
Rife to kill parasites?


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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I stocked up on IVM and Hydroxy plus the Z-Stack (when Zev was still alive) and then bought separate products after his death - didn’t trust the ppl who took over his “protocol” - but that’s just me. I

know that Mike Adams uses IVM before and during any speaking engagements, so palliative care is what I’ve been doing. Plus other things - then again, I’ve been doing supps forever. When I’m sick with a cold, I call my chiropractor! I see him once a week anyway. Have been using chiros since I was 17 years old. The right ones are MAGIC.

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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

My crossbow is ready! 🏹

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go in here around 23:00


more on Brighteon if you do a search for Parasites cause cancer...

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Parasites and the Virus Deception - with Dr. Lee Merritt

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Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Same thing they found in the clinic I worked in, in San DIego...makes sense to me, and would explain why Ivermectin often works to treat cancer....

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Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Do Anti parasitics, work by removing an enzyme that parasites use to hide from your immune system? I read somewhere that's how it works. Interesting stuff.

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Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Not sure, but cancer looks like egg sacs or fungus in the body...I've read that too and it seems reasonable.

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The use of anti-parasitics/dewormers, besides being able to get rid of worms, apparently has the additional benefit of activating one's "cell mediated immunity" (which fights cancer cells and virus infected cells), which is HUGE.

It seems then that these antiparasitic/dewormer drugs may somehow (a) *upregulate* the arm of the immune system known as "TH1" (cell mediated immunity that fights cancer cells and virus infected cells), and/or (b) *downregulate* the arm of the immune system known as "TH2" (humoral immunity).

Ivermectin, like fenbendazole, is an antiparasitic for treating cattle. There are numerous studies demonstrating that IVM works well as an antiviral against the bioweapon.

Hydroxychloroquine, like fenbendazole and ivermectin, is also an antiparasitic treatment (for the parasite malaria). Interestingly, HCQ, if used early with some zinc, also works well against the bioweapon.

From my own personal experience, several times now when I feel like I'm coming down with a common cold, I've taken a few HCQ tabs and some zinc, and it nips the cold in the bud in a day or two. Might HCQ/IVM also be a cures for the common cold? I think they may be.

Here we have here 3 antiparasitic drugs -- fenbendazole, IVM, and HCQ -- which (1) fight worms/malaria/parasites, and (2) also may be possibly effective against viruses and cancer.

This would be GREAT news for people ... because these are old, off-patent, relatively inexpensive generic drugs ... and this is TERRIBLE news for Big Harma for the same reason: they're old, off-patent, cheap generic drugs ... bad for the bottom line ... and means fewer customers for pricier treatments at places like Sloan Kettering.

Anti-parasitics may act as immuno-modulators to optimize or improve immune function. May not work for everyone ... but sure is worth looking into.

This also raises the question: Did/does the bioweapon of 2019/2020, whatever it was, have traits in common with parasites? Perhaps yes.

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Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Parasites created by PARASITES 🦠

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Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Fwiw, Hubs did a parasite cleanse after his battle with the bitch cancer

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I'm so glad he made it through...so horrific to deal with......what cancer protocol did he use? and what parasite cleanse?

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thanks Diva!💞

He refused chemo but did thirty three courses of radiation. It started as a black spot on his lip and after ten fucking years of home remedies for things he *thought* it might be he finally listened to me and had it checked. Three separate sessions with a pos quack dermatologist who said it was a basal cell carcinoma without ever doing a biopsy. laser, cut, laser.... He got a lump in his neck a year later. After another year of quackery...dentists, oral surgeons, ENT , tonsillectomy ...they finally gave him a fine needle aspiration and a diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma that had spread to his parotid salivary gland and lymph nodes. He had radical neck dissection surgery (don't look at pics of that if you're squeamish) and the rad treatments. Finished one year ago this week. His three months checkups with his oncologist team have been free and clear. He worked out, ate like a teenager and stayed strong throughout his ordeal. I wanted to fall apart, but I was a freakin' rock.


