I can tell you what they are doing here in Nz, carbon credit pine trees. So the farmers have now more incentive to plant their farms into pine trees and de stock their farmers than to keep farming and this is happening at an alarming rate. I see new pine plantations everywhere.

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I read they’re felling and burying trees in the states to save the planet.

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Yes...Bill Gates...

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Yes a very stupid idea!!

If gates is doing it it has only genocidal intentions

We should be planting trees!!

Gates I just can not believe he walks free still??!!!

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hopefully, not for long...

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Sooner the better!! Indeed burying trees.

Bury his fat ugly beady eyes permanently.

Lord says love your enemies, I’m not very receptive

Pray for my enemies I don’t get my hands on them.

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Sounds like monopolization to me. Vivek and Elon need to clamp this in the butt and break them up.

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I agree. Add State Street into that Triad from Hell, and dismantle them all, take away all their assets and redistribute to honest companies which will produce REAL HEALTHY FOOD, and make Real Estate affordable and available to ALL, dismantle Big Pharma and change the Medical Cartel into REAL HEALING, etc. This all MUST happen or Humanity is done.

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Good ideas, there.

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State Street the 3rd thanks I’d forgot their name. Yes and bingo to all your points!!

Break em Up!

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The guy who CGI'd a car in space and said it looks so fake it has to be real.....that guy?

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Please explain “CGI’d a car”.

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They may be investing in it...

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Always seems unstoppable to a reader who looks at this and thinks, 'What can be done to pull out of this?'

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I know...I have no answers...just information...

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Thank you for getting these articles out there! You are appreciated!

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In the meanwhile, find local organic farmers who will never be using the death chemicals.

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We are splitting off of this fake food world. The Separation is real. Pick your lane- where do YOU want to be?

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Control over fertilizers. I think that says a lot

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Can someone break the stranglehold of Black Rick and Van Guard, another name I’ve forgotten.

This must be connected with the 70 plus food facilities being burnt down.

Big AG like Big Pharma both too big for their britches!

Bill gates this guy is everywhere you don’t want him

Land, trains, vaxxines, chemtrails…

Thinking Trump Team will address railroads

And the evil giants who seem to own everything

How does one bring down 2 super wealthy insatiable owners?

One brick one dollar one another wakening that

We face the ones who build the missiles, surveillance on its own citizens, willing to create wars, to take the children, blow up cities, homes, lives, contracted to rebuild what they just sent to ashes.

Break the vicious cycle!! MAGA God and fellow patriots.

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