Jul 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I commented Deagel on Gregs videos before. Here is direct link to what was originally posted but taken down. BingChat says it's known for being wrong more than it's right. https://archive.is/nAHJK What are we supposed to do? Buying crypto seems risky and holding precious metals seems safe until the SHTF. I will make comments with some Rumble videos and get responses pretending to be the one operating the channel talking about Gesara/Nesara and XRP and to get your money out of the banks. Makes me think back to Gregs video on the migrant UN soldiers waiting for their orders. Maybe it's time to look at Russia but then someone posted video where there vaccinated people with Sputnik are literally tracked. The guy said this one is asleep, this one is working like everyone had a number that took it.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Author

so, pretending to be the one operating the channel talking about Gesara/Nesara and XRP?

and I have no idea what to do..I don't think any of us know what to do...I'll just rant until I can't.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Yeah like under Donald Trump Jr's channel it will appear that he has reached out to me telling me to get my money out of the bank and to contact him about Gesara/Nesara & XRP. It's on multiple Rumble channels were these people do this pretending to be the content creator doing the video like "The Peoples Voice" I sometimes will respond back and say what good will these cryptos do if the power grid goes down since Klaus Schwab says the next pandemic would be a worldwide cyber attack. Then Obama's movie "Leave the world behind" it's like predictive programming. There was also movie which I did not see called "Civil War" that came out in April. Some say it depicts a totalitarian style government taking over the U.S. and the people revolt but some say it's Trump. I look at voting for him as the lessor of two evils is all.

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Jul 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Yup, there are people out there scamming about crypto and Nesara pretending to be the website owner. Got to be vigilant and know how to spot scams.

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Jul 26Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Am wondering what this "bird flu" is about....

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they seem to be priming us for the rollout - and another excuse to kill our chickens and farm animals...with fake tests...supposedly a high mortality rate? 40-50%? Not sure, something like that...we'll know soon enough if they try to pull it off...

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Well, it's been a long day in the ER, fell and broke my left wrist, and skinned my knee. Have to see an ortho. Thank God the female doc gave me a few OXY for bedtime.

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Think Trumps about - face on crypto is bizarre! Think about it- c r y p t o? In your face - death! Ha! Do you still believe? At your peril.

Change the name. Maybe.

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