I will have to check the name of his parasite cleanse tomorrow. I'm in bed now. 💤😴

Neither of us are jabbers btw. Eat clean, don't drink for 20 yrs now, did abuse ourselves in 20s and 30s with both drugs and booze🤣 , exercise and have extremely positive attitudes most of the time. Take some sups... You know 😉 coming up on 34 years together.

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WOW...thx so much for sharing...what an ordeal...so happy you're past it all. And what a guy...what a couple!!! XO

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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Awesome on all counts. Good for both of you. ❤️

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Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

That should tell you everything. I am so sorry that your husband (and you) had to go through this.... MADNESS.

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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thanks Erin 💞

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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke


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Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

So if it's parasites, guess the mRNA shots are off the hook!


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not so fast, sweet summer child...hydra vulgaris parasites were found in the vaxxes...and a lot of other GO eff'ed up stuff too, including venoms (likely causing the neurological nightmares)..the jabs will never be off the hook...

and you were likely being facetious, no?

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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

You think dioxin going into the air after the East Palestine burn off might cause some cancer?

Honest query.

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absolutely -and we have no idea about what toxins are in the specialized chemtrails sprayed just prior to the DEWs.

It's getting hard to separate it all out - the poisoning is so varied and everywhere, in everything...

I've thought this was an amazing reveal - Dr. Ardis found this connecrion...

the venom theory has been confirmed by research teams testing their patients blood, urine, and stool for venoms. When researchers do test for venoms, they find 36 different snake and conotoxin venoms in the body fluids of 100% of their patients.


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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Not mutually exclusive. It's possible that the reason things are toxic is that they break the cells' protective barrier and allow parasites to flourish...That's what a lot of doctors think anyway...

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A lot of things are possible.

You've seen the Hela Cells documentary, yes?

They've been at this for 70-years plus.


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Yes I've seen the Hela Cells research long time ago...Actually cancer research was around in the 1800's and the doctors at the time thought it was caused by parasites. When Rockerfeller took over medicine the natural ways were demonized along with ancient ideas of healing. The Final Book of Chinese Medicine was published 3000 B.C. and included herbs for cancer and their theory was parasites...What I think is happening is that the monsters are upset that some cures are being rediscovered. Day Tapes said they could cure it and didn't want to so I'm sure they are upset if potential cures that don't cost a person's life savings become available. Also cancer doctors are the only ones allowed to profit from drug sales (cancer drugs) and they are extremely expensive and the doctors get a big cut. Other doctors do not share in drug profits directly. But they do from vaccine incentives so of course they are upset at anti vaxxers just like they are upset with parasite theories coming out...

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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Probably in 3000BC it was parasites, although I don't know if they had microscopes to see them, they probably just gave an unseen thing a name or a taxonomy.

Did they have Agent Orange and Radiation in 3000BC?

I just try to isolate the variables.

People love this about me! 😅

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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

The vid I sent you from Housatonic makes the case that the nuke research was largely cancer research.

The big issue I have via, "We are finding out" is that they will kill people who find out rather than leak it out on the corners of the internet.

If cancer is multi-factorial this focus on "parasites" is a magnificent cul-de-sac.

If true, it should leak out to the Legacy Media....

But really, I don't think anything is being discovered that will not be managed.

I know a researcher who had a study on a cancer treatment pulled. Because it was "working".

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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I am hated by all of my (now previous) docs. Such snarky bitches.

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Would that dioxin affect us up north and in Europe, Aus., etc?

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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

No, not at all.

Cancer is probably multi-faceted and laser pointing to the bugs is cleverly going to bamboozle enough of the marks to keep going on the fake endless "moonshot".

And keep people consuming a Pharm product forever.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Author

I hear you, but I don't think we'll ever get to that declaration...and it isn't as simple as the marks are...parasites are just one drop in this bucket of madness, but I think it's worth exploring that tumors seem to be parasite sacs? I've even heard that clearing autistic kids of parasites helps them enormously - and some have claimed that it cured their child...so there is something to the parasite theories ...and the ghoulz sure were apoplectically opposed to any anti-parasitics...

They even overdosed people with hydroxy in fake trials to discredit it...so why so hyperbolic about these drugs......

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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Where is this coming from?

Who is behind the curtain of the discoveries?

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which ones...? Venom? Parasites? Parasites and Cancer? Can you be specific...and I'll find my sources for any of this...

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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I've had people tell me to smoke weed, it cures cancer.

Edward Griffen said apple seeds.

The tie in with the Aussie Cancer researchers to say Ivermectin eliminated the novel virus in cell culture parroted by Kory and Lawrie by April 3, 2020 is deeply suspicious.

There is no question that some forces want HCQ and IVM etc. on bodies.

Maybe to cure the cancer that is blowing up like crazy. Sure.

From the viruses, parasites, radiation, poison.

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Jun 16Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Who right now is the driving force behind this PARASITES theory of cancer?

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"Where is this coming from?"

Speaking for myself here, I heard of the TH1/TH2 imbalance -- not parasites per se -- approx 35 years ago in research by a Dr. Paul Cheney, who was explaining how different arms of the hoomanz immune system are better at attacking certain invaders.

IIRC persons whose immune systems are are predominantly TH1 tend to be healthier than most of the rest who, as we age, and as we get injected with antibody-inducing shots, become way too TH2 dominant. Those with an overactive TH2 (humoral immunity) tend to produce lots of antibodies to this-and-that and often present with lots of allergies, even severe allergies and also asthma. Their TH1 (cellular immunity, i.e. their CD4+ T-cells and their "killer" T-cells to fight "viruses" and cancers) is reduced/compromised.

My recollection is that one is better off if u have an active TH1 (to go on the attack against cancer and "viruses" [in quotes]) and a somewhat less active TH2 arm of the immune system.

Worth a look ... as u know, i don't claim to have the Answer with a capital letter "A", LOL.

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35 years later after the rollout of gene editing shots, and the parasite theory is back front and center.

Not saying parasites do not cause cancer as I think MANY things cause cancer.

Just questioning the return of the theory and it's like catnip.

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Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Raw, organic garlic and pumpkin seeds for a natural approach. Do a fecal test as well.

Parasitology Center Inc.

Phone: 480-767-2522


Website: https://www.parasitetesting.com/

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Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Beyond Bad: Fake Meat and Other 'Ultra Processed' Vegan Food Linked to Heart Disease, Early Death

New research suggests that ultra-processed vegan food can increase the risk of heart disease and early death, the NY Post reports, citing a new study published in The Lancet from the University of São Paulo and Imperial College London. Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) include packaged goods, drinks, cereals and ready-to-eat products that contain colors, emulsifiers, flavors


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Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Plus the process of making it is just as dangerous

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I remember a young Dr. in the 1995 era when i had the first cyber cafe who speculated that such was the case, virus causing cancer, parasites are frequency too, like you, and can feed and grow depending on invisible forces few know exist. EMF, 5G, or other such radiant forces can alter the physiology and psychology of people instantly, even kill us. Yes, electrical beings that can be electrocuted in a split second by a lightning bolt. Frail but persistent. Learning to ground a filament like the human body that conducts energy from the sun, sound, monitors, LED Lighting, and other such things that give off, radiate energy that may not be healthy for humans. Few understand what it means to be a Being of frequency that controls the energy in a saltwater battery of water and clay you call a body. Ground and you can generate an incredible Being of high energy that is fed by the sun through the melatonin into your mitochondria to create the energy it takes to manifest an incredible new you tomorrow.

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Jun 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Turbocancers now appearing. Multiple ingredients in vaks disrupt and mutate cell activity, especially in the energy production cycle of the body; the ATP. That explains in large part why so many claim to have a lack of energy.

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