Yeah! this is the first time I spent any time on Brian Ardis, I was totally Blown Away. Not to rule out the emfs and all the other crap they're throwing at us, but being poisoned through our water, and then with the shots on top of it.... the whole discussion of the nicotine receptors is fascinating! Yay nicotine!

and so interesting that his wife wouldn't even try the nicotine for 2 years ... a testament to the success of the constant brainwashing...

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Lahaina wildfire survivors are homeless and living in beach encampments eight months after Hawaii's deadliest blaze ripped through the Maui town and displaced thousands


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This is the first news in months.

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It rang true for me as well. I didn’t get near as sick as my daughter and granddaughter did when we got it in dec of 2019. I roll my own natural tobacco and smoke.

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me too! An amazing video...long, I know, but really revealing... Puff puff...

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You smoking American Spirit tobacco? Or do you know a cleaner one?

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pipe tobacco...I don't even want to list it...they will contaminate it...stock up...I even bought a pipe to get off the papers...which are likely contaminated too, since we've found that tea bags are now "laced."

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lol, I hear ya. Will you email it to me? shortontime@tutanota.com

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done...if you want to remove your email, you can...puff, puff...

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Largo pipe tobacco, has been suggested? Therisa said because she knows it doesn’t have formaldehyde in it where most others do.

Going to check mine for it...and find out what's what...

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What is a good natural or organic tobacco? I've tried nicotine patches and they give me a horrible rash and don't seem to help anything. Also tried mints which are made with "non-tobacco" nicotine, which I believe is synthetic, and also doesn't seem to help.

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The patches were of concern to me. I figured they didn’t use DMSO as the carrier for the nicotine, but more than likely PEG. Which I’m allergic to. Sounds like you may be too.

I use Largo pipe tobacco because I know it doesn’t have formaldehyde in it where most others do. I’m also allergic to formaldehyde as well. I’ve used it as a foot soak for family and friends who don’t smoke. Just take a little bit of the tobacco and brew it down in distilled water and pour it into a tub that fits both feet, and soak. I’ve also had them drink food grade hydrogen peroxide in distilled water while soaking, as well as afterwards.

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American Spirit is supposed to be organic with no chemicals but I have never seen a lab test to confirm. Expensive as hell by the pack but a lot cheaper if you roll your own. The orange pouch is the milder one. Some of the other colors are so strong it will stun ya...LOL

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too expensive and I don't trust them to not be captured already...

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Is all AS organic? I thought it was just the Teal package...had a BF for a while who smoked those. Never been a cig smoker...maybe 2 or 3 in college, that's it. Not sure I want to start now, but looking for other methods of extraction/ingestion, as Therisa mentioned above. Why am I not surprised that THEY lied to us about something with so many potential benefits? Actually, I feel like I should have known...

Also, have always felt that potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, etc. were good for me, in spite of the Nightshade/gout warnings...eating them, especially potatoes, always felt good.

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Good question but I don't know the answer. I was under the impression that all their tobacco was organic and chemical free but I could certainly be wrong because I have not done a real deep dive on it.

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I don't trust any name brands anymore...I alwasy look for off-labels for just about everything.

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My wife nags me to give up smoking. I found a paper on nicotine blocking Covid 18 months ago though!

Meanwhile I found this series "illuminating" https://watchmanscry.com/?p=6550

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THX...never give up?

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Nope. I get mine a 3rd of the store cost. This cockroach is killing himself cheaply.

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Yes Brian Ardis! You saw my one on him, yes? https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/vaping-and-snake-venom. I need to pick up some nic patches at least, if I can't find pure tobacco.

Guy first showed me that Annie Sellick version of Take Me In. Sooooo creepy. When did Trump quote from it?

I'm writing a response to the Breggin's 'When Anti-Semitism Becomes Personal,' which I'm pretty sure is directed at me. I looked up the back cover of their book, Covid-19 & the Global Predators, that asks in bold print, "Who are 'they'--these Global Predators? What are their motives and their plans for us? How can we defend against them?"

Their answers are 1) the corporations against Donald Trump 2) to keep Trump out of office. 3) get Trump into office. I'm simplifying a little but not much.

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Thanks...will check out your ss on this.

Trump recited The Snake over a dozen times at his rallies...very strange.

Keep me posted on your response to the Breggin's? Interesting.

And of course...many have serious blind spots when it comes to Trump...

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Kim Osbol: “The calm before the Stormy(Daniels)”

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and more...love Osbol...fierce!

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This was truly an exceptional discussion by Dr Ardis

- thanks for sharing!

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One simply can not trust any political entity, any mainstream media narrative, any medical establishment or govt bureaucracy when it comes to war & health.

I believe Dr Ardis has some old world wisdom. Regardless of whatever crap the goons put in the water & the injections & named it a “vaccine” and sold it to the world - I prefer Ardis’ approach - take a plant from

Nature & enjoy it’s benefits ag the venomous creeps that have ruled the world from the fall of mankind.

May we all ask GOD to give us wisdom & strength & courage going forward.

Romans 8:38,39

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Pasheen you knocked this article out of the park - again ! your capture of epic events that has lead us to this time and place - so cleverly woven. I continue in awe of "your" writing skill.

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TY...but I'm just spitballing...but appreciate the props!

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Around 56:30 Ardis says the the Sars spike has similar "DNA codes" as snake venom and as Rabies. However no Sars virus nor Rabies virus has ever been found. These are hypothetical DNA codes printed from a computer, there is no spike protein in any of the shots, so we do not need any natural ingredients that may have nasty additives to neutralize effects of something in a computer except anti-virus software.



There is no snake venom in water, you can't be envenomated (means sudden attack of bleeding and low BP) from an oral route, there can't be enough venom peptides in the water supply to begin with, they would be degraded quickly in water, and kids and animals are not getting sick from water envenomation.

Participation in "Covid" can lead to toxicity, even delayed, from pcr swabs or shots. Smoking anything, will put burnt carbonaceous material in one's lungs which can build up to give sickness as one detoxes from it. Ardis wants the venom thing to be a cover for shot injury and to get other nasties in people from supps/vits.

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Let me first say that I have ever since the first DoJ sham realized its ALL a ploy. You are spot on in seeing through Trump being in on it, and why all these shaming rituals are just a ploy. The damn idiot Democrats played themselves again. They got owned with a jijitsu over the vaccine. Impressive mass societal persuasion. And now think trump is going to jail!!!

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I can't believe anything that guy says. He literally makes up "good news" for clickbait (and yes he was shilling for the lockdown and all in the beginning).

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Apr 23
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they've been using venoms for decades...if you watch his three part series - he brings all the receipts...

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