Jul 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Wow. I just experienced this. I bought avocados and they were rubber. I thought maybe they weren't ripe yet but they never changed. I had to throw the entire bag out

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thanks for the word!

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Jul 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Me too! Avocados ....Hard for over a week! Never ripened! Brown on inside! YUCKO!

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wow you too huh? GREAT that some people are noticing.

i wonder what happens to the people who don't notice...can they chew it? Do they swallow it? Do they survive the night?

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Jul 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

ALL good questions .... I wonder as well!

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your name is a fab play on words. Jeannettecally Modified. You made me smile.

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Jul 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thank You Yolanda. :)

I'm modified more than most. No coincidences here.

I'm glad you smiled!!

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heehee. Bet you're a bright star.

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Jul 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Can't rust government but trust your grocer! Trust your fav restaurant! Drink plastic Stbuks!

We must destroy corporate food economy along w everything else-its a feeder for corporate medical/big pharm. Only eat what you can source directly like ancestors did or prepare to be really sick, endlessly.

Easier said than done. But this is WAR.

Its the animals who depend on human integrity to not be fed poison I cry hardest for- can't source real food for our fur babes and their suffering is just as real.

When we lost all our bee colonies to poison 6 years ago I knew we were all screwed...matter of time.

Next chocolate covered almond,thank a bee.

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Wine and potato chips...might as well?

I ams so with you on this...

"It's the animals who depend on human integrity to not be fed poison I cry hardest for- can't source real food for our fur babes and their suffering is just as real."

As for sourced food...as you said, easier said than done...especially in a big city...intermittent fasting and less food - only what I really enjoy eating (but examining it all to the best of my ability and knowledge) as aware as possible about how I feel after eating certain things...? It is the best I can do...

Dark chocolate-covered almonds always agree with me...

At some point we will have to make peace with our synth/borg bodies...those who actually survive this tranzition, that is...but that is the impression I get from my OBEs, where I try to see what is coming...probably why I am more of a hard-core realist on the impending "gloomy" outcome of the human experiment...seeing it coming to a close? I don't post about the OBEs...I still can't trust them to not be showing me alternate realities...so I'm cautious about projecting them. It's a slippery realm. Unless we somehow shift into an alt timeline/parallel reality? If we can, how many will it take to assist us? Who will or can make that leap? At least in our present physical form...

I'm just spitballing here - sorry to go off the chain and run my mouth on all of this...it's the kinship I feel with you that makes me open up and share this stuff? This democide has hampered my paranormal pursuits...my creativity...and all the things I love to do and miss so much? And my sanity...

Hang in there...

So sorry about your bees...and all the precious bees...and all biological life...it is heartbreaking and maddening to witness...XO

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I started praying to bind Gate’s demons.

The animals won’t touch the Apeel crap

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i'm praying for a big sinkhole under his house, which he meets just as the BLOB (old movie character) rolls across town and shakes that loose dirt free...and tumbling down it all goes...

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke


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The Big Box (chain) Stores: Safe Way, Target, Wall Mart, Costco, etc. the Junk Food Industrial Complex. CARTELS & Monopolies. Destroy all the Farms and manufacture synthetic “Foods.”

Moving toward the BRAVE NEW WORLD.

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Bought bananas that never ripened - threw them out.

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fabulous video Pasheen.

Love that man Alex!

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Demon food.

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Do we realize that everything false & evil originated with Satan and not God, the marvelous Creator?

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The Synangogue of Satan!!!

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