Why does Twitter always take me to the wrong page? Last time I clicked a link a 300lb woman wearing black bdsm was twirling around a stripper pole showing her crotch like the new Jared Ledo video.
X-cellent...I'm now a fan too. And TY so much for your subscription and kind words. I'm always so moved to think my offerings are appreciated...especially when I barely know how to use this platform and I'm too swamped (and lazy) to learn it...LOL Mwah!
Your boy Biden sure gave a show yesterday, almost giddy about the 2,000 children still missing;
He even admitted they'll never be found, "CREMATED" already by intense heat, of the fire
Most think the reason for the mass child sacrifice is that the locals were not letting team-Oprah sodomize the children, so like a biblical condemnation Biden ordered "If we can't have your children, then you don't get them either"; Hollywood was there on Front, and ton's of tourists.
Mass murder, no evidence no bodys, just like they always do think "WACO"
1.) Accelerants dumped the day before to raise the fire temp from 1300F (normal grass fire) to 4500F ( thermite) burning
4.) HECO never turned off power, power remained hot all day to make sparks
5.) All the big-wigs were off island
6.) Fire-dept called at 7am for first fires, declared all out at 10am an went home and called it a day
7.) 230PM calls go out that fire just jumped the bypass
8.) No sirens all day, EMERGY direc said he didn't activate cuz dumb fuckers would have run up into the fire, thinking it was a tsunami ( yes he really said that )
9.) 3pm the fire engulfs the town, at 430pm the island of maui updated their website to say that the Lahaina was on fire, by then the town pretty much destroyed
10.) Children sent home at 9am to empty homes and told to 'shelter in place', and wait to die; Note most parents on maui working 3+ jobs just to pay the rent.
11.) Reports of 100's of homeless still living in the ruins, and robbing corpses of jewerly at night and living in houses that didn't burn by day; Local cops say that the county&state told them to stand-down and not arrest homeless, the GOV wants them to just stay there and die from toxic poisoning.
12.) Eventually GOV will find "Treasure" tons of gold teeth & jewelery and stolen shit, then the GOV will use that to demonize the surviving homeless and call them grave-robbers.
13.) Black-Plauge, and/or Bubonic plaugue is around the corner, and the homeless that wonder outside of the dead-zone will infect normies
14.) All water is contaminated
15.) All food is assumed to be tainted.
16.) Eventually GOV will quarantine the enter west Island and call it a 'no-mans zone' and displace all the survivors off island, most likely big-island refugee camps
Why did all this happen? Biden lost Ukraine War, now there is no place for his ashkeNAZI people to live the assumption was UKRAINE to become "Greater Israel" Yinon Plan, now its back to 1880's Hertzl plan that Hawii to become ashkeNAZI state.
BLUE ROOF seems to be the new "Star of David", you got a blue roof that Oprah blue then ZOG ain't going to incinerate your house, or the drones aren't going to drop 'accelerants' on your property the day before the big fire;
There are some paints that aborb 'radar signals', I wonder if these paints could be used for some kind of 'cone of silence'?? Say they were housing child-sex dungeons or something;
Normally on say these metal roofs they could beam lasers or radar and peoples conversations can be heard by the reflections ( basic spying ) over-head balloon, drone, but if the RF is absorbed nothing returns.
MIL are really into this I used to know some MIL guys that all painted their cars with these paints and autos were totally blind to COP radar guns;
I've thought of that...just not sure I want lead paint in my bedroom...which is white...the color I would want...and no time to do it...I'll have to make it through with my EMF tent.
Really Interesting DD ! So let's raise the fun paranoid scale. Now I finally realize why I felt so safe sucking down flapjacks, internationally. Tho' it coulda been the massive amount of maple syrup.
Most laser that BURN metal & infrastructure are 'infrared' IR that is invisible energy to the human eye.
Something is "BLUE" because it reflects blue, and ergo blue wouldn't be absorbed.
Let's recall here ...
IR, Red, Green, Blue, Violet, UV ( IR, &UV are invisible to human eye, and UV has MORE energy than IR ), blue lasers are the most powerful visual lasers, normally in industry to cut metal IR lasers are used.
