about the fate of mankind…and still throwing flames until the bitter end…
This is the final epic battle…win or lose.
I still hold out a sliver of hope for a universal antidote, a miracle of some sort and justice for the demons that are decimating mankind, so I will share…until…
Here is what Dr. Ana wrote at the end of her most recent substack. If you can follow her and express our appreciation, I would be most grateful. I know that she is under attack. Many of us are, for sounding alarms, and our brilliant and courageous allies are few - the least we can do is support and thank them for their monumental sacrifices on our behalf.
Message to my subscribers:
I am aware that I have been posting a lot and that it can be overwhelming to have 2 or 3 substacks in your email inbox a day from me. This uptick has a couple reasons, first I am absolutely horrified by what I am finding. If I was not so busy, I would sit in a corner and cry all day. Unfortunately, this does not help anyone. The only thing I ever knew how to do in my life in a crisis is to work harder and do more. I used to be a hospitalist managing an intensive care unit, and when chaos breaks loose and people are about to die on you, I go into overdrive to fix things. When I was a very young medical student, barely 19 years old, I once disembarked an airplane and the man in front of me fell and tumbled down this long stairwell only to hit his head on the ground and crack his skull. There was blood everywhere, the brain was exposed. People were in shock - I ran to help and started yelling at these frozen people to call the ambulance, get me pillows and a first aid kit. I wrapped a pillow around his head and bandaged it while waiting for help, completely covered in his blood. The man survived. When I got home, I went to my mom, a seasoned and brilliant doctor and started hysterically crying. Instead of consoling me, she slapped me on the face out of my spell, looked me straight in the eyes and said: “ If you cannot handle holding someone’s life in your hands, then quit medical school now. You saved that man’s life, and this is what you were supposed to do.”
I have been able to handle it for 30 years counting medical school.
I am in this overdrive for humanity because to me everyone is critically ill now with this technology and I believe their denial will kill them. Additionally the research and information is exploding, and I am sharing what I observe just to document and update the world. If something happens to me, you have close to 300 articles that someday the world will realize were worth scientific gold. Save them just in case, since I spent many thousands of hours understanding the problem and looking for solutions.
So please forgive me, and this bombardment will not stop until either I perish or we have won the war. At some point, the dam will break and people will get it and wake up.
With much love and great concern for all of you.
Dr Ana
And, here is her full substack link from this morning. share far and wide…
(100) Self Assembly Quantum Dots And Similarities To Morgellons Plaques, Metallics and Hexagons (substack.com)
thank you Pusheen, I put it out there. that bit was quite the moving story.
Thank you. Keep these coming!