notes from my partner in crime/the brilliant engineer I've been working with on this. He gave me permission to share some info, without his name. He writes:

"Although I don't agree with her on every point, she admits it's a struggle, and I sure agree there, humbly, she corrects her mistakes when she finds them. She was a superb field engineer who read into the game plan.

Critical to her point, those are all public domain docs, and huge job centers, people operating those devices. Job listings to prey upon our bodies, via weaponizing our bio-electrical field; and using it to manipulate our biology, our Holy Temples!

We are in the era of field effect technology. Fields comprise our bodies, those fields are being violated for profit and control. Imagine holding your two hands palm up, imagine a ball of air the size of an orange hovering over your palms, a ball of frequency. Well, this tech era can attribute that orange ball with hundreds of frequency variants (apps of sorts) capable of just about anything kinetic or electronic or chemical devices can do (from starting fires to heart attacks and much much more). A great many things can be passed through the ball, reside in the ball, be bounced off it, and the ball can be that one that's already inside every man and woman."

I'll be posting more on this comments thread...

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Now that’s a fascinating stack. I’m pretty much speechless.

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Sep 7, 2023
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absolutley...it's been going on for a very long time...and yes, it is all connected...IMO, as well...

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Aug 30, 2023
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They havne't gotten the memo...that's where we come in...blast it out there...

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SOME SABRINA INFO FROM MY ARCHIVES...I haven't seen it all, but we should have all of this info in one place and in MORE than one place? I'm thinking that someone internet savvy should download all of her materials. As she goes viral, they will scrub her info...and let's surround her with love for her safety.

I applaud her, and "resonate." She's seriously heart-centered and trying to help in practical ways despite being disabled. AND SHE IS MY KIND OF VERY MAD WOMAN. Recommend downloading. She's on Odysee, which has a download button to the left under each post.

Where To Find her:

-- Her Odysee channel: https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f?view=content

--Her web site (not much there that I see): http://www.psinergy.com

-- Sounds like she's most active on her Synergist Telegram - where she says she has a lot of 'get out of harms way' personal bio-energy defensive lessons. Her Psinergy Telegram is: https://t.me/PsinergyPDF

Key Starting Info Items:

1 - Her Bio: https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/Cerebral-Sabrina-:6

2 - Her Psinergy document - which I posted in full...verbatim - referenced in some videos - Main overview PDF as of 05-25-2023 https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/compiledpdf-05-25-23:f

3 - Short summary “Simplest explanation ending” (short, if you watch nothing else, watch this). https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.15FFD89D-A1D0-4EB7-A155-7C08808D553B:c

Mid Level Info:

4 - Chakras are circulatory system electronically accessible quantum wormholes https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.84852283-C0A3-4CEF-B2C6-0B6DB6685D59:2

5 - Stargates, Starseeds and the ongoing prevention of humans to harness their own neurons https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.BF1235D6-0ED4-436B-99CB-086DFA2071AF:2 (No, she's not a new-ager, exposes those lies pretty well)

(I soured on the new age stuff a long time ago...found this interesting)

6 - They Know - series

pt 1 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.55064256-EB3E-4655-8470-73466A5989D5:4

pt 2 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.634C5009-093C-4423-9B6E-8BF97BB66CDF:7

pt 3 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.6E09A0F5-7521-4A6D-9AFC-D7C7C6A84F9D:b

7 - Why I followed Karen Kingston - Interview with Stew Peters: mRNA Shots Are Electromagnetic Devices? Nanoparticles In Vaxx KILL CELLS Via ELECTROMAGNETISM? https://odysee.com/@jch24:8/mRNA-Shots-Are-Electromagnetic-Devices-Nanoparticles-In-Vaxx-KILL-CELLS-Via-ELECTROMAGNETISM:e

(never throwing the baby out with the hydrogel?)

