The look on his face as he yanks his son, says it all…
If that's what he does on stage with the world watching, imagine what it's like at home for poor Gus…
expose them all…
The look on his face as he yanks his son, says it all…
If that's what he does on stage with the world watching, imagine what it's like at home for poor Gus…
expose them all…
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-Tim Walz abandoned his National Guard unit like a coward when he learned they were going to Iraq. His fellow unit members have denounced him. Later, Walz lied about the rank he held and falsely said he “carried weapons in war” despite never going within a thousand miles of a combat zone.
-Tim Walz signed a law that lets Minnesota courts take children away from their parents for the sake of subjecting them to radical sex change surgeries.
-Tim Walz created a government hotline to snitch on neighbors who didn’t practice enough “social distancing” during Covid. Even while he banned people from going to church or attending funerals, Walz copied Andrew Cuomo’s policy of sending sick people into nursing homes, which caused huge numbers of deaths.
-Tim Walz practiced race-based discrimination in rationing Covid treatments in 2021. White people were given lower priority for treatment, purely based on skin color, according to Walz’s policies.
-Tim Walz said that his “core values” are DEI, and upon taking office vowed to “double down” to “operationalize equity.”
-Tim Walz gave free health care, college tuition, and driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.
-When the mayor of Minneapolis begged Tim Walz to call out the National Guard to contain the George Floyd riots, Walz refused to do anything for 20 hours. That delay allowed BLM radicals to burn down the Third Precinct police station.
-Walz let his daughter leak Guard's deployment plans online, so that rioters would know how long they had to loot and terrorize the city with impunity
-Tim Walz literally doubled Minnesota’s murder rate in just three years.
-Tim Walz presided over the single biggest fraud case of the Covid period, letting Somali immigrants plunder more than $250 million through the Feeding our Future scam.
-Walz created a sweeping race-based quota system throughout the Minnesota state health department.
-Tim Walz drove drunk, blew a .128, pleaded guilty, then spent decades lying about it, saying he actually flunked a field sobriety test due to “deafness.”
-Tim Walz signed a law not only making abortion legal up to the moment of birth, but removing any requirement to care for infants born alive from botched abortions. In Minnesota, babies born alive after a botched abortion can be left to die or actively killed, and no law is broken.
-Tim Walz’s education department is imposing a new state social studies curriculum centered on Critical Race Theory buzzwords like “Identity,” “Resistance,” and “Ways of Knowing.”
-Tim Walz wants to roll back the First Amendment in order to criminalize speech he considers “misinformation” about “our democracy.”
-Tim Walz pointlessly lied about using IVF so that he could make a dishonest attack on President Trump and JD Vance.
-Tim Walz put tampons into boys’ bathrooms.
The DNC will put on a ridiculous show of Walz as a folky, middle-American moderate tonight. It’s a lie.
Walz would be the second-most radical person ever elected vice president – second-most, because first place goes to the person at the top of the ticket he’s running on.
Coup has already Occurred, 2024 Election Will Not Happen w Naomi Wolf
“In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions?” A Public Inquiry
is a new Book series from Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre that publicly shares the proof, reality, and implications, if ultimately manifesting, of an apparent leak of classified Top Secret DARPA-CIA Project Pegasus quantum access time travel pre-identification information that “in the future, the United States of America would break up into many regions”. This leak was given to Alfred in January 1977 by Director Willis Harman when Alfred first joined the Center for the Study of Social Policy, the then Futurist unit at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California. At the time, SRI’s Futurist unit had a contract with the Central Intelligence Agency to study “Alternative 50-year Futures of the United States of America”.