Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

" I could be way off, but whatever, when am I NOT way off and out there? It’s my comfort zone." 🤣🤣🤣 This is a masterpiece, one of my faves of yours. Of course I'll check him out. Thank you for sharing him. I'm sure I'll love him. ❤️💕❤️

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a great interview - Harmonic Atheist



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Jun 12Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke



Free downloads...use a VPN...if you've never used annas-archive before and have a problem getting one of these, feel free to drop a reply here and I'll try to walk you through their process...basically, click on the book title, then, on the resulting page,, pick either Slow Partner Server #2 or #3 and on the next resulting page, eventually you click on a bolded "Download Now". Of late, I have had to wait up to five minutes or so before being able to click on the Download Now...they didn't have a timer in the past, so maybe they're getting popular because people are waking up to our constellation of problems and are looking for helpful info...maybe.

I watched the Jesus Arrested and am saving the 3+ hour interview to watch in chunks...amazing find!

Interesting that the logic involved with the Trial by Ordeal used on witches goes back so far (if she floats, burn her...if she sinks, well, oops, our bad, she was innocent (Dolts Botching Shit) but at least God has clasped her to his watery bosom). If the blindfolded boy doesn't like getting anally raped, then it's a sign of rejecting Lucifer and he'll be fine as long as he keep his yap shut...talk about rigging the system to maximize the odds of a 'favorable outcome'.

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Excellent...thanks so much. The second half of the interview really gets good...wow! Enjoy!

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Jun 12Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Mwah, yo'self...

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a great interview - Harmonic Atheist


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If Xtians REALLY understood the gospels.....They would see that Jesus needed to be JAILED for crimes against humanity & children.

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Jun 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

This doesn’t surprise me at all Pasheen! I went to Catholic school for 12 years. I want nothing to do with Catholicism!

But, that being said, this is a great booklet in my opinion, regarding what the video speaks of…”1666 Redemption Through Sin”, Robert Sepehr, 2015

I never get man confused with God/Creator…I know better! I connect with my Creator every single day! God/Creator is all loving…man isn’t.

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Jun 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Look at the Pope's Audience Hall, shaped like a huge serpent's head with him sitting in its mouth. The serpent's mouthpiece.

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Jun 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Pure evil! Stay away from “organized religion”. And that DOESN’T mean stay away from GOD…quite the opposite!

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Jun 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I agree. Every single major organisation whether religious or not has been infiltrated with evil.

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Jun 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I find God in Nature! I walk 5 miles/day in nature. It’s absolutely soul changing…it’s pure God. QUIET, self reflection is like medicine! Literally! I also threw my television away over 20 years ago…pure garbage for the mind!

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Jun 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Just back from a long country walk! Calmed my soul! I threw out my TV after I woke up at the beginning of the covid scam and have never missed it once. Just lies and more lies.

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Jun 14Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Television is pure propaganda and brainwashing. It always was, and is now more than ever.

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Jun 12Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Wow ! somehow SS keeps unsubbing me from your stack, so when I don't see anything for a while I have to remember to come take a look.... so many subscriptions, so little time :)

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LOVE Dr. Ammon! He takes us sooo deep where others FAIL miserably to make connections or plainly WON'T. We've been played. Glad you posted this Diva!

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Me too, glad Pasheen posted this.

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It's a wild ride!

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Wow!!! This sounds amazing. Thank you for all your exploring ... and sharing. So many journeys for us.

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YW...it gets pretty intense and interesting about half way through - it does take awhile to get through the whole thing...

But I think if this ever hit critical mass it could bust down a lot of bs that has been keeping us under a spell of lies...it would be disclosure no less dramatic than ET exposure/disclosure. It might put a big dent in the ages-long exploitation, and worse, of children and the human family in general...can we get there?...I'm not so sure, the curve of knowledge moves so agonizingly slow, but we'll keep trying to enlighten? We could really use a Renaissance...XO

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I have finally finished watching . . . almost 2 months later. It is a long interview. Fascinating. In the comments on YT, lots of criticism of the interviewer, for not letting Ammon Hillman talk uninterrupted. I thought the interviewer was fine - someone with a large audience willing to interview Hillman. Then, what do I get from the interview? In the pro-truth world, so many people are traditional Christians. This is so very different. I tremendously appreciate the interview. Hillman comes across as utterly fact-centered. I have to let the information sink in further. And Pasheen, thank you so much for posting. I had no awareness of any of these original meanings.