8 - Weapons of Synbio - series

pt 1 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.8A9CB0A4-5F85-48EB-AF3E-8AED89ABC9FA:e

pt 2 https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.174BD6EE-CF65-43C4-BD4B-8D2CE317E8BA:e

9 - Finder’s Cult - series

pt 1 - Finder’s Cult = Signature Reduction Force /i https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.BAF3F461-ADAB-4888-A27F-A7119A480F97:f

pt 2 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.AC3EEFF8-816A-4BCF-96E9-AA031EAEDB5F:f

10 - Skepticism in 2023 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.AB5626ED-EB93-4921-BC08-B59C0A529E44:6 (this is another good intro video-good for that difficult younger generation)

11 - Headed back into lockdown - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.7D686651-9C9B-4392-A103-C9434BA16850:3 (another good intro)

12 - Biofield class - center & focus - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.398D2631-28B4-4FAE-B0FA-02A45CD98483:f

13 - Biofield class - cleaning off the front porch - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.D961D003-97D4-4E23-89D5-51A4C4CE2A3B:3

14 - Biophysics and Biochemistry and biomedical engineering with applied computer networking thru .. u! - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.7E616674-BEB2-4591-866E-CFCBEB225631:8

15 - Glowin up w/ God and the Psinergists https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.AB9BDF0C-609A-4571-9A17-A89128A9032A:4

16 - Galvanic energy inside you is faster - no wires! 1/4 - series

pt 1 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.FAC9A478-071A-47D0-A58D-5081C1C185D2:7

pt 2 - Telephony & Microphony - electrical current through muscle tissue… 2/4 https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.5C1A5E21-D15F-4C1C-80EE-BFFEDA4C08D3:9

pt 3 - History of wireless 1879-1922 /radio history … 3/4 https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.F7A59E32-D7E1-47F8-BB30-C38AA212F43B:f

pt 4 - Michael Levin, bio electric code and how being in our muscle tissue all this time remains a problem 4/4 https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.76078174-F95F-4829-81D9-547CBB7B6D60:7

17 - The simplest explanation attempt .. - (a presentation for geeks, but easy to follow and a good intro) https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.BF0223A5-2673-48C2-9A12-310B7C0507F8:0

18 - Clif high part i - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.7BC7C397-7317-435A-9136-6786D267D769:b

— Clif hight part ii - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.A4B9DCE9-1927-4442-A1D4-EC7F6F487346:1

19 - Wed coffee - excellent regarding what’s coming https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.77DEE243-5088-4869-B0DA-8261CD3376FA:f

20 - What a controlled downturn looks like - part 1 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.72D4070A-FF0B-4B95-BFD7-E478D7DE29E2:f

-- Controlled downturn part duh - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.73D1F229-8361-4C96-B43A-8536BD5D6902:e

-- Controlled downturn part vlc - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.20918A16-B696-4E06-A5BB-DD36C6B446B2:a


I've been working on this with an amazing engineer who contacted me after my first Sabrina post. He is brilliant - not in the US - we've been going back and forth, collating and digging through. He would rather I not mention his name, but I am forever grateful for his help on this. If you are reading this, my friend, I can't thank you enough for your assistance....

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Since I have been binging on this...and will likely not let up for a while, I'm invested now, so to speak, I just thought I would offer some sort of approach, since this can be very soul-crushing information.

As we move forward with this amazing reveal, it might be good to remember how to step back and see where everyone is coming from - what lens they are seeing everything through, when confronting such diabolical information. It is challenging.

None of us have all the pieces to this unimaginably horrific puzzle - this assault is beyond imagining...they are coming from all directions...with imperceptible weapons and countless vectors that we can't ever hope to wrap our heads around. Let's cut everyone a lot of slack.

People will get whatever they get, WHEN they get it, and maybe never. That's got to be ok.

And with the controlled Ops, potentially changing sides, and all the head fakes - it's a fukking wonder we can trust anyone and see anything at all...

I just try to remember to step back and remain fluid...as calm as possible, (some lipstick) and proceed lovingly, unconditionally. When I do that, I think I'm more able to discern who is authentically assisting on this battlefield - and those that seem to be undermining our efforts to get to the Truth. I just move right past and through......and then I dig through it all as much as possible...and never expect anyone to see what I think I can see...that's my approach anyway...it's the only way I can stay sane and still function in my dysfunctional cat hospice scorched earth TX hellscape, of my own making...OMG...uh oh, she's going dark...

okay, I'm about to vent and whine...so...feel free to tell me to STFU anytime...end of transmission...


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While we can hug a tree, the forest is our Macro view.

The best analogy for the herd today:

The sheep spend their days worried about the wolf,

Only to be eaten by the shepherd.

= Democide:

throughout history the people worried about the criminals ,

But were 20 times more likely to be killed by their own grubbermint ( or shepherds)..

