The attack is obviously distributed unevenly in order to maintain plausible deniability, but it has only a single outcome:


Around here in rural KY, the attack is more leveraged, and quite a few people are now muzzling themselves, falling for their "doctors"'s ruse of "viral infection" (which doesn't exist).

About three weeks ago, my wife and I developed a cough (usually labeled as "long covid") after the electric company installed "smart" meters in the neighborhood:


5G-compatible routers/phones/"smart" devices and meters have the uncanny ability to turn the local electric grid into a giant killer antenna:


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Sep 20Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Mullein tea helps alleviate the cough. My belief is that there’s natural immunity in the plants that grow around us. All of them! Even Kudzu has medical value for respiratory issues!!

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I use mullein in liquid form - especially helpful on heavy chemtrail days.

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Sep 20Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Anyone with these weapons would be part of the deep state. Since Trump is part of that himself, even if there is some actual use of these, they are psyops to promote division and civil unrest (it's an Operation Gladio re-run), to remind us the faked right-left conflict is "real", and to distract us from fake vaxes, the coming war with Russia, chemtrails, econ crash, etc.

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It's my opinion that they're taking the temp in the room on the Trump thang. Seeing IF folks are lukewarm OR IF their media driven fear porn will work on the rest. These weapons are VERY real.

REALER than our "elected" officials anyways.

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5 Known teams. all our own. NO wars seems a bad platform to stand on.

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Sep 20Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Off topic I know, but concerned Republican Congress and Senate members are worried about UN power grab coming up for signature. The WHO Pandemic treaty failed but now the UN is starting to sound like the WEF and it's true they do work closely together. I urge everyone to contact their elected representatives, especially Senators telling them to vote no to this NWO plan. It's less than 30 minutes watch time. I wrote my Representatives about this two years ago but now that it's close they are finally showing concern because Joe & the Hoe will sign over US Sovereignty over to the UN without a second thought. They really do align themselves with Marxist Communists and the video explains how property confiscation and slavery could become reality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYV0RjaVuhg&t=922s

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and gun confiscation, by any means necessary...

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Sep 20Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Yeah under a Harris/Walz Administration the 1st & 2nd will end. They are arresting people in the UK over FB posts. It was like 3000 arrests in 2023 and after protests over migrant issues I am sure 2024 will be higher. Yet in Russia they had only 400 arrested over social media posts. So who is more restrictive. I think Greg Reese pointed out WEF Totalitarian PM Starmer met with Biden to discuss using missiles against Russia. Thing is Putin promises a surprise for the UN and EU Nato members. Keep poking the bear and it's going to bite. Surprised there wasn't any action taken Biden & Nuland were behind the blowing up of Nord Stream pipeline.

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What to do about the 50 individual state laws already on the books in lockstep with UN/WEF agenda. You can be forcibly quarantined and vaccinated, by your state, with no help from UN/WHO/WEF

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Kansas is suing Pfizer over false claims of effectiveness and excessive harms. A large number of Republican Governors have said they would not be a part of anything with the UN/WHO/WEF so I wonder what happens then, does the US military start attacking US citizens or is this the purpose of all the military aged single men that came into the country through the border. They hate us so it should be easy for them to do.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Just like the Aussies that were protesting the horrific CV19 mandates a few years ago- people were severely burned in their faces. Apparently from microwave technology that troops had on trucks… I honestly feel we are watching an entire simulation of our world 🌎

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That's a tricky one.

Maybe driving him underground is the goal. After all, the two previous attempts were somehow amateurish and were maybe meant to fail?

How can you win an election from a bunker?

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everyone is dug in...no pun intended...no one will change their mind about their vote between now and then, regardless of how many more rallies...

and do we really have elctions...or selections? It's a shitshow...

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Sep 20Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Was listening to this last night. Off topic but something of interest to me was one of victims names Mya I think. She used to be a director of Planned Parenthood if I understood it correctly. Just thought it amazing that she had switched sides. Would be interesting to hear why I suspect.

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Yes...Maya was director of PP - quit and changed sides...intersting that she took a real bad hit on this...

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Dear God...This is NOT going to STOP...We the People have to STOP this...Like NOW!

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If they want trump dead he would be

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The Goldfish Report journalist Louisa has been burned on face by microwave s in past. She is a trailblazer! The system took her children to shut her up! She stands tall fighting for all of us!

So now others are being targeted who support sovereignty! Our awareness and consciousness prevails over the Prefatory class!

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