
Many thanks to everyone for weighing in on this...regardless of who we trust and/or believe, I really appreciate the civility, and all of the comments and our feelings and opinions about all of this needs to be aired.

None of us know everything there is to know on all of this, but we CAN trust each others motives...if nothing else.

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okay...I'm starting from scratch here...putting a big question mark on everything and sharing more info...

this will get confusing and maddening...but here we go

Dr. Ria (on FB) Telestai hipped me to her and I've been going down that rabbit hole and finding some stunning info...let's suss this stuff out...here's what Ria says about Dr. Love

and it looks like MasterPeace is not what we thought it was...more on that coming as well. Needless to say, I will stop taking it until I know more, but it doesn't look good. The nurse who supposedly tested it, may be a fraud...which would be a big disappointment if I have to call out Dr. Young too.

okay Ria on Love


Dr Ariyana Love calls herself "ND" Naturopathic Doctor. She claimed that she learned medicine from her father while growing up. Then she said she was growing up with her abusive mother and her parents got divorced when she was a child. Later she claimed that she attended her father's "institute" of homeopathy (not licensed and not recognized), and got a certificate which was lost in fire later. Really? One time she says that "I am a doctor of metaphysics, folks. That's the certificate I hold", then "I am a Ministerial Doctor" yet she cannot produce the degree papers for her so called (DMin). She said that she never practiced medicine until Cvd started and then she got her calling. She said that she was mentored by Robert O. Young, and then created her detox protocols to treat people from the injections. One man, on her Telegram group, said that she was actually working as a babysitter and a waitress at a strip club, and she confirmed it: "In desperation, I worked an undesirable job as a COCKTAIL WAITRESS at a strip club....". She also lived in Palestine with a Palestinian family and taught their son English. There was not any natural medicine related job in her life ever... She is an affiliate with Stemtech and Asea Redox, and their products are in her protocols. She has changed her protocols multiple times but Asea and Stemtech are always there, and of course, Robert Young's products like PhMiracle Greens, Phour Salts and Prime Ph". She posted her "updated" protocols recently, and surprisingly, she excluded all Ph products now and included MastePeace! she didn't make any money from those ph products so is now on the MasterPeace money Train

Here is RIA's telegram page, since she is being co]ensored and unable to upload on FB now


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I'm mostly concerned about detox protocols that might not be safe...

I think there is graphene in absolutely everything...QDots, capsules with a multitude of payloads...there's too much evidence from so many sources that indicate as such, with no profit motive involved. There are so many doctors and scientists working with La Quinta, from a bunch of countries, and they are not selling anything.

I do remember Dr. Ana warning about MasterPeace. I was surprised since I doubt that she had studied it or broken it down. It had just come out - It was so early on, when Young was still testing it.

It should be interesting to see what others say about this EDTA protocol....we'll keep our eyes open.

More to cme on this...

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

You may recall I wrote you a long note here on Ana in January


You have seemed unsure, perhaps negative even, about some of my comments in these regards, but these deception agents (3 letter Agency agents) run rampant on SS. Please take my comments as seriously as I take your posts.


Proton Magic Jan 13 Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Did anyone notice Ana makes daily or even more than daily long and complex posts. In the last 10 days since Jan 2nd she's put out 16 posts. My 6 min read "Migration My Ass" post the other day took many hours to read the material, write, arrange, check, etc. That was my first post in 2 weeks. Who thinks Ana's SS might be more than one person? Seems she is busy in her clinic as well: https://ammedicalmd.com/

(Her HP is bursting with occult symbols).

The next thing to consider are fake subscribers-could happen to the best of us. Ana has >51k scribers.

Fake scribers are facts:


I guess a program can give these to you or you could get spammed. Why would one want to get fake scribers and a team of writers?

She speaks rationally. Would you put this on your SS if you had monetized SS with 51k scribers and ran a therapy clinic? Someone would have to know quite a bit about this to write it.

Redacted from: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/declaration-of-spiritual-independence

"This is believed so by the highest Satanic Governance in this dimension and the extra dimensional overlords, including Satan, the Reptilians, Greys, Archons and Dark Artificial Intelligence. The human worshippers of Satan use their bodies as conduits for extradimensional evil because of this law, hence they become the portal during their sacrificial satanic ceremonies. The Annunaki and other advanced races have contributed to the DNA of the human embodiment. Annunaki have created human bodies to serve them by mixing their DNA with the humanoids on earth. This plaform of life, has created even the fallen angels, every advanced being in other civilizations and other starsystems."

-if you paste the entire text into a word file you will see a number of misspellings. Just FYI.

