April 30 has been designated as International Jazz Day by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
screw the UN, but…
This calls for a toast…a celebration…of one of the greatest joys of my life…Jazz…
Here’s a song from my CD The Big Purr…featuring some icons of Jazz…in fact the whole CD is a tribute to them all.
And I made this video too, many years ago now, on a Computer program…still kinda cute!
Turn it up…!!!
I was told by an infamous musician friend that I may have been the first person to ever put harmonies to a scat section…a first? Nice…if that is so…Maybe…? Enjoy!
and, here’s the rest of the CD…and don’t even start - it isn’t shameless self promotion if I’m giving it away…when you don’t even have to go to Spotify…my gift…on International Jazz Day!
And remember…music - especially jazz - breaks up those deadly frequencies…
"You're Cool" is my favorite one. So cool that you share your music! Love you! ❤️💋💕❤️
This is so lovely. Are you a contralto? Just beautiful.