Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

This is disgusting, but seems to be a threat only for the vaxxed and those that exchange bodily fluids with a vaxxed person? Or since the vaxx can be shed all over, does that include the hideous parasites? Either way, we ALL have parasites and we should take heed. I take Ivermectin every few months for 10-days to wipe them out. There are other protocols out there, but this seems simplest for me. Some of the remedies like Red Pine Needle Oil are so intensely bitter I can't put it in my mouth! Thank you for sharing.

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How would we know where they are? In the nanocapsule payloads? I can't help but think they may be a component in the fluorescence and the long white clots...so hideous...detox...somehow...with something, I guess?

I take the Pine Needle too, but sometimes don't feel good after a few days - then I stop - which is probably the worse thing to do...ugh...I have no answers...💖

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I love Carrie! So grateful she made it through their attempt to kill her. Thanks for posting! ❤️

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I love her too...she has been laying low - who can blame her...

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I recall reading that we should all do regular detoxes particularly if we have animals! And that wormwood, black walnut and cloves work together on different parasites at different stages of their life cycles to eliminate them, for instance the cloves kill the eggsI will try to find the article to be more specific. It would be great if the answer to all this crap is a combination of herbs used for centuries.

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thx...getting some great advice...!!!

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

'These three herbs are most effective when used together. Black walnut hull and wormwood kill the adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs. Only when they are use together together will you successfully cleanse the parasites entirely.'

I recall that black walnut and wormwood should be used for a limited time as they are powerful and can have adverse effects if used for too long.

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rummaging through my supplement boxes, I found an herbal intestinal cleanse that contains all three...I'm on it! Luckily I've bought many herbal remedies over the past few years...and Im finally going to use them!

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thx again...

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I know someone with Lymes disease and she was so ill. The doctors couldn't do a thing for her but she went to a herbalist and was given wormwood but very controlled with breaks off from it. Its the only thing that worked for her! The ancient ways are the best - years and years of wisdom - and the globalists have done their best to eradicate their health benefits :(

giving properties. I recall you can only use wormwood and black walnut for about a month as they are so powerful but that's more than long enough for a detox! Black seed oil is also meant to be very effective. But do research it all! I looked into this some years back and will see what I can find and post it.

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Jun 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Sorry that needed a bit of editing which didn't turn out quite right but you get the gist :)

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no problem...got it...thx so much!

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Yes, they are using multiple transfection agents:

The PEG nano-particles.

Weaponized mycoplasmas and bacterias which undergo pleomorphic transformations —»

Plasmids —→> mycoplasmas —→ become larger bacteria —→> transform into parasites…then the change from red blood cells into parasitic forms has been observed by Robert Young and other pleomorphic scientists. All this takes place in an acidic terrain. The spike protein venoms are synthetic, made by AI. They infect the bacterias in the gut with the chimeric GATES CIA Rothschild code…

The hydra vulgaris.

The weaponized and hijacked exossomes.


THE DARPA Hydrogel is constructed upon the Morgellons fake parasites…and upon the graphine oxide…. eliminating these will go a long way..

The 38 snake venoms produced by the organoids. This is the work of Drew Wiseman and his partner.

The Luciferase, quantum dots with the SPIONS.

There are probaly other multiple transfection agents. There are some 30 to 40 bio-weapons connected to the fake vaccines.

The nano SMART DUST is demonic and they have perfected it to hijack the soul and aura of man. See the GIDEON intel reports.

But there is no known anti-dote to the SMARTDUST. There is ONLY ONE TECHNOLOGY that can disable it. I teach people how to use this technology.

See also my posts on Steemit. I will need to be updating those..


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I do appreciate you weighing in here, but your technology is very pricey...without some idea of what it is and does, specifically, it's a hard sell for the masses...it doesn't seem like an affordable option for anyone but the ghoulish elites...

We're all a bit jaded and sick of fake antidotes, truthers behind paywalls and everyone selling their supplements posing as detoxes...and I'm somewhat disappointed in Young's promotion of MasterPeace...but thx anyway...

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Compared to the medbeds, it is cheap. Those cost up to one million. This is actually affordable tech, staring at 200 dollars.... then with options at 350, 900, 2,700... You can run with the cheap and get a solution equivalent to something that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.



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