Sep 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water just yet!!! Remember when the “Date Rape” drug scare first happened in the early 90’s? Well leading doctors in Europe were using GHB successfully to cure (yes cure) alcoholism and depression. GHB has no side effects because it is a naturally occurring substance in our brain and breaks down into CO2 & H2O.

Harmaceutical companies went on a full out vilifying media campaign against GHB because well... profits from Prozac or other antidepressants might not make millions for them. True if one ingests too much, they’ll just fall asleep. And yes GHB could potentiate other nefarious substances but again, GHB does have its proven efficacy with depression and alcoholism.

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good to know...thanks!

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Very true. It wasn’t GHB causing it, it was roofies Rohypnol causing the blackouts. Yet as you said, the prescription medical cartel did not want to have a drug that cost nothing on the market for depression, anxiety, sleep aid that was non-addictive

Midwestern Doctor tackled this here:


Jimmy Dore covered the Midwestern doctors article on this as well:


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Sep 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

GHB had application as a sleep aid for PTSD sufferers before it got banned with pharma help....

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Sep 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

More and more evidence continues to pour out ... but what is more important is: Will there be Justice? If the members of the DOJ are "in the club" they will protect the elites ... until the end ... and there MUST be an end to this. If we have to storm the castle with pitchforks and shovels, I say, let's go! We must save the children and stop this evil forever.

A rumor is floating that the Cabal has given orders to all the celebs that they have to tell their fans to vote for Kamala, or their careers are over. (If this pedo/adrenachrome information becomes mainstream, none of them will have careers and will have to run for their lives.) I find it hard to believe that a celeb can get their entire fan-base to vote for a particular candidate, and too many people are removing themselves from TinselTown Celebs to give them ANY credence whatsoever. Another rumor is celebs are frantic and making plans to leave the country should DJT get elected. It could all be hype, but perhaps we are finally closing in on the PedoMasters after all. I F'ng hope so.

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I've heard that many have already left the country in a hurry...the one good thing about celebs is they do love to talk...so many people are piling on with stories...I could post them all day long...they are literally running for their lives...and yes...they were all told to get out the vote for Kabala...they know their lives depend on it...I'm just glad it is getting traction...it's pilling a lot of people...💖

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Sep 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

It took them long enough to get Puffy, but I am happy that he is finally being held accountable for what he has done to people. He cannot buy his way out of this situation.

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Sep 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Bury him and his gang

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🙀it’s hard to believe it’s real. the evil is ramping up.

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Sep 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

yep saw that earlier. Makes sense. No one would confiscate baby oil FFS.

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Hey Baby! What are you going to do with all the baby oil? Btw, I prefer coconut oil.

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And so many knew and were in on it.

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Sep 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Why do I have the feeling that he is going to be Epstein'd

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Sep 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Just when you think it can't get any worse!

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Sep 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Oh, it's way worse. Tip of the iceberg, so many more people involved.

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I hear that many celebrities are leaving the country...

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Sep 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

You can run

You can hide



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Sep 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

This is worldwide!

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Good Lord ya don’t say!!! I thought you were going to increased sexual performance 🎭 but you didn’t.. never knew such oil existed!!! GHB

ADD a adrenochrome on the rocks

Cocaine on the mirror

Sex slaves

Some GHB

Jesus these people are well …. Sex is the most common denominator of our fine species.

Where’s the list ? I see he got moved out of the J6 gulag, being a billionaire one has influence.

It’s not baby oil. Well well it all must on video, in the fbi hands along with Weiners laptop hunters laptop

Next to the pizza gate files all for opening and shocking us fairly normal people.

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Lord have mercy! What the holy hell are these Evil Baalzeebub's minions Planning?

Bye the way You have a beautiful name Pasheen!

Om Swastyastu!!!🕉 Rahayu Rahayu 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌

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Isn't ghb water soluble?

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