Sep 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

amazing dot connecting post!

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Sep 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

And now everyone wants to hear Diddy sing for a change ,🤣🤣🤣

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🤣 clever girl!

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Sep 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Hehe. *takes a bow*.

Saw a stack with a similar title later the next day. Wonder if it was great minds thinking alike or if they saw this.... 😉

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Sep 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Ugh! How I loathe these insufferable CELEBRITARDS who are completely controlled spokes-puppets of the globalist parasite genocidal total slavery agenda.

Did you know that ALL the major entertainment unions: SAG, AFTRA, Actors Equity, AGMA since 2021 still demand that all their casts and crew be jabbed and boosted or NO GIGS! They are all NAZI/GESTAPO SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS!

I cannot stomach any Hollywood product anymore and that started before 2020 when their creepy corruption made everything unwatchable. I enjoy foreign, independent films, fuck Hollywood.

I am too marginal, unfamous, and weird as an entertainer to be eligible to ever join their unions, but I would never want to have anything to do with those jerks in the upper level satanic globalist so-called show biz.

I’m from NYC. I want to use my entertainment skills to fight back! Entertainment as ART!

The ruling psychos are anti-life/anti-human, cruel and sadistic, totally the opposite of what it means to be fully human, to cherish all living beings and to strive to live life to the fullest.

At times when I feel thwarted by the malign forces trying to destroy this world, I experience rage and despair but I refuse to give up trying to do the things that give my life meaning, that I love to do with intense passion, and to help make the world a better place.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Contortion Dance Entertainer, offers advanced yoga feats of flexibility, despite injuries all over her body: torn rotator cuffs in both shoulders, a disintegrated spinal disc and 2 hip replacements! At 69, she presents special theme- and character-based acts that challenge ageism and gender role stereotypes and she flexibly freestyles to any genre of music live or recorded. She is a testimony to the benefits of an organic vegetarian diet, daily exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Please invite her to SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE at your event: mailto:amyharlib@e-activism.com, https://www.instagram.com/amyharlib/, https://www.reverbnation.com/amazingamycontortionistuniqueyogadancer


My SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (69) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!

Thank you.

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Great Pash. your on to the con , the smoke and mirrors . Thats how it works. sadly the normies dont see it

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Sep 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Brilliant post. Didn't know Maya Harris was in the middle of Pizzagate.

A election swinging pattern is repeating. Just before the 2016 election we had viral Pizzagate. Now, pre this election we have viral Trump saves cute kitties and ducks.

Seems in the bag and they know it, