Jul 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

In UK they have recently built super prisons the size of small towns but are saying we are full! Who are they for? Hmmmm

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Jul 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

What if we turn things around and use these camps for all the illegals to be rounded up according to the country they are from? Separate them into those groups in different camps and when each camp is full, load up a plane-full and send them HOME ... and keep going until they are ALL GONE. We need the military to step up in a counter-coup against this tyranny and make things right. Yes, I know, our military is very weak under Biden, but there are still Patriots in the military and I know they are boiling mad. Marines, Green Berets, Special Ops ... it is their Duty, as well as the People's ... so how do we get this going?

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Author

I think the patriots are fully aware that they could be stopped instantaneously with a simple frequency...but they still don't have the big picture - still talking about Havana Syndrome...we are so far beyond that capability now, but anyone with ANY knowledge of the silent weapons ready to deploy against us, knows they don't stand a chance.

And it is impossible to mobilize with surveillance such as it is...without being arrested as you're leaving the house.

We/they/anyone who wanted to/or could've possibly turned this around, waited too long...the window is closed on an uprising...our bodies are the killboxes now...IMO

And even the military - being so compartmentalized - the patriots have no clue what has already been done to us...our blood contamination, the nanos in our bodies - ready to trigger the next outbreak at the flip of a switch? Raiklin has no clue about any of this...neither do most of the patriots, if any, who still think their guns will do the trick...they know nothing about slaughterbots, silent weapons, W-Ban or 5G and nano interface capabilities...

That's my feeling anyway, after stress vomiting for three days...OMFG...but, I slept well last night, finally!

Debbie Downer over and out?

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Jul 4Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I see the future differently, there is more going on than just "evil" ... I still have hope for Humanity's survival, but it will be survival of the knowledgeable, the prepared, the fearless. I do believe we can win against these motherfuckers, but it won't be pretty and there will be blood in the streets.

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Jul 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Link didn't work for me, but this comment Diva, was worth the price of proverbial admission! No D. Downer ... Just a good dose of REALITY.

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In your opinion, what can be done to turn the tide?

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Jul 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

More doom, eh Pash.

So, Jones' guest is a former ''one of them'', who what, went straight? Saw the light?

This is programming. You got anything new?

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More information on potential fuckery that might be coming our way. The only way we can counter their plans is to expose them and hope to neuter them. It's about being on offense as much as possible and being prepared, even if only emotionally, for anything they are planning to roll out...

If you see my posts as doom, that is your interpretation...your impression. I'm not here to impress Max. I'm sounding some alarms...take them or leave them...or leave.

If you want hopium, you might want to steer clear of the asylum. And if my posts aren't "new" enough for you, why don't you start your own happy-talk substack and tell us what to think and what we should know that you think is "new."

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Jul 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke


Have you ever heard this one.......................Nothing happens without cause and that cause is thought.................?

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Oh...thoughts create reality. Gee, thanks, I've never heard that before. That's so "new." You really do need to start your own New Age substack.

So, this "new" idea that I've never heard of...thoughts create reality...would that reality, in actuality, be a simulation? A Hologram?

Here's something you might not have thought of - the depop ghoulz have thoughts too - and they are feeding THEIR thoughts into OUR minds...might be something "new" for you to consider.

I have a thought...Diva Drops might just want to call security...

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''Oh...thoughts create reality. Gee, thanks, I've never heard that before.''

You are welcome. Now that you have, how about taking the offensive? Maybe give some tips, like how cause and effect works, the other Principles and so on. Because the ''ghoulz'' use them, yet nothing about that here. Change the vibration. Vibration, that's another Law.

''...Diva Drops might just want to call security...''

Ah, the ole, obey or jail trick huh? It's hard to believe that a person searching for truth would cut off a person searching for truth.

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Remember all the Walmart stores closing down a few years ago? Many with train track behind them .

So sick of the who and gates etc.

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No one should LIKE this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If only it would be limited to “Trump supporters”!!

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like the J6 political prisoners? really?

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I know the Japanese Internment camps around Hermiston Oregon a few years ago were said to be being refurbished but I don't this so they have v2k and all the ways the monitor us all they don't need that. Nano bots and nano chips are being replicated into each and everyone of us vaxxed and Unvaxxed all they have to do now is kill us without no one being the wiser.

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