Allegedly "Steven Hawking participated in an underage orgy?"
I can’t confirm this…but it is trending…
I want to hear more about this brief history in space and time. …Hawking…what a riot…
I’m hip to the code words, so just know - mentioned throughout the Epstein documents, it appears the word “midget” is used as code for underage girls. When it says Steven Hawking had a fetish for watching “midgets” undress…
What you don't know about Bill Gates - who hooked up with Epstein after he had been convicted, seeing a great opportunity to compromise his client hit list - he is said to have used Jeffrey Epstein's child sex island to blackmail hundreds of top scientists, doctors and politicians around the world in order for him to control the World Health Organization and release the death jabs…
The only mentions of Donald Trump in the 1,000 pages of Jeffrey Epstein documents that have been unsealed are ones that clear him of any wrongdoing…with regard to this dump…
However, Trump WILL be indicted for NOT being on the list…
Let’s go to AJ and the Epstein docs…and more…since we’re not getting the lists, nor the videos, no client list…ever…although it is out there - but they toss us a few red herrings…some scraps for distraction…
Alex Jones and Bermas - on what you will never see…and the Mossad connection. In fact, Celia Farber has a great stack today about Robert Maxwell if anyone is interested…
okay, let’s get some serious info…remembering that children are their currency…
Here are the new Epstein documents if anyone wants to see them - I don’t have time to wade through, but if anyone finds any really twisted stuff, well, I’m always up for hearing about that - 943 pages - DocumentCloud
Remember, This is just ONE court case from ONE victim. It's not the big document dump everyone thinks it is. The F.B.I., on the other hand, have all the documents, pictures, videos, etc. We don’t really need to ask why the F.B.I. haven't arrested anyone and never will, do we?
So, for me, this is so much like UFO disclosure…a few shiny objects, but don’t you ever mention abduction…here’s some amazing UAPs, now stop asking questions about govt. agreements trading humans (and children) for technology. That same nano tech that is being deployed against us all…
Abduction, human mutilation and the hybrid program and child kidnapping and sacrifice, the human farms…this mass extinction event, the elite worldwide pedo rings, it is all connected, IMO.
I’ll put a Kerry Cassidy Clip below - I think she is being misled on the geopolitical white-hat front - but about halfway through the vid, she talks about the ETs…she has been dangling from the mothership for decades and has done some stunning interviews - and it is her wheelhouse.
And as an experiencer, both with greys and Reptilians, I can back up much of what she is saying about the ET agendas, so take what you will…if you go in @53:30 you will get to the ET info…and Jean Claude has been doing some amazing segments on the Elohim - again, call the archon ET overlords what you will - and JC has been focusing on Mauro Biglino’s work, which is fascinating and quite compelling for those who are deep into religions…
His work does seem to bolster my theories - my intuition tells me that religions are the most ancient, long-standing stand-down PsyOps ever perpetrated on mankind…but that’s just me and my twisted but “experienced” mind…feel free to judge me if your religion is ok with that?
I’ve always maintained that at the very top of this blood-cult pyramid are the archons (whatever you want to call them) and that it is all connected - this planet has been a time-share, and they now want their planet back, thus the bioengineering of planet earth and the destruction of all biological life on earth that we are witnessing. We’re being evicted. The ghoulz we see are simply their minions - everybody is serving somebody - or something. And it might shed some light on this unimaginable nihilism that this blood-cult seems to possess.
I think it is possible that people simply won’t ever see the bigger picture of the ET component in all of this before all independent thought is obliterated, and humans become mind-enslaved synthetics, but this ss asylum will know so much more than most, should Project Bluebeam ever be deployed…we shall see…
child kidnaping/adreno harvesting/abduction/the hybrid program…
How much should people know about the human farm? It is true that people would lose their sh!t if they knew…? I think they absolutely would…
the Cassidy interview…
and for some new scribes…one of my previous stacks on PBB
I have a small cadre of reptilian researchers that I've been working with for over two decades...when I have a minute, I'll put a list together of the few people I think are valuable many in this field are not to be trusted...but there are some that I absolutely respect. Swamped today, but remind me...?
All will be revealed. Aliens are the hot topic. All VRR staff working on it 24/7 and showing it all. I'm expecting certain humans who aren't humans to disappear as the alien revealing gets some serious traction.