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SOME SABRINA INFO FROM MY ARCHIVES...I haven't seen it all, but we should have all of this info in one place and in MORE than one place? I'm thinking that someone internet savvy should download all of her materials. As she goes viral, they will scrub her info...and let's surround her with love for her safety.

I applaud her, and "resonate." She's seriously heart-centered and trying to help in practical ways despite being disabled. AND SHE IS MY KIND OF VERY MAD WOMAN. Recommend downloading. She's on Odysee, which has a download button to the left under each post.

Where To Find her:

-- Her Odysee channel: https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f?view=content

--Her web site (not much there that I see): http://www.psinergy.com

-- Sounds like she's most active on her Synergist Telegram - where she says she has a lot of 'get out of harms way' personal bio-energy defensive lessons. Her Psinergy Telegram is: https://t.me/PsinergyPDF

Key Starting Info Items:

1 - Her Bio: https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/Cerebral-Sabrina-:6

2 - Her Psinergy document - which I posted in full...verbatim - referenced in some videos - Main overview PDF as of 05-25-2023 https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/compiledpdf-05-25-23:f

3 - Short summary “Simplest explanation ending” (short, if you watch nothing else, watch this). https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.15FFD89D-A1D0-4EB7-A155-7C08808D553B:c

Mid Level Info:

4 - Chakras are circulatory system electronically accessible quantum wormholes https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.84852283-C0A3-4CEF-B2C6-0B6DB6685D59:2

5 - Stargates, Starseeds and the ongoing prevention of humans to harness their own neurons https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.BF1235D6-0ED4-436B-99CB-086DFA2071AF:2 (No, she's not a new-ager, exposes those lies pretty well)

(I soured on the new age stuff a long time ago...found this interesting)

6 - They Know - series

pt 1 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.55064256-EB3E-4655-8470-73466A5989D5:4

pt 2 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.634C5009-093C-4423-9B6E-8BF97BB66CDF:7

pt 3 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.6E09A0F5-7521-4A6D-9AFC-D7C7C6A84F9D:b

7 - Why I followed Karen Kingston - Interview with Stew Peters: mRNA Shots Are Electromagnetic Devices? Nanoparticles In Vaxx KILL CELLS Via ELECTROMAGNETISM? https://odysee.com/@jch24:8/mRNA-Shots-Are-Electromagnetic-Devices-Nanoparticles-In-Vaxx-KILL-CELLS-Via-ELECTROMAGNETISM:e

(never throwing the baby out with the hydrogel?)

8 - Weapons of Synbio - series

pt 1 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.8A9CB0A4-5F85-48EB-AF3E-8AED89ABC9FA:e

pt 2 https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.174BD6EE-CF65-43C4-BD4B-8D2CE317E8BA:e

9 - Finder’s Cult - series

pt 1 - Finder’s Cult = Signature Reduction Force /i https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.BAF3F461-ADAB-4888-A27F-A7119A480F97:f

pt 2 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.AC3EEFF8-816A-4BCF-96E9-AA031EAEDB5F:f

10 - Skepticism in 2023 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.AB5626ED-EB93-4921-BC08-B59C0A529E44:6 (this is another good intro video-good for that difficult younger generation)

11 - Headed back into lockdown - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.7D686651-9C9B-4392-A103-C9434BA16850:3 (another good intro)

12 - Biofield class - center & focus - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.398D2631-28B4-4FAE-B0FA-02A45CD98483:f

13 - Biofield class - cleaning off the front porch - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.D961D003-97D4-4E23-89D5-51A4C4CE2A3B:3

14 - Biophysics and Biochemistry and biomedical engineering with applied computer networking thru .. u! - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.7E616674-BEB2-4591-866E-CFCBEB225631:8

15 - Glowin up w/ God and the Psinergists https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.AB9BDF0C-609A-4571-9A17-A89128A9032A:4

16 - Galvanic energy inside you is faster - no wires! 1/4 - series

pt 1 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.FAC9A478-071A-47D0-A58D-5081C1C185D2:7

pt 2 - Telephony & Microphony - electrical current through muscle tissue… 2/4 https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.5C1A5E21-D15F-4C1C-80EE-BFFEDA4C08D3:9

pt 3 - History of wireless 1879-1922 /radio history … 3/4 https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.F7A59E32-D7E1-47F8-BB30-C38AA212F43B:f

pt 4 - Michael Levin, bio electric code and how being in our muscle tissue all this time remains a problem 4/4 https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.76078174-F95F-4829-81D9-547CBB7B6D60:7

