''there will be no uprising…this is a silent war…and we don’t stand a chance if we don’t realize that our mind is the battlefield…there won’t be one shot fired…silent war - with frequencies too, and imperceptible (to most) …you will never see it coming…if you don’t have some knowledge of this, you cannot resist. at. all…''

That's a lot of negativity Pash. Beware of deadlines and those that sell them, ''available for 24 hours''.

''there will be no uprising'', you know this how? Maybe tell what to do. If ''they'' use frequencies against the people, it must mean that frequencies can be used against ''them'', yes?

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

A lot of negativity? You bet...you should watch this series, then you will know...

I've had a nasty couple of days - and TIs under attack tend to be just a tad pessimistic...

And yes, it is going behind a paywall, but each interview is offered for free - up front - for those who are motivated and interested in knowing the answers to all the questions you've asked me...and more, that might make you a bit pessimistic too...

I am very familiar with all of these interviewees, and they are in the crosshairs - dealing with more of this "heat" just for participating in and doing this series...these are not the people I need to beware of...I've gotten"heat" just for promoting it...like the reckless asshole fool that I am...

Two nights ago, my bedroom furbaby, Patches, was on my chest sleeping...we both seized up simultaneously...she tried to run, and was almost unable to walk...fell down the stairs she uses by the bed...I too felt the neuropathic pains, vertigo, head exploding and like I was cooking from the inside. She was blinded from that moment on...I've been on hospice watch with her and talking with veterinarians ever since...so many symptoms all at once, leaves them "baffled."

I have an appointment to put her down this afternoon...

I lost my last bedroom cat, Bobby, the same way months ago...and I should never have let another cat in my killbox bedroom...so, I haven't slept and I'm a bit triggered and royally pissed off right now...I'll try to stay calm...don't mean to unload on you, but most people have no idea about any of this horror.


Yes...lots of negativity can result from years of this hideousness...

I'll check back on this post and delete it once you've seen it...because even talking about it puts you in jeopardy - I can't post about it - and shouldn't even comment - we are all now monitored by AI and sent directly to you know who for reprimand...I'm probably in for another "sleepless" night.

But if you happen to see any of those frequency weapon units that we could turn on them - you know, the ghoulz that we still can't identify? maybe there's one listed on ebay or something, let me know...should be a cinch, no? Forgive my snark...I'm in a fukking mood...greif/rage/guilt...rinse and repeat...

be still my heart...

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I wonder Why only 24 hrs? Critical info these days should be to the masses regardless of a time period and definitely not behind a paywall like so much of the info out there. Thank you for sharing this.

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They're peddling fear x 2. Plus, they get an e-mail address.

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