
I could post so many more videos on this, but they are out there for everyone to fin that might be interested. I say we move on to bigger and more hideous and disappointing stuff, don't you agree?

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

What do we KNOW? What IS-rael? They simply have us waiting for the removal of players on the chessboard. Who's turn is it to deceive? Assange is merely a pawn..... a vessel being played in a game show that nobody really wins..... all for show. Star....Wars. ... or, As above so below...war in heaven. War of the "stars". The greatest show on Earth.

I often wondered IF Assange was even real...or just another actor that they hired out of that school in ISrael...Like AOC.

Humanity is not ready for such a complex script.

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I have thought the whole Assange thing was a psyop for years. Never bought into it. Would he now be walking free if it weren't?

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Jun 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Was he REALLY in a 2x3 ft cell for 23 hours for FIVE years ?? Can anybody PROVE it?? I think it was a crisis actor scenario...AGAIN & some more! :) They like to keep our minds busy while they extort, kill & maim us.

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Yes, I've always wondered about that-- he looks remarkably well for someone who was supposedly kept in those conditions.

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Gaddd... He looks Xtremely HEALTHY, even his color is great... not pasty as a result of being in a dark cell,24/7, for so many yrs...

He even walked up the airplane stairs, l8ke an athlete... Interesting

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YES! Exactly! Good observations!

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

PLUS He's on the Illuminutty playing cards! You are RIGHT! Total SCRIPTED Psyop!

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I didn't know he was portrayed on one of those cards. Will have to have a look at that. That's just like Jason Aldeans tattoo was portrayed on the Vegas illuminati card more than a decade before he was on that stage during the alleged "shootings".

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Jun 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Definitely scripted. I sent you a pic of the card in question. The card says "Stay Dead".

WHAT is THAT supposed to mean? Is he already dead? WHO is the actor playing Assange?

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Jun 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

"The truth, no matter what…and we can break up with anyone at any moment…" 💥🔥❤️ Thanks for posting this. Food for thought. ❤️

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indeed...and it wouldn't be the first man to disappoint me...

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Jun 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I hear that! And I would include some women too.... ❤️💕❤️

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too true...LOL ❤️💕❤️

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I heard 2day, @slownewsday , that $tella=a $Ρ00Κ

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Jun 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

https://t.me/a4444444b/30339 https://t.me/a4444444b/30343 Seeking the Truth Telegram

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Jun 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke


💬Assange's dodgy story

Assange "fighting the NWO":

Didn't got sentenced for hacking 25 websites including the Pentagon. Politically biased "leaks" (never exposes Trump, even defends Putin).

Pushes the official 9/11-narrative.

Has own show on RT.

Connections to RoΘschild:

Got hyped up in 2008 by RoΘschild-owned 'The Economist'

Uses RoΘschild's lawyer.

- Uses Fox RoΘschild lawfirm.

- RoΘschild helped pay his bail.

While being "wanted by USA" (and later Interpol):

Does interviews like Βin Laden.

Wines and dines at US embassy.

Voice-over Actor for the Simpsons.



Other questionable things:

Grew up in a very strange cult.

Old hacker-name was Mendax, which translates: deceitful, lying.

Collaborated with MSM for the "leaks".

Edits "leaks".

- Is a multi-million dollar private enterprise, not public interest.

Links at: jpst.it/1fKsi

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Jun 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

💬If someone is on the world stage, it's because they were put there to fulfil a role. There are no heroes.

That's the cold, hard truth.

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Jun 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

This is how Caroline of Seeking the Truth sees it. Being very naive and quite trusting, my eyes have been opened these past feew years, learning about geo politics, allopathic meds and never to believe anything by gov, MSM, Alt Media as truth.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Facts Girl! Awesome LINK!

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Ιt s Markker☝️☝️ who found the source anddd I'm REALLY confused...

Time will tell; buttttt, He sure does look healthy + rosy,for being in a dark cell for so many yrs... Also,what s w his release day 6/ 24 [6]/ 24 [6]...lolski

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Jun 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Oh Cool. Credit where credit is due.

The release date says it ALL Numbers tell the story that most refuse to acknowledge. Cleared up any confusion for me anyways :)

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Jun 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thanks for posting. I've always had my doubts about Assange, but never said much because so many seemed to buy into it. Years ago, I used to listen to Sibel Edmonds, and I think she had doubts about him too. I'm pretty sure that Assange dismissed 9/11 truth and wikileaks never released anything about 9/11 being a false flag. (fwiw- Candance Owens has been speaking out about the Zionist links to 9/11, including Lucky Larry Silverstein)

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Jun 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

He hs some weird photos of him covering "the eye," + some gestures that t lIIυΜIΝΑΤΥ Do...