17 - The simplest explanation attempt .. - (a presentation for geeks, but easy to follow and a good intro) https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.BF0223A5-2673-48C2-9A12-310B7C0507F8:0

18 - Clif high part i - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.7BC7C397-7317-435A-9136-6786D267D769:b

— Clif hight part ii - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.A4B9DCE9-1927-4442-A1D4-EC7F6F487346:1

19 - Wed coffee - excellent regarding what’s coming https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.77DEE243-5088-4869-B0DA-8261CD3376FA:f

20 - What a controlled downturn looks like - part 1 - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.72D4070A-FF0B-4B95-BFD7-E478D7DE29E2:f

-- Controlled downturn part duh - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.73D1F229-8361-4C96-B43A-8536BD5D6902:e

-- Controlled downturn part vlc - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.20918A16-B696-4E06-A5BB-DD36C6B446B2:a


I've been working on this with an amazing engineer who contacted me after my first Sabrina post. He is brilliant - not in the US - we've been going back and forth, collating and digging through. He would rather I not mention his name, but I am forever grateful for his help on this. If you are reading this, my friend, I can't thank you enough for your assistance....

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Tytyty for all of this! I found Sabrina about a week ago and deeply appreciate your compilation of her voluminous information! FYI I clicked on 'bio' and 'short summary' and the first 'they know' links above and they all lead to 'no content found.' Thoughts?

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Frances Leader asked a great question...one that I've asked myself and one that many health care professionals might ask as well. Posting for our perusal...

28 mins ago


I struggled to relate Sabrina's take with the actual paperwork I am finding about disease monitoring. There is no mention of devices being implanted in the general population at all. The papers I am seeing refer only to people who are ill and who might require constant monitoring. Thus saving staff from having to constantly take blood pressure, for example.

and my reply...for what it's worth to try and unravel this...

forget about the paperwork...you can't go from any of the literature you see - it is the way they obscure it - it is all captured and weaponized and marketed under the guise of medicine. Same with the nanotech/graphene industry, Brain Initiative, Neurolink, et al., ...it's the medical head fake...the deep state has captured and weaponized everything and they have been using it, in many forms, for eons.

I have an implant/device in my ear - have had it since the 90's. Who put it there? Aliens? Military? I've been agonizingly trying to find out all of these years. Roger Leir was a friend, and removed many from people, and another close friend, Darrel Simms, also does work on them. I've had discussions with Rappaport too, about them...some differing opinions...all insane to contemplate...


If you go back and look at the Domestic Quell program, there could have been nanotech in Coca Cola back as far as the 70's...

and check out the Assassination Sphere from 1978, I think, in one of my substacks...


I think it is time to extrapolate and read between the lies? Certainly, anything veiled - within the realm of medicine...

just my take on it...we are all so behind the curve...

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Sabrina explains in a few different places that the “devices” are our tissue. You cannot remove it. She is using her biofield to block frequency incursions. Her field is so sensitive she can feel/hear them

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yes, still unclear to me if she is totally aware of the depths of the nanotech and its enhanced effects...she gets the graphene, but does she know about graphene hydroxide? The nano razors exposed by Noack? Haven't heard her mention it, but I still have a lot of vids to go through...keep us posted, please. All claws on deck for this monstrosity!!!

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She has stated that she leaves other areas to other experts. She does not know the details of the vaccine. She homeschools her kids, so I’m assuming they’ve never had any vaccines, but I do not know that.

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First, thank you Pasheen for presenting all this in a 'relatively' condensed way. It's sticky stuff. I'd like to go back to the statement that 'God is real.' It's one that is redundant according to 18th c. theologian JAT Robinson who said, "God is by definition the ultimate reality. To ask if God exists makes no sense. The interesting question is what God is like."

Sabrina assumes the definition of God given by the authority (authors) of the Bible. This God, according to the Torah, gave some (the Shemites) the right to rule over others and made the Canaanites their slaves. In the NT, this God gave Christians dominion over all the world, so the only difference is who has the right to rule.