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I do take you seriously PM...you know I respect your opinion...that's why my jury is out on almost everything and everyone...

Maybe it was my personal email interactions with Ana that makes me hesitate to question her motives...I divulged some things to Telestai under one of his comments...but, the things that disturb you about her, are not the same things that make me question her. I may have even had something to do with her even talking about the ET stuff...she knew I had some strange other-worldly experiences that might be abduction experiences, I told her I had gone public with my Reptilian encounters in the 90's and that was how far back the gang stalking, threats and targeting and torture started for me, so who knows what she might have picked up from ME. And I know that YOU can't go down those ET roads at all...so we all have our boxes and we break out of them, if and when we do...I have been talking about this extermination event as being alien - and using alien tech, for years...and I'm sure you would not agree...most everyone would see this kind of talk as irrational.

We don't have to agree on everything and we are all welcome to come to our own conclusions, based on our own experiences and perceptions - and we get there in our own time...? On our own road ...less traveled?

But I always listen to your opinions.

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Thanks for the nice reply! Right, we don't have to agree on every box to know we are surrounded by hoards of Intel agents, we only need to see some things out of whack about them and their misleading us to know. Take care.

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Agreed and she rarely ever responds to those she has stricken with fear. Another example is Paul Alexander with his (average) 10 posts a day, with a following of around 40,000 people. Where does a doctor get that kind of time? Bogus. Just checked the other day- he may get an average of 40 likes and comment section pretty light, except for the people who take his rage bait.

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I remember watching a video on YT by "End Time Productions' I asked Bing Chat who was the secret society that would treat illness with poisons and offer more poisons to treat the side effects from the first. It answered it was a conspiracy theory about the Rockefellers. I asked if it could give me the actual text of this oath and it said it could not. So I went to the channel and found it. This video could be used as proof we are being poisoned. So many conspiracy theories are becoming reality these days. Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xh-dtUp-uo

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I love you and everything you write - MASTERPEACE IS A FRAUD according to RIA No More Silence, one of the bravest humans out there - as evidenced FULL OF NANOTECH AND A PYRAMID SCHEME - Dr. Ana has been called a genius by Dominique Guillet (even though I agree with Carbon 60 as a false flag), the owner of the biggest organic seed bank in the world who wrote 3000 pages about biosynthetic nanotech - he also is actively fighting Monsanto legally in courts for more than 10 years and no amount of proton magic will be able to dispute this .

Proof about Masterpeace containing nanotech (Ria was attacked heavily for finding this out WITHOUT DOUBT ) on this account, she recently found the hydrogel ribbons etc in PEPSI and is labelled a terrorist on fb now :


Here is evidence of the fraud of masterpeace, FULL of Nanotech :


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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Those who talk down on Dr. Ana are the frauds - Dominique Guillet who called her a genius owns 500 books about Rudolf Steiner and has a library of 10000 .. these transhumanist billionaire counter intelligence agents have no heart and soul and TALK DOWN ON EVERYTHING GOOD FOR DETOXING - Pasheen, I also dedicate my whole life to music and the soul .... please trust your heart in this !

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I always do...thank you again and again...

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TY so much!

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Might it be possible that our bodies know exactly what to do to get rid of the poisons we've been bombarded with? Why add more poisons to "eradicate" the other poisons? Frustrating, and comes with so much fear porn. I continue to eat organic (even though "organic" is debunked by some), take a few supplements for building mitochondria, muscle strength, boost energy, protect heart and cardio system, cleanse liver and colon. Concerned about MasterPeace, it does taste just like salt water and how much can 5 drops morning and night accomplish? Meanwhile, I have no COVID symptoms anymore, feeling "normal" (whatever that is) and hoping for the best. Have spent a FORTUNE on every "new" protocol that has emerged over these last 3 years, but I no long take any of them. Like Pasheen, I don't trust the supplements any more than I trust anything Pharma. Time will tell. But I am surrounded by people who eat garbage food, drink too much, smoke and still have energy and are enjoying life. Some of them if not most are likely jabbed. And they are still going like the energizer bunny. It is truly an enigma.

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it is seriously crazy...I think we just do what our hearts tell us to do...

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I agree. It truly is puzzling.

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Shocking, indeed. That was a thorough exploration with ALL the receipts. Thanks for the great work. I really appreciate your insights and sourcing. I agree with your other commenters. Something was off. I alway read with “one eye open.”

