Outrageous...and hats off to Suzzanne Monk, J6PardonProject.com
Most don’t know that they are still arresting, incarcerating and torturing patriots for J6 - even those that were never at the rally. On average, they are STILL arresting at least two people per day, and there are over 1,500 people now arrested and suffering this insanity…and the arrests continue.
Where TF is Congress?
Oh, that’s right. They got their donations from that photo op…they’ve moved on…they all disgust me…well, maybe not Massie, but the rest can go FT.
The innocents, falsely arrested in the J6 debacle, are suffering from cancers, heart attacks, in prison and forced to take the C19 bioweapon injections/deathJabs in order to get life saving treatment. Prison guards are torturing these Americans who have not even been arraigned. Founder of the J6 Pardon Project, author and activist, Suzzanne Monk exposes these atrocities and wears orange in solidarity with these political prisoners.
I finally found a reason to (maybe) vote in November…
Stay fierce, in this fallen nation, my frenzzzz
These atrocities are committed in prisons everywhere, not just to J6ers. Alas, J6ers are getting singled out for worse abuse because of evil politics.
I don't understand why this travesty is ignored. The regime is out of control.