Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

BIG UGH!!! I hate them! Without cats they will have too many rodents! And I can't imagine life without a dog. FUCKERS. 😭🤮🤪

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It's so obvious that they are coming from our pets, the love in the life of so many people - often the only thing that keeps love alive. In my province of Canada you can't even get your cat neutered without having it injected with vaccines - except by the rare vet with guts.

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I HEAR you!

Veterinarians are in on it because they deploy the weapons. And they know it. Principals to the crime not accessories after the fact.

When people FINALLY see the depth and scope of this war then they can do something. Until then they are paralyzed with ignorance or hysterical blindness.

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yes, so obvious for a long time now...

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yes, so obvious for a long time now...

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Without cats...there will be lots of rats, pestilence, & disease.

Not to mention, a total repeat of days gone by.

Thank You Diva, I KNOW this is a hard black pill to swallow.

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

TY for the link! OMG! Less than 2 minutes of horror!

NICE Find! It's in the works then I presume.

The SIMPSONS have spoken!

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Rubbing our faces in it for years

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Diva you are awesome. This is so important. We have owe so much to our animal friends. Using a holistic vet is so refreshing. I found one when my little buddy Rufus (a 17 pound schnauzer/terrier mix who thought he was 100 lbs) was diagnosed with cancer . She kept him healthy and pain free for 3 years. I was told maybe he had 5 months left when diagnosed. He did pass last February but had a great time until his last day. So did I. Thank you.

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TY...Rufus was lucky to have you...

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

CAT CHIPPING is being sold as a way to help find lost cats because the Government cares so terribly, terribly much about lost cats.

"The World of Social Credit Just Got Much Closer"


The evil ones are making similar rules for DOG CHIPPING imported into the United States. This will soon be a CDC requirement [and I quote]:

"Effective August 1, 2024, all dogs imported into the U.S. are required to:

(1) Appear healthy upon arrival,

(2) Be at least six months of age,

(3) Have an ISO-compatible microchip implanted for identification purposes, ..."


Clearly rules like these are to soften people up for the goal of chipping their children and eventually ALL PEOPLE. Do not comply.

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I lost my last 2 cats after their rabies shots. One died 3 days post shot and it was a massive horrific stroke, projectile vomit and the worst scream ever and my other cat got symptoms of heart failure the next day. She lasted 9 months but it was so sad to watch. I vowed to never get vaccines ever again. Now I have 3 cats, 2 Ferals with zero vaccines and the 3rd is an obese old man who was adopted at least 5 times from spca. He’s highly vaccinated but not my choice, he’s now on strict raw diet and has lost 2 lbs, from 20! He’s probably 8 years old and will never get another vax again.

They will have to kill me before anyone takes my fur babes from me!

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so sorry...I feel the same way...no more vaxxes...ever...if I can avoid it...usually when neutering a feral they insist...hard to get around that rabies/neuter vax though. all vaxes are poisonous scams...

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thats how I feel about my dogs. I really love them. No vaccines for them EVER. Seems they are just poison. Easy money for the vets too.

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all vaxes are poisonous scams...

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Money talks as usual. Vets selling out. Soulless people. Even before the jab rendered people soulless. Pet owners will fight this. Cat lovers are NOT to be messed with!

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I watched a clip where they have successfully infused plants with mRNA like lettuce and tomato's in CA so expect this to reach supermarkets really soon. Produce is being coated with edible Apeel that is designed to reduce food waste. Then we hear of mass fever outbreak in FL and could this have to do with the million plus genetically modified mosquitos Bill Gats has send there being the swell guy he is. Everything coming to market like fake meats he's invested in. Saw article where 140 brands of coffee is being recalled for toxicity. Sure seems like the D Population agenda is playing out before our eyes.

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the extermination is in full force...everything is contaminated now...just a matter of time for all of us...

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Just one thought. Shedding? I don't mean fur.

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freshly vaxxed adopters came to the house to adopt a rescue right when the death jabs rolled out - and two kittens died within 24 hours of being handled by them. I have special needs rescues and two of my older and most compromised special needs babies, who were close in proximity to them, died within one week...the other cats became lethargic and wouldn't eat for five days - we assumed they had lost their taste and smell...I force fed them all the others and they recovered - shedding is real...whatever the bioweapon was shedding - it was a heartbreaking week...it went through the shelters too - because the nurses and shelter people were all freshly vaxxed...I haven't had potential adopters here since...

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this is untenable!

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we've got to neuter the ghoulz!!!

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you so funny - what an image -and i love your sass

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Vernon Coleman (Grumpy Man in the Chair) warned about this at the very beginning of the scam. In Britain you now have to have your cats chipped. Why now? Is it really for their wellbeing or is it to locate them for culling - to save the planet? We purposefully haven't had our young dogs chipped, vaccinated and they still have their balls lol and are keeping them!

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

Love Vernon...and ballz...LOL

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Back in SoCal around 2006 we lost one cat to kidney failure and one to cancer. For each, we found a vet who came to the house and administered death shots. (If I had been in the shape they were in, I'd have wanted the same thing done to me...obvious continuous pain and no hypothesis for improvement. Maybe someone reading this is tougher than I am and could have watched them suffer longer, for whatever reason & to whatever purpose. May you never have to decide.) Anyway, of the traveling vet(s) [I don't recall if it was one for both cats or different vets for each] , at least one of them dealt primarily with larger animals...such a practice might not be as easy to sell to Blue River or seem to BR like a good investment of their money. If they're willing to come to your place for euthanasia, maybe they're willing to visit for keeping your animals alive, too...maybe find one and ask them...and if necessary, keep finding traveling vets until you find one you trust. Just an idea...maybe things have changed and it's a lost cause.

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yes...looked for traveling vets, country vets...nothing here in HO, TX...but, will keep looking...thx.

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Maybe further out to horse ranches or cattle operations? Lake Charles? Any idea if Blue River has less of a market presence in Louisiana?

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LA is too far...and Blue River is worldwide...I have a vet now who refused to sell to them...and I get around vaxxes with them too...so, so far kind of ok.

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I will send out some positive thoughts for your vet's continued good medical and financial health.

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I think we've paid for his house and his boat by now...LOL...but thx

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Looks like in the Blue River universe, finding each 'next' cool vet will be more difficult than finding the previous one...musical chairs scenario, or something like that. Hopefully he won't get interested in politics and ask for a campaign contribution in a quid quo pro wrt his continued availability as your vet.

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

According to the Simpsons.


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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

"I have flying monkeys..." That's what I like about you, Pasheen. And, a whole lot of other stuff...;-)

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Jun 28Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

ANIMAL FARM : The Seven Commandments.

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.

2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.

3. No animal shall wear clothes. ( If you want to be naked, you must do this in a strip club and charge

customers to see you).

4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.

5. No animal shall drink alcohol.

6. No animal shall kill or rape other animals.

7. All animals are equal


THAN OTHERS.” Elite Animals.

Eric Arthur Blair, aka George Orwell (1903-1950).

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Love it.

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This made me laugh, well (i.e. laugh).

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