There exists an alien will to God's. Who created that and gave it power? If God did, then the evil will is God's will. If it exists without God creating it, who's really God? If evil created itself without being created by God, then wouldn't evil be God?

The words you use here, Pasheen, are 'scared', 'frighteningly', 'horrifyingly', 'your worst waking nightmare', and 'there's no way get it out of you without ending you'. Maybe you're right, I don't dismiss that. But it's worth considering a different theology or metaphysics before being resigned to this. And that is that the only way a God who is all-loving can be real is if this world is not.

While this premise turns everything we think we know inside-out, it matches all the data points to explain our common sensory experience, if we are not separate but are One Mind having a nightmare. It's worth putting the same effort into understanding how we could fix all of this through forgiveness, as it is to understand how we're all fucked. Here's the most recent attempt to explain this, which I know you've seen, Pasheen: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/and-the-flesh-was-made-word.

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Darling...thank you...I will look again...

But, just know that I have been down many paths in my quest for a spiritual connection. We all resonate with whatever we - as sovereign souls - resonate with.

And it may be terrifying, some panic-stricken terminology - but it is not paralyzing, or I wouldn't be on this battlefield. My jury is out on all of this...everything, actually, and I'm okay with that.

As I say, it is a very personal journey. And there are many ways to try to save our souls...and we have our work cut out for us...

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Back atcha, darlin'. I'm happy to be in conversation with you.

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me too...thrilled to have found you!

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And here's a tongue in cheek song - about my agonizing quest - all the roads I've been down in my search for Truth. Might give you a chuckle, which we are going to need badly as we unravel this insanity...


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Just love you, Pasheen. What a delight this song is!

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Love you too, madly!!! LOL

I would love to get your brilliant mind on this...I think it is groundbreaking info. I hope you'll dig in when you have time. I am so overwhelmed...on hospice watch with one of my furbabes - not to mention the demands of the rest of the clowder...mostly special needs/unadoptables. And even worse, I'm a clean freak...so I am cleaning/dervishing all day...lots of exercise?

Anyway, I really want to get the word out on this - maybe to some high-profile peeps that would get it...I think it is a big piece of this extermination puzzle. Got it to Sansone, - no action, but I think Dr Ana would get it...and some other popular influencers...just how to get their eyeballs on it.

Brainstorming...planning my attack...LOL

But how do you synthesize this stunning info into a few sentences to disseminate? And drop into comments all over the place? Challenging, for sure.

But my spidey sense tells me that this needs to come to light, immediately...

I need some clones...lots of clones...

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"Stay calm and wear lipstick," I'm making that my new motto.

Don't talk about needing a clone too loud or you'll start getting ads for one for only $45K!

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they have my twin...maybe I could steal her for a few days a week?

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Dr. Ana took some info from someone and didn’t give credit. I’m not sure I trust her fully. Just my 2 cents....

Crazy crazy times.

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Honestly, I don't care about credit...it is about saving our asses and our souls. We are in a war for our very lives...and time is running out.

You/anyone can take all my info and run with it...no credit necessary...it's actually better to stay under the radar on this, as hard as it is to do, if you know what I mean.

I was getting hit all night long and endless computer crashes last night working on it late into the morning hours, for this stack...as I was madly searching for my EMF hoodie, which must have fallen into the black hole in my bedroom...migraines and vertigo, off the charts...always a tell...

We need to spread the "heat" around? HA!

Migraine is almost gone...balance returning...that's a good day!

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I agree about credit but she’s not sharing the most important part of information…the triangle or the spike can zap the nano techs operating system within our bodies. I don’t full understand all that is being said about her but it concerns me that she isn’t divulging critical info. She’s obviously smart so why hasn’t she figured out that the tech she’s finding isn’t new and isn’t just from the bioweapon c-shots?

Anyway, I super appreciate your excellent substack and is like an answer to my prayer of needing to understand Sabrina’s info. I’ve watched her videos on repeat trying to make notes but I just wasn’t able to make sense of it. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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True Dat

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I woke up at 5 because I smelled a noxious strong odor (industrial strength dryer sheets) in the outside air. I had to close my windows despite needing the coil air. I went back to sleep and woke up with an extremely stuffy nose and a bit of a headache. It’s fire season in Marin and our skies are milky for the last week which has me feeling in edge especially after the Maui murders(holocaust, burn ritual). Trying not to have fear but damn this craziness.