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I found him fascinating...and courageous, if nothing else. So auspicious that you came back on this post. I just opened it up again myself, just hours ago, to include it in a comment on Tereza's post from this morning. Her post was great and she is such a clever girl, so I was curious as to what she might think...so I took a chance and popped it in the comments.

Here's her post...you might like it. Her Golden Rule Rant. I always enjoy her writing.


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I didn't go back to the video. I've kept watched in bits for 2 months - 20 min here and there. Definitely worthwhile but very long. And it wasn't stuff I needed to know.. Plus I got the general points in a few minutes. But each bit added.

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Jun 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Depravity, abusing children, is as old as mankind and extends to higher primates. Necessary to have scholarship and documentation about it in order to evolve and become enlightened beyond it to eliminate it.

Harmonic Atheist has a new subscriber.

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I subscribed too...would be so liberating to expose it all...and we need to call it out wherever we find it...even across the centuries, if necessary...

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Jun 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Will check it out - thanks for sharing.

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Jun 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Just finished it. A lot to unpack. I now understand why Latin is preferred in the Catholic religious circles...if it were Greek, they’d have realized what they were actually reading long ago. I know some really good humans that have chosen to continue their religious journey as deacons. I’m quite certain that they would abandon that path after coming to grips with Ammon Hillman’s interview.

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I recall a similar reaction to Jordan Maxwell’s work.


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Jun 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

More certain with every post that I am your sister from another mother. I love Ammons brand of cray cray and I believe in him. Thank you for the introduction. New addiction forming...

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Author

I feel a connection to you as well,, darling! Almost all of your rant comments sound like I could have written them! You are so smart too...so informed and awake!

Yes, Ammon is something else...so fearless and bold too, he got my attention...and how great would it be to bust down all of the religions - it would be so liberating...IMO, anyway...

what if everyone's God/savior/whatever turned out to be a pedo and child trafficker...it would not surprise me in the least. We already know of a few.

And, just an fyi, we just got a generator...a small one, and not too expensive...just enough...and it's still sitting in the dining room...LOL But it is assembled!

Hang in there...💖

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Author

a great interview - Harmonic Atheist

one of Hillman's best interviews...


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He’s a very, very creepy guy. I’d like to see his tattoos…that would tell me A LOT.

He gives me chills up my back, personally.

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Jun 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Would you let the guy baby sit your small children.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Author

😍 Ha...great question.

I purposely never had any children...because I wouldn't let ANYONE baby sit...I wouldn't have ever let them out into this world...no grandkids to worry about either...just my choice.

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Yet you didn't answer the question. No answer is an answer.

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check out the body language, intoneation , mannerisms...

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What this guy is saying is a bunch or junk. I know many translations of the bible from the greek and many scholars work on translations form the original greek and Jesus is not a pedo and never did any of the things this guy is claiming. There is no naked boy, etc. None of this is written in any book anywhere.

These are the lies and fantasies of a mentally ill person.

Why people who claim atheism spend so much time talking about Jesus and God is crazy. It would be like me talking endlessly and obsessively about aliens when I don't believe they exist.

Listen to this person talk. It's simply sad how sick he is.

I get that you have some kind of vendetta against God. You aren't the first. Just leave Him alone.

Don't spread hatefulness like this or encourage others to participate in hate with you.

It would be like me spreading a lie that you rescue cats and skin them alive for fun so you can make tacos out of them and sell them out of the trunk of your car for a buck.

There is no need for this. Anywhere. On the chance you consider God is real. Jesus is real. Remember your hatefulness and what this means for your spirit. Your soul.


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there are many accounts both recenty and ancient about this ... what /how are going to be written down inn history books about what happened with this kowidd , they are already lieing from many world wide people sources about what happened with kowidd doctor sources, phd well respected liers,, the ones in power write the history yesterday today and tomorrow because its written doesnt mean its true

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because they have phd s doesnt mean they dont are not emotionally mentally spiritually damaged lie or are not corruptable , cant be bribed, or blackmailed ,they can be pshycopathic ,evil genious s, like alister crowley mao stalin hitler mengel etc etc be4cause its written doesnt give it truth status

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