
I just heard from a good friend of mine re: this post...here's what he wrote:

Dear Pasheen,

Remarkably, I came to the same conclusion a while back, but I have not pitched it because it is way over people's heads, but a geat number of abductees and contactees come back altered, spouting and espousing the same Communist tropes like doing everything "For the greater good" or "Stop Climate Change" or "There is no such thing as gender" or "There are 57 genders."

Read the Einstein-Oppenheimer Letter and you see that Einstein and Oppenheimer recommend that in dealing EBEs the Truman Administration should embrace a different attitude to make a treaty with the aliens, which they referred to as "Res Communis."




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Sep 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I think it best to never put any stock into anyone who channels. It can be interesting to explore it, but if one buys in and thinks they found a pipeline to the truth expect to be disillusioned.

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thx for the reminder...

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Sep 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

The deep state infiltrated the New Age movement in the latter part of the 90's. That's why it became woke.

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Sounds reasonable, because that magical dude is clearly supporting a puppet for the warmongers. That is not the meaning of "communism".

Sitting in stillness like Jesus, might lead to a mental state of unity and sharing voluntarily. Also, the nanotechnology might lead to extreme unity, however it must be voluntary, in that case, and not a control tool.


Communism becomes logical at the point when production goes above a certain level, becoming abundant, except for the extremly greedy of course who will always feel poor, no matter what.

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Sep 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

The deep state timed it with Y2K, which was also their doing, and made New Age foolish.

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Sep 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Hi Pash. About a year ago, I came across Bashar on www.NextLevelSoul.com & podcast.

I watched & listened to his free videos. He is kinda wokey. The entity he channels sounds very arrogant and superficial. According to Revisioning 9/11 researchers, there is technology that can project an illusion of an airplane, or space ship in the sky. They call it Volumemetric generated images. On the day of 9/11, people in the street saw a real life illusion of an “airplane.”

At first, researchers were claiming it was CGI, (Computer Generated Images), is what most people saw on TV. And, of course there is Voice to Skull technology. Bashar claims one day, in broad daylight he saw a Space Craft while driving. Did he actually see a real Space Craft? Could the entity he channels be Voice to Skull technology (V-to-K).?

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great questions...and musings...who knows...but interesting about Volumemetric images!

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I have been around a few channelers..How could I not, I lived in the L.A. basin and also Monterey and San Diego...they seemed to be everywhere. To me it seemed like they were shifting to another personality of their own, as if they were split somehow and could call that one out, but not some other being. Always seemed suspect but maybe I never met a real one. I wanted to though...

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I wanted to as well...grasping for some clarity and truth...still grasping...💖

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Sep 25Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Haha, 'feel-god'. That's intentional, yes, not a typo? Excellent!

My only objection is to lumping everything in spirituality that's not orthodox religion into New Age. What does that phrase even mean? The Bible is touted as a channeled text, they just don't use that word. There are tests of logic and critical thinking for whether you should entertain the possibility that something could be the word of God, or reject it. Does it contradict what you know to be true--for me, that no one is superior to anyone else? Does it contradict history, ethics, language? Does it have internal contradictions, so that one statement can't be true without another being false?

The Bible contains all of these contradictions. Unless you believe some people are born to be slaves, you MUST reject the Bible as the word of God. After 20 yrs of reading it daily, I've never found a contradiction in A Course in Miracles--it's internally consistent and seeing others as equal is the prerequisite for the possibility that we're OneMindDreaming.

Is New Age even a movement? Who are its leaders? What are its doctrines? And what do we call heterodox pov about God? I think that every person and thought system should be evaluated individually. While it's convenient to reject whole swaths, it sure makes it easy for anyone looking to convince us that how things are are how they'll always be because there is no God or God is on the Empire's side.

Love ya, Pasheen!

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you are sharp... not a typo!

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But, but, aren't commies, just the jews? 🤣🤣🤣🔯😎🤡🌎

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if only...

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No ifs, buts, or excuses, for jews, please!🤡🌎😎 All Communism and Mafia on earth, is jewish!!! Prove me wrong?

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lots of fake jews too...

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Yup, Baalzabubs, Fake, satanic, luciferian, jews from Iran, Phoenicia, and Babylon? I don't think so. They are all Talmudic, jews, right? Just sayin'! The devils talmud, as Jesus said, "Is in Every synagogue of satan on earth", right?🤔😎🤡🌎🤣

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Well said.

I read a Bashar book decades ago, and most of it was the usual "create your own reality" material. However, in the last chapter, it explained that in the future, humanity would genetically merge with the Greys. No thanks. So that's why they were promoting "create your own reality" techniques – they wanted us to "create" that we're going to merge with an alien bunch of emotionally shut-down beings.

I realized that the Greys are promoting a genetic merge because their Grey civilization is so unbalanced that they need our fascinating and creative divine human genetic material to get their civilization out of the self-created rut that they're in, all because of their own bad decisions.

And if, as you've discovered, they're now going down the hopeless road to wokeness, then I definitely don't want to merge with them in the slightest. That's wokeness for you – alien beings cut off from their divine hearts and souls think that woke makes sense.

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