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

my 40year old friend had been hospitalised 2 times for long kovved and still had severe symptoms , she was about to go to the hospital again because of long kovvid , but took 1000mg ascorbic acid for a day and felt better didnt go to hospital although she still felt bad ,,, she called me a week later jubilant because almost all kovid symptoms were gone she could sleep normaly again and her energy was returning ... after a 7 day water fast.... so she was lucky and blessed . ANYONE WHO WANTS TO FAST SHOULD FIND SOMEONE WITH VAST EXPERIENCE WITH VARIOUS MODES OF FASTING ... INTERMITTANT FASTING IS PROVEN [NOBEL PRIZE ] RESEARCH BEFORE FASTING ... ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN TEACHINGS ABOUT FASTING SAYS FASTING SHOULD BE DONE WITH PRAYER ... GOOD LUCK TO ALL

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excellent...yes fasting is great! five Day fasts for autophagy...so many benefits and easy to do too...thx for the reminder.

and there is no long covid...it is poisoning and interfacing frequencies..., IMO

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

It’s beneficial!

I have autoimmune & methylation issues so I never water fast. I’d hurt my kidneys badly. Otherwise it’s incredibly helpful.

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Jun 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

poison in air poisons in water poisons in foods poisioned medicine poisons in paints , poisons clothing carpets...poison bug sprays... .... prayer blessings can change poisons look up "secrets of water by emoto

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I was just telling a friend about emoto earlier today!

& I pray . I have had unexpected blessings many times after prayer. Or insight that had been lacking. Or just comfort.

God put my integrative medicine doctor in my path about 6 years ago.

I don’t think I’d be alive without his guidance.

He had never had a patient with such low thyroid levels before & a laundry list of other issues. Thankful daily for his guidance.

Many of my supplements are very similar to the current popular detox route s ( no nano anything. No zeolite. No fad detoxing. Daily, gentle herbal support.

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke


CDC: Whooping Cough Cases on the Rise Across the US | The Epoch Times


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https://duckduckgo.com/?q=sewerage+divers+india&t=ffab&atb=v223-1&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images... beauchamp terrain theory of siockness win the debate this is proof ie pathogens destroy sick cells and the immune system that have been poisoned and or are dying naturally ,they are harmless to healthy cells furthur proof is ... adjuvants like alliminum and many others mercury and other toxins poisons are added to waxxes with the pathogen organism bacterial etc ... without the poisonous adjuvants our immune system ignores the so called pathogens because they pose no threat to us ...

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

yeah every vaccine is a transhumanist agent !

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

So would that extend to nanobots not being in our blood after all? Especially if a different type of microscope is required to view them?

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Author

I don't think so, We are being poisoned, massively...having been primed with this crap for decades, but now it is on steroids...

We are being bombarded with all kinds of new graphene=type materials. I signed up four years ago and get a weekly Graphene Newsletter that tells you of all the new "incarnations" of graphene-like related substances and how they are used in products...I don't post it - it is too overwhelming and hideous to think how they are weaponizing it all against us...

There is no doubt in my mind that our blood is contaminated and we are consumed by it and borgifying and tranzing as we type...it's just a matter of time before it overwhelms us, which is shy I am so motivated to find the right detoxes...

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

It makes me wonder about TPTB and their blood. Are they content to have this happen to them and their blood or have they got a regular little detox up their sleeves that they aren't telling the rest of us?

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

PLEASE open your mind. xochipelli.substack.com with THE BEST SCIENTIFIC proof, absolutely irrefutable, without a SPECK of doubt, SOBER CERTAINTY of Dr. Ana being GENUINE AF - you cannot be more genuine - countless TEM / RAMAN scans, ELECTRON MICROSCOPY - COUNTLESS LAB REPORTS from different docs, SPECTROSCOPY - 25 years of research from the Carnicom Institute - and some billionaire counter intelligence pyramid scheme Transhumanists are seeding doubt .... - people are getting killed exposing this - please think more ! THANK YOU ! LOVE TO YOU!

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I'm mostly concerned with detox protocols that might not be safe...

Thanks for this link...

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

from the moderna patent :

Exemplary antioxidants include, but are not limited to, alpha tocopherol, ascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate, benzyl alcohol, butylated hydroxyanisole, m-cresol, methionine, butylated hydroxytoluene, monothioglycerol, sodium or potassium metabisulfite, propionic acid, propyl gallate, sodium ascorbate, etc., and combinations thereof.

Exemplary chelating agents include, but are not limited to, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), citric acid monohydrate, disodium edetate, fumaric acid, malic acid, phosphoric acid, sodium edetate, tartaric acid, trisodium edetate, etc., and combinations thereof.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Pasheen - EDTA is very aggressive, that is true- CHLORELLA, WILD GARLIC and COREANDER are great - ARTIMISIA ANNUA can do the same job - but please.... trust me - Dr. Ana is ABSOLUTELY genuine and I let everyone believe what they want regarding faith. I follow the gnostics, as they were practicing before the biggest holocaust on earth ravaged over the remains ..... she is into her christian stick - I let her believe all that .... but when it comes to her intentions I could not be more convinced that they are genuine. The counter intelligence agents are sneaking in and they are indeed very intelligent, this is why it works.