Technically 'blue roof' would be good if you knew somebody was doing a UV high power laser, as that would reflect the blue; But other than a high point on the island that had range-of direct site down to Lahaina, how could such a thing could be done, not by air, or sky; Some say that the high MIL mountains overlooking Lahaina could have shot high-energy, but the angle is usually 90 degree ( straight up&down), if the lasers were on a mountain coming in from sides, then they could have just as well hit the walls of the elite homes
But even the IR ( infrared laser ) or UV (ultra-violet) would be seen because it would ionize the atmosphere as it passes to target and the farther from target the bigger it gets
ALl that said a laser in the atmosphere is fairly well loss of energy at 5 miles, if you all thought about the winds and raging tornados (see videos from sailboats recording incredible tornados from 2pm-5pm from out at sea ) during the fire you would know that no drone or air-craft or stationary weather balloon could have just 'hung out'. All the winds were fire driven, before the rage there were no winds, after the rage, there were no winds;
No airplane could have flow around in a 3-5 mile range and blasted RF high-freq high power energy on the target and not got noticed by flight tracking
So it wasn't an alien space laser, or man-made because our satellites don't have high-powered lasers
That only leaves microwave but most likely didn't happen
So it only leaves the obvious that the 100's of down wires just laying around sparking all day ignited the accelerants that somebody dumped the day before ( see videos )
This entire LASER narrative is a SCAM to demonize logical analysis of the fire cause. DEW from space is 100% lim-hangout gov OP bullshit
Logic would dictate that the reason all the homo's&pedo's had blue roofs is because that is the color of team homo' blue
That said, most Mediterranean style tile roofs are naturally red clay. Because this is Hawaii I would suspect that most places have metal roofs and cheap light metal in the walls supporting the dry wall
Most likely like all things there is probably 'code' on the color of the roof, or simply just what building materials are available locally on the island. Contractors tend to use what is cheap and readily available.
normally they say 'limited-hangout' as in most sites on the internet are unit-8200 IDF 'limited-hangouts'
Just a CIA term for like minded confirmation biased circle jerkers to find a home, 'lim-hang', or 'limited-hangout' I suggest you google the term, goes back to 1960's or earlier, I think it used to reference commie clubs and shit like that, but often it was FBI honey-pots
My point was that the ENTIRE discussion of DEW from outer-space is a GOV SCI OP "Limited Hangout" for morons, or just people ignorant of science that want to believe we have space based lasers that can burn up a pack of smokes on earth.
Thank you for your links. I'm sure they are wonderful for people who can see them 🙏❤🌹
Why does Twitter always take me to the wrong page? Last time I clicked a link a 300lb woman wearing black bdsm was twirling around a stripper pole showing her crotch like the new Jared Ledo video.
I actually love the video. Maybe twitter is trolling my YT history and targeting me https://youtu.be/di-VTrW7Kr0
LOVE IT...!!! Subscribed. wicked and wonderful...
X-cellent...I'm now a fan too. And TY so much for your subscription and kind words. I'm always so moved to think my offerings are appreciated...especially when I barely know how to use this platform and I'm too swamped (and lazy) to learn it...LOL Mwah!
Winnie the pooh, ate his own dew
Your boy Biden sure gave a show yesterday, almost giddy about the 2,000 children still missing;
He even admitted they'll never be found, "CREMATED" already by intense heat, of the fire
Most think the reason for the mass child sacrifice is that the locals were not letting team-Oprah sodomize the children, so like a biblical condemnation Biden ordered "If we can't have your children, then you don't get them either"; Hollywood was there on Front, and ton's of tourists.
Mass murder, no evidence no bodys, just like they always do think "WACO"
1.) Accelerants dumped the day before to raise the fire temp from 1300F (normal grass fire) to 4500F ( thermite) burning
2.) Glass melted in autos (3000F), corpses cremated (2500F) bones & teeth
3.) No water is allowed
4.) HECO never turned off power, power remained hot all day to make sparks
5.) All the big-wigs were off island
6.) Fire-dept called at 7am for first fires, declared all out at 10am an went home and called it a day
7.) 230PM calls go out that fire just jumped the bypass
8.) No sirens all day, EMERGY direc said he didn't activate cuz dumb fuckers would have run up into the fire, thinking it was a tsunami ( yes he really said that )
9.) 3pm the fire engulfs the town, at 430pm the island of maui updated their website to say that the Lahaina was on fire, by then the town pretty much destroyed
10.) Children sent home at 9am to empty homes and told to 'shelter in place', and wait to die; Note most parents on maui working 3+ jobs just to pay the rent.
11.) Reports of 100's of homeless still living in the ruins, and robbing corpses of jewerly at night and living in houses that didn't burn by day; Local cops say that the county&state told them to stand-down and not arrest homeless, the GOV wants them to just stay there and die from toxic poisoning.
12.) Eventually GOV will find "Treasure" tons of gold teeth & jewelery and stolen shit, then the GOV will use that to demonize the surviving homeless and call them grave-robbers.
13.) Black-Plauge, and/or Bubonic plaugue is around the corner, and the homeless that wonder outside of the dead-zone will infect normies
14.) All water is contaminated
15.) All food is assumed to be tainted.
16.) Eventually GOV will quarantine the enter west Island and call it a 'no-mans zone' and displace all the survivors off island, most likely big-island refugee camps
Why did all this happen? Biden lost Ukraine War, now there is no place for his ashkeNAZI people to live the assumption was UKRAINE to become "Greater Israel" Yinon Plan, now its back to 1880's Hertzl plan that Hawii to become ashkeNAZI state.
Ok get this. Elvis wore blue swede shoes. Bigfoot is known to be moody. What's the deal with blue corn chips. https://youtu.be/RfRCnA0-u7E . https://youtu.be/sbSHXwmm0p4
Pasheen, Yes, and yes. I too have noticed this before your posting. I questioned when these structures were painted Blue, but no answers have arrived.
supposedly painted ten months ago?
