Jun 24Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Death codes ICD 10 or ICD 9 / they use the ICD codes to track the vax status of individuals in the Health Care System. ICD 10 is set to different dash numbers after it; whether you are not vaxed, under vaxed, fully vaxed, etc.... so it looks like this thing about ICD-9-CM E978 has some validity. It doesn't surprise me too much. I think most people here are fully aware the purpose of Government is to be as lethal as possible to the Settled, Natural born free Inhabitants.

This is why when we win against them; the individuals who are making the decisions and planning, will be the ones who actually experience the executions themselves. Bankers, Joint Chiefs, all the Politicians, Royals, Private Equity Owners and Pedophile Ring Networks ---- without them we can all live in Peace.

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(they) will be the ones who actually experience the executions themselves.

I so hope you are right - and that we are still alive to see it...

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I think we will be here to see it; if they really try it. ;-)

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Jun 24Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

There is no guarantee that the psycho handlers will succeed. It could very well backfire on them. Otherwise, their sinister plan would have been in operation by now. However, the designed diabolical plan unfolds as we witness the crumbling, dystopic, woke, and broken-down society politically, socially, economically and medically. A heavy burden goes with knowing what's coming down the pipeline. It's also a gift of warning to prepare to weather the storm. In this scenario, you need to play the long game to survive. A sufficient number of millions of citizens must die to motivate the rest of them into proactive measures of active resistance. lol (as silly as this sounds)

The overseers irrational emotional exuberance has shown cracks, or failed attempts, like COVID which tripped over itself because too many people were waking up to the false narrative. 40,000,000 and counting jab-related deaths can stir the most woke people into a new awareness. Now the assault is on multiple fronts leading to an existential threat to humanity itself. The stakes are high. "You will have nothing and be a miserable slave," they say. But there are no guarantees once the frictions of war on humanity are unleashed. We have a front-row seat to one of humanity's greatest shitshows.

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So smart and well said, Denis...and we need all the optimism we can muster at this asylum...because the Grande Dame at the Door, often channels Debbie Downer...

You would think that over 40,000,000 deaths and many more injured would be enough to wake people up. I think that we are hit so hard with poisons and frequencies - and so traumatized and already modified and mentally crippled to such a degree that we are already neutered beyond our will to survive...

Maybe when Netflix goes down our well-fed militia might be motivated to action? J6 terrified anyone who might have been willing to take action...we are so screwed...says Debbie...

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Thanks, Pash. Most people won't wake up. They are the primary casualties. We're in a real-life multi-pronged game of soft genocide that requires us to be one step ahead. to survive. I never cashed my Ontario voucher for 50 bucks with proof that I took the toxic sludge shot. lol

Despite all the bad things, I feel great , focus on the positives and maintain a good mindset. They may not want me to be happy but I am. They may want me dead but I live. They want my soul but they ain't gettin it. We have the upper hand on them that's why they fear us so much. They're the Wizard of Oz ,evil, outnumbered and without substance. Cheers.

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Jun 23Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I recall reading some years ago that Wally World structures were designated for dubious purposes. There’s video of concerned citizens filming odd developments at those structures that were closed but later buzzing with secretive activity.

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Jun 24Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Yup I saw that. It showed that they were closed but the idea is to make them camps.😡

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Jun 24Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

A lot of subterranean activity hidden by the structure as well.

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Jun 24Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

The question is, why would they need coffins? Why not just dump us in mass graves? Why the food? These are the questions that don’t quite add up 🤔

Also, Americans need to stop falling for the divide and rule games. Most of the Islamic terror attacks came via the psychopathic elites and Muslims are just as much victims of this as you are. More so in fact. I don’t doubt the existence of these camps but the coffins and meals bit don’t make sense to me.

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Jun 24Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

And these hotels are paid by the tax payers I’m sure.😡

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Jun 23Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Every Outlet Mall looks like that, food court included!! 😱 The link to the Zombie map came up as “link doesn’t exist” for me. I guess I’m already on the list. 🙄

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Walmart Super Centers were discovered by google search as FEMA Camp in 2016+/- and this discovery went viral so.....google had to fix the issue. The fix is in and many believe those super centers connect to DUMBS.

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