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I hear you...and thanks for the tips and hacks...I think Dr. Ana has been using EDTA for her Staying Young type practice...she is very familiar with it, so she is into it...and remember..she is a "doctor." This nano tech is really out of the medical wheelhouse - it is for carbon scientist experts to really nail it down - ie., Noack and his dead colleagues...may they RIP

I think her intentions are good, and I could give a rat's about what her spiritual/Ramtha stuff is, as long as she isn't sacrificing babies and drinking their blood...I like the gnostics as well, but I stay fluid and draw from all religions/sects/disciplines/philosophies but always on a temporary basis. An observer, if you will.

We both compared notes on our targeting a while back, and noticed while we were in close contact that we were both having at least five similar symptoms of targeting. Amazingly, I was more aware of it than she was, but I'm a veteran of this kind of torture, from way back in the 90's., and I pilled her on the telltale signs of being hit. She was unaware of what she was dealing with, as most new TIs are. We always question it and never want to believe it. Still to this day, I try not to jump to that conclusion until the familiar maladies start piling up.

And she got on the board of Targeted Justice when she realized what was going on...another dangerous place to be aligned with. So, she is courageous, for sure.

I guess that is why I feel that I can trust her intentions too...I haven't emailed her in a long while now, since the time when we all realized that the unvaxxed were captured too.

So we forge on...but thanks...that link is just great...thx again.

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Sure, Ana and her group of docs “see” the same things like Peter and his group of docs who “see” spike proteins…what do they really see? 💰💰 we don’t like to believe that money and fame are drivers for “doctors” but why shouldn’t it be? It’s like that for most professions. Toss in the god complex that is built into that profession-all the people petting them, putting them on a pedestal and not being able to hold them accountable. Why? Because it’s a theory and “science” is ever changing. “We didn’t know!” Perfect gig…

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

When looking at Ana's posts, it strikes me that I have no way of knowing what the fuck I am looking at in her microscopic photos and videos. And if Dark Field microscopy cannot "see" nano-sized particles, WTF?

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Exactly, those of us who don’t have this background might tend to believe whatever they say because they are doctors. If we have learned nothing else these last four years, we should have recognized that doctor’s education is built on fraud and they really don’t know much about the human systems. It seems they just make their decisions based on the pharmaceutical inserts and any contraindications listed. Very few doctors left that truly care enough to educate themselves about the pharmaceutical complex they sell, to the detriment of their patients.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

There is no spike protein - please read about the true elements of this crime : https://xochipelli.fr/2022/12/the-necro-corona-of-molecular-spikes-of-graphene-oxide-and-not-the-invisible-coronavirus-induces-a-smog-in-the-human-organism/

With love, deeply rooted in anthropos, humanity -from old souls to old souls - please take the time to read about what's real! This man is on par with Aldous Huxley, Erich Fromm, Hermann Hesse !

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

You didn’t understand my facetiousness about both docs. I don’t follow anyone’s protocol because it’s inherently a conflict of interest and they are biased. When I saw Ana promoting a proprietary protocol in the beginning, I looked at the reviewers-Radio DJ’s-now that’s people I can count on to give the truth about something! Everyone involved, selling their products, saw the money train a coming. Quack whores, nothing less, nothing more. If Ana is rooted in love, how does she warn/alarm people of the dangers of pharmaceuticals, they freak out and quit taking them, beg her to tell them what they should do-in her comment section-and she doesn’t respond or give advice, beyond EDTA chelation. She’s irresponsible at best..not someone I place trust in. I wonder how many people went into diabetic seizures and even died because they quit taking their insulin based on her “findings” and lack of direction??

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

These are other points and I agree with you on many. I do not doubt her intentions though - and as a practitioner, you do not prescribe or advertise what you have not tested - the "no medical advice" is no joke - people sue those giving bad advice .... this is from the Moderna patent about nanoparticle detox : Exemplary antioxidants include, but are not limited to, alpha tocopherol, ascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate, benzyl alcohol, butylated hydroxyanisole, m-cresol, methionine, butylated hydroxytoluene, monothioglycerol, sodium or potassium metabisulfite, propionic acid, propyl gallate, sodium ascorbate, etc., and combinations thereof.