BLUE ROOF seems to be the new "Star of David", you got a blue roof that Oprah blue then ZOG ain't going to incinerate your house, or the drones aren't going to drop 'accelerants' on your property the day before the big fire;
There are some paints that aborb 'radar signals', I wonder if these paints could be used for some kind of 'cone of silence'?? Say they were housing child-sex dungeons or something;
Normally on say these metal roofs they could beam lasers or radar and peoples conversations can be heard by the reflections ( basic spying ) over-head balloon, drone, but if the RF is absorbed nothing returns.
MIL are really into this I used to know some MIL guys that all painted their cars with these paints and autos were totally blind to COP radar guns;
I've thought of that...just not sure I want lead paint in my bedroom...which is white...the color I would want...and no time to do it...I'll have to make it through with my EMF tent.
Really great dot connecting there! 💥Colors as weapons and shields. Everything is energy.
TNX..,XO I'm afraid I'll be editing this blue beast all night...just added this...had to
Love that one!
Pasheen, You Do Very Well . High Intellect, Always Questioning, & Hilarity. Tririffic !
WOW!!! Thanks so much...I guess I'll keep posting.
DD ! I agree. Might as well have some fun in the Sun. Really Enjoy your posts. An Ecletic Blend. Thank You !
Thank you...and it is my pleasure...I love to/need to entertain as well...
Really Interesting DD ! So let's raise the fun paranoid scale. Now I finally realize why I felt so safe sucking down flapjacks, internationally. Tho' it coulda been the massive amount of maple syrup.
Let's...So let's raise the fun paranoid scale
or likely even more recent. There cannot be more than a couple of painting contractors on Maui.
I have blue eyes. Will that protect me from a DEW laser? 🤔
I started to get into blue... someone drew me
playing music saying my aura was blue -then another person drew me on another day, literally with a blue aura
I should be fine hahahha
Most laser that BURN metal & infrastructure are 'infrared' IR that is invisible energy to the human eye.
Something is "BLUE" because it reflects blue, and ergo blue wouldn't be absorbed.
Let's recall here ...
IR, Red, Green, Blue, Violet, UV ( IR, &UV are invisible to human eye, and UV has MORE energy than IR ), blue lasers are the most powerful visual lasers, normally in industry to cut metal IR lasers are used.
Technically 'blue roof' would be good if you knew somebody was doing a UV high power laser, as that would reflect the blue; But other than a high point on the island that had range-of direct site down to Lahaina, how could such a thing could be done, not by air, or sky; Some say that the high MIL mountains overlooking Lahaina could have shot high-energy, but the angle is usually 90 degree ( straight up&down), if the lasers were on a mountain coming in from sides, then they could have just as well hit the walls of the elite homes
But even the IR ( infrared laser ) or UV (ultra-violet) would be seen because it would ionize the atmosphere as it passes to target and the farther from target the bigger it gets
ALl that said a laser in the atmosphere is fairly well loss of energy at 5 miles, if you all thought about the winds and raging tornados (see videos from sailboats recording incredible tornados from 2pm-5pm from out at sea ) during the fire you would know that no drone or air-craft or stationary weather balloon could have just 'hung out'. All the winds were fire driven, before the rage there were no winds, after the rage, there were no winds;
No airplane could have flow around in a 3-5 mile range and blasted RF high-freq high power energy on the target and not got noticed by flight tracking
So it wasn't an alien space laser, or man-made because our satellites don't have high-powered lasers
That only leaves microwave but most likely didn't happen
So it only leaves the obvious that the 100's of down wires just laying around sparking all day ignited the accelerants that somebody dumped the day before ( see videos )
This entire LASER narrative is a SCAM to demonize logical analysis of the fire cause. DEW from space is 100% lim-hangout gov OP bullshit
Logic would dictate that the reason all the homo's&pedo's had blue roofs is because that is the color of team homo' blue
That said, most Mediterranean style tile roofs are naturally red clay. Because this is Hawaii I would suspect that most places have metal roofs and cheap light metal in the walls supporting the dry wall
Most likely like all things there is probably 'code' on the color of the roof, or simply just what building materials are available locally on the island. Contractors tend to use what is cheap and readily available.
DEW from space is 100% lim-hangout gov OP bullshit
I'm not as sure as you are...
lim? is that an abbreviation?
normally they say 'limited-hangout' as in most sites on the internet are unit-8200 IDF 'limited-hangouts'
Just a CIA term for like minded confirmation biased circle jerkers to find a home, 'lim-hang', or 'limited-hangout' I suggest you google the term, goes back to 1960's or earlier, I think it used to reference commie clubs and shit like that, but often it was FBI honey-pots
My point was that the ENTIRE discussion of DEW from outer-space is a GOV SCI OP "Limited Hangout" for morons, or just people ignorant of science that want to believe we have space based lasers that can burn up a pack of smokes on earth.
well now that is very interesting. I wonder what the hue is called.
is it unavailable to plebs?
Pedo blue?