Sep 27Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Interesting he says mass shooting quoting the WaPo. That would seem almost preposterous if I didn’t believe in the impossible. When I heard about this I thought about the only thing that could leave us without 100+ representatives would have to be a missile strike. If that should occur the last thing that will be on everyone’s mind is replacing the bastards. Nuclear Armageddon will be in full swing at that point.

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COVID Roundup: Former CDC Director Slobs on RFK Jr.’s Knob (Analysis)


Former CDC Director Robert Redfield suddenly interested in solving chronic disease, endorses RFK Jr.

More recently, Redfield came out in a Newsweek editorial endorsing, of all people, “anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist” RFK Jr. as the guy to fix the public health disaster that is the United States in 2024.


Trump's plan https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-has-plan-make-americas-children-healthy-again-its-good-one-opinion-1957026


Democrats Are Teaching 5th Graders to Masturbate…WHY?! https://www.patrioticviralnews.com/articles/democrats-are-teaching-5th-graders-to-masturbatewhy/

The slimy liberal scumbag is now claiming to voters that she will eliminate “tax on tips,” copying one of Trump’s core policies verbatim. But what she and her allies in the liberal media don’t want you to know is that she herself is responsible for putting that tax in place!

The Vice President acts as a tie-breaking vote in the Senate. When it came time to vote on the incredibly misleading “Inflation reduction act” the Senate was tied at 50-50 and it was Kamala’s “yes” vote which ultimately passed the bill. Immediately after the vote, Kamala busted out with one of her patented cackles, but the American people were certainly not laughing along with her.


OOPSIE! Tim Walz Slips Up and Reminds Everyone How Kamala Harris Got Started in Politics, Calls Her a “Prostitutor”


Walz said that Harris had begun her career as a “young prostitutor” and while he meant to say “young prosecutor” his little slip-up was actually not far from the truth.

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Hackers Show Off Voting Machine Vulnerabilities, Media Claims There’s Nothing Anyone Can Do Before November So Just Sit Down and Shut Up About Election Fraud


For years the media has insisted that American elections are as secure as they get. Suggesting otherwise would earn you the label of domestic terrorist.

Except even the most liberal of media outlets are now admitting this is certainly NOT the case.

The far-left outlet Politico reported on a convention of the world’s top hackers where they exposed just how vulnerable our elections really are – and it’s worse than you think.

These hackers were tasked with breaking into the voting machines that will be handling the bulk of elections this November.

What they discovered was that these machines are INCREDIBLY vulnerable to cyber-attacks from outside entities but comically enough, Politico claims there’s just “no way” to fix these issues before November.

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FDA approves Bristol Myers Squibb's schizophrenia drug, the first new type of treatment in decades

The twice-daily pill, Cobenfy, is a badly needed new treatment option for the nearly 3 million adults in the U.S. living with schizophrenia.


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Just what we need another shrink drug that has suicie/homicie tendencies to drug people. At a high price.

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Report: Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination — 9 Surface-to-Air Missiles Smuggled into US

“The shoulder fired missile system is typically used for a low and slow target, like a plane or helicopter taking off or landing,” the former Green Beret explained, adding that he cannot understand how nine of the missile systems could make it across the border at a POE.

“I understand what can make it through a POE and what cannot,” Chambers noted. “Yes, things can slip through, but this is not one of those things.”

Chambers argued, “the only way you can get this through is by paying somebody off at a POE.” Although he is “not pointing fingers at Border Patrol or anybody,” he said, “it either happened this way or there was some kind of diversion.”

He suspects the involvement of the Sinaloa cartel which controls much of what comes across the border and “someone on our side.”

Interestingly, Chambers said, “some legislators and the intelligence community knew about it.” As a result, he said, former president Trump has been briefed extensively on an Iranian threat.


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Thanks for this info...and of course the intel community knew about it - they are more of a threat than Iran, IMO, this doesn't happen without their involvement and likely their complicity. Briefing Trump on an Iranian threat is to deflect attention away from themselves...they have always lied to him, and sadly he is still buying in.

thx again...

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It has been weaponozed like all the other agencies, worked great to surpress Covid info. Look at Yoho's podcast today, Ivermectin for Breast Cancer.

They are doing all they can to squash Trump's appearances. Kameltoes was in Wis. the same day, Trump's rally was cancelled. US will look like third world country in another 4 years.

So, We Were Right All Along: A Message From Mary Holland


Military votes Absentee, WHEN not in home state, and has for a long time. Especially those stationed overseas. No one has tried to 'fix' this issue, as many ballots are 'LOST'. IT DISENFRANCHISES THEM.

Supreme Court to take up Ohio's purges of inactive voters


15,000 killers, 20,000 sexual assault convicts, 60,000 robbers among illegal immigrants at large - Washington Times.


Homeland Security knows of at least 660,000 illegal immigrants at large in the U.S. with criminal records, including 13,000 convicted killers, nearly 16,000 sex assault convicts and 56,000 involved with dangerous drugs.

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Second link already gone…6:25pm central. ZH has an article you could link to.

I suspect the plans of the nefarious ones shall come to naught. 🙏

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OK Here's the thing... That which is going to shut the system down ain't on the horizon. A mass causality event? Are you serious? We had one in Las Vegas and NOTHING CAME from it...so nice try...LOL. A nuclear exchange???? Not very likely despite all of the saber rattling. Think about it...who wants to end the world as we know it? Trump getting whacked? A definite possibility but are you going to civil war? Then STFU! No dumb-dumbs the problems we face are basic and will require people to make a choice...whether they like it or not. Do you want to slide into a subservient state or do you wan to live as free people? The latter requires a contentious decision to make things so...so that people have control over their lives and deal with the consequences or not. If they don't....well tough shit. Once you lose control over your life you'll never get it back. Time to put your big boy/gal pants on and choose. Pax

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Meanwhile, all we do is wait and complain….

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And pray.

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Have you looked at Helene’s devastation in South? Like Trump march to the Sea! To clear out WHO and UN soldier movements! I see the Plan! We got this! Keep your energies elevated! We are the Pillars of Light!

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