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"maybe God is a Goddess in a strapless dress" Now I have a vision of you that's unshakeable.

Got my AM chuckle, Big Thanks.. m. Just An Opinionated Bugger.

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When I realized I was a song writer, many, many years back, I wanted to be an amazing one...I studied Cole Porter for years...still one of the greatest pleasures, is finding the perfect lyric for a song! Writing something that might stand the test of time? some snark, humor and if you're lucky, something profound thrown in there somewhere...

All I know is that I bleed on every hand-written page...so glad you're listening!

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I am not really keeping up, but I appreciate that you have put a lot of thought into this and some analysis . thank you.

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I love this whole conversation so much! ❤️

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Beautifully said, thank you! Archaix explains our true history and says what you’ve said.

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Thank you Christine and thanks for subbing me! I love your byline, "Woke Up, Now What." I haven't heard of Archaix but I'll look it up.

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I love her so much. The real live Amy from Big Bang Theory, even sounds like her.

I dont agee with everything she says either but I totally get her. She's my kind of cray cray

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Absolutely...!!! Besides being brilliant, she is such warrior...and takes no prisoners...wickedly wonderful...!!! And such important info...IMO

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Now this post is a true gem! You’ve organized an otherwise very frenetic overview. I found Sabrina almost a year ago and have been very intrigued by her knowledge but it’s way over my head except I do get the gist of it I want to see proof in my world...especially since I work in a medical facility (nursing home). I’m like you, I want and need to know the truth regardless of how grisly it is but I also want to see with my own eyes. Even though I still haven’t necessarily seen what she speaks of I do believe her. I’m thrilled she approves of Archaix info, too. These 2 people (and some others) have info I feel is the closest to the truth as one can get. I’m glad I found your substack, too!

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so grateful to have you here...stay close and thank you for getting this...so critical to know. We are not done on this battlefield...rallying the vikings and shield maidens now...!!!

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“Body Area Network”, that was another phrase I was trying to remember, and it basically gave me the framework for understanding this better.

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Savagely!!! Vikings and Sheild Maidens - CHARGE!!!!

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I’ve been following her for a while. She’s crazy smart.

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I just posted Blinking quantum dots in my own “pure blood”

Many doctors are speaking out about this too. Let’s find an antidote

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Antinano triangle or the Spike, by Tony P. @FM8 talks about it on his odyssey or birchute channel. Also, pilo erection which is what @psingwey speaks of....

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X-cellent!!! TY

I could not find Tony P. for the longest time...was able to catch something just last week. Great to revisit and add to the mix, for sure!

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Same. I’ve been trying to contact Tony for a while…

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Looks like the drones are here, but they’re for war, I’m sure

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Thank you...oh they are for war ...against US, you can be sure! And Slaughterbots, coming to a city near you...

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Sep 7, 2023
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and it is way deeper than that...this extermination event has been a long time in the making...thx for putting some eyes on this...

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Sep 7, 2023Edited
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yes...and more...

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Yes!!!!!! I just recently found her too- EVERYONE needs to listen to her real REAL closely! Thanks so much!

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YW...don't forget to share the info and blast it everywhere you can think of...

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Found her about a month ago. Glad to see you covering her!

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Help us out...we need all hands (and heads) on deck!

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Sep 7, 2023Edited
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I'm not in contact with her, but she is very active on FB and Telegram...you might try to reach her there...

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What an epic post! So much to think about. Mind blowing info. Thank you so much for the introduction.

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YW...I tried to get you and Sage to help me out here, help me dig thorugh this trove and make some sense of it, feeling that it is such critical info, but I know everyone is swamped...and this is seriously time-consuming - and who has time for anything these days.

And I never know if I've scared people away or offended them - I never know which, but it always happens...and I can't massage anyone's feelings - not while we are in a freaking death march...

thanks for checking it out...!!!

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You will never scare me away and I would love to have more time to dig more. Feel like I'm on a treadmill. I know you know. My kids are still recovering from the flood, and don't have permanent homes yet. Spent all day dealing with problems related to that. Very hectic! but I will be looking for sure. ❤️

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Oh no...I know the flood drama...it is insane. and I know the treadmill very well. Take your time and thanks for hanging in there with me. XO

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