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Jun 27Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Interesting - I had never heard that but it doesn’t surprise me.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Still listening, but I might have another take on the video about Assange. First off, Assange’s comments about 9/11 were made many years ago. Has anyone asked him what he thinks is the truth about 9/11 now? (IF he’s actually been able to access info coming at us all, which has changed over time). In the beginning, I argued with my son about it when he said it was controlled detonations, because I read and believe the so-called ‘evidence’ put forth in Popular Mechanics saying how it could be that planes brought the buildings down. Now I’ve read more evidence and understand better. I now think it was DEW’s (not planes, or only controlled detonations)….evolution of beliefs happen as more info comes out.

Second, in this video it even says perhaps Assange was used by the CIA regarding Israel, which wouldn’t have told of the bad underbelly, okay, so did the CIA do their normal dirty work of planting things for Assange to pick up regarding Israel? And also info about Iraq’s ‘weapons of mass destruction’?

See. I’m not buying this quick assessment of Assange quite yet, I need to hear more from him….what does he think, believe or know about 9/11 now, and about Israel now? (IF he’s been able to keep informed of newer revelations while locked up).

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Jun 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Zionist leaders are so evil, I would not put anything past them!

I still think Assange was and is a heroic journalist who uncovered need-to-know truths in some areas and not in others.

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Hopefully he'll have to do some interviews? Eyes open...xo

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

After reading this whole thread, my mind is completely blown. I always believed Julian was a heroic journalist. And still have hope. There could be other reasons for him to have said that back then so....like Stella said...keeping open mind. Seems like he paid a hellacious price for his journalism. I've read a theory that he was poisoned in the Equadorian embassy in London and was replaced with an actor after he died there. So many conspiracy theories so little time...

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Jun 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I was looking for a video on Odysee to answer another persons questions on US Milirary crimes that triggered Pompeo to want Assange assassinated and saw one video with an photo shopped Assange's face with nose to depict a cartoon drawing of be like a group we cannot speak about and now I cannot find it. Here is one tell all video that does a tell all. https://odysee.com/@DannyBoyLimerick:f/VID_20240625_140923_661:2 It's important to know that Bush made the false claim of weapons of mass destruction as none were ever found. Iraq wanted payment in Euros vs. depreciating US Dollars. So many wars for oil and other resources but now there is a war on oil because of the climate hoax. So, whether Assange is a hero is up for debate. I will vote for Trump as the lessor of two evils but we catch him lying again at the very end. To be successful in Politics I guess you have to lie.

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Jun 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

What does Julian have to do with the Noahide Covenant? I think there are few readers as qualified as I am (aka stupid) to show that I am completely against the Noahide Covenant. However, criticism of it from the perspective of "They killed Jesus!" is just a battle of psyops. And they both report to the same people.

But I didn't watch the video to get to the part where Julian is a co-conspirator. And it's quite the lifetime actor, if so. I realized from another post that 1900 days were just the ones in Belmarsh (aka Ba'al marsh). It's actually 4,388 Days – June 19, 2012 To June 24, 2024 or 10 yrs and 5 days.

Here's my latest street cred as a critic of the Noahide: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/yahchopeeps

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don't know, but count me in on the Noahide Covenant critic camp...in fact I think there is another link on that in the description - but I haven't looked at it...

I thought the dive was stunning, especially today in light of what we know, with regard to the Zs, and having witnessed so clearly the hideous genocide in Gaza. We never did pay as much attention to the numbers and horrors of the middle east conflicts to such a degree, buying into the narrative, at least I didn't - but we know so much more now...or at least I think I do?

thx, Tereza

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Jun 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Love being caught in the muddle with you, Pasheen. I'll keep the vid handy. Even when I don't agree with an overall conclusion, there's often a lot of valid info. And I don't know whether Julian is complicit, I just know that using a Biblical argument of superiority to deride another Biblical claim to superiority is a house of mirrors (all inflating).

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

It isn't really about that - the vid - that is...but just staying fluid...ready to reconsider everything we think we know...things are never as they seem...and it wouldn't be the first time I fell for the wrong man...

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