Exemplary chelating agents include, but are not limited to, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), citric acid monohydrate, disodium edetate, fumaric acid, malic acid, phosphoric acid, sodium edetate, tartaric acid, trisodium edetate, etc., and combinations thereof.

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

“and as a practitioner, you do not prescribe or advertise what you have not tested”

If that’s the case, all these docs should turn in their white coats. I would like to point out that Dr. Love, who I know nothing about and have no vested interest in, shared quite a few studies about the dangers of EDTA and quite a few snippets of Ana’s postings recommending the opposite. If half of what those studies are true, then people should seriously question the safety of EDTA and her recommended treatments. And I would be especially concerned about EDTA actually enabling these nanoparticles, instead of binding and expelling them. Which then leads to questioning her knowledge or intentions. Of course the same could be said about Dr. Love. She is selling something-bias-truth or construction? At least Dr. Love is providing the receipts. I’ll stick with mostly raw nutrition, exercise, hydration, sunlight, temperance, fresh air, proper rest and trust in God. To be sure, I didn’t submit to the poisons, so I'm not frantically looking for “their cure”. Which brings me back to Ana-it’s in EVERYONE’S BLOOD and she has the cure. Perfect scenario-reminds me of the asymptomatic push. A fool and his money are soon parted (and maybe even his life).

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Morgellons is like that too.

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From the article:

The only scientific tool Ana Maria uses to back her claims is dark field microscopy. You cannot see nanoparticles with a dark field microscope. It takes a spectroscopy microscope to identify nanoparticles. Her medical claims are simply fabricated and unscientific lies.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Dr. Ana calls them Micro-bots now, not Nano-bots. Also sometimes calls them Micro-robots. She’s also said can’t see Nano-bots like that. The whole name thing is a straw man. One definitely sees something not of normal human body origin apparently moving about in live blood analysis being shown, and doing major work to invade/destroy red blood cells and create other things, they are BOTS man-made (or maybe alien-made, who knows).

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

There is NOT only Dr. Ana. Maria Cisler is a research team leader with 3D ECHO microscopy and its NOT TRUE she is working in conjunction with the carnicom institute , 25 years of research and SPECTROSCOPY and so much more - there is a recent video with a LEADER of microscopy education confirming her with 100k pictures and videos as proof for one category. GUYS BEWARE OF THOSE WHO ARE NOW trying to scare us away from SOLUTIONS.

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thank you Pasheen, that confirmed my suspicions of Ana thoroughly. 😘

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Well, I never throw the baby out with the hydrogel...things aren't that black and white for me...just questioning...always...

Ariyana is brilliant too, but she is out there as well...I seem to have a knack for finding the "most interesting" people to connect with...

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Anyone who sells you masterpeace either doesn't know, wants to make big buck on the obvious pyramid scheme of the Transhumanist pseudo-elite or is actively trying to kill you - it's absolutely full of these blinking cytotoxic and sterilising meta-materials

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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Yeah just be careful cause you are obviously surrounded by agents trying to tell you the people helping us wanna kill us.... or merely rip us off ... its disgusting because this Transhumanist movement could not be further from humanism in the first place. These are the psychopathic school yard bullies and their worldview is as deep as a monoatomic layer of graphene

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

NONONO its the other way around. Ana is genuine and those selling masterpeace are the fraud - Ria literally found all the blinking nanobots in there, hydrogel swimmers, advanced tech

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who is RIA? Blinking nanobots in MasterPeace?

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke


Ria is a doctor like Dr. Ana - who is truly helping people and I trust her fully. Please check her facebook .... it will soon disappear, because she found the same nanotech in PEPSI. Well- try to "proton magic" this!

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There was graphene, nanos, metal tech in Pepsi, Coke and Hershey's chocolate - found decades ago...per the Quell Project - Snowden talked about it too. I was doing a stack on it and just as I was ready to post it, I got hit...I never did publish it, I feel sure that it triggered a hit...but I did tell Dr. Ana about the Quell Project...have known about it since 2012.

Thx - will check this out...!

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Jun 6Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Side effects with Semaglutide (Ozempic and Wegovy)


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Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Ria No More Silence is risking everything to expose the truth, this is what she wrote about Dr. Ariyana Love : https://www.facebook.com/share/p/YytXRZc7FzwrEMWj/

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Also Dr. Klinghardt uses EDTA everywhere, he is mostly using natural products and hints at side effects, FAIR ENOUGH, but it works anyway- please think - these counter intelligence agents are also trying to talk down on VITAMIN D and more ...... pure vitamin D is NOT rat POISON but Vitamin D !

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It is a mind field...for sure...

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Do you know if they have removed the Aluminium from the zeolite?

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I think they say it’s “ safely caged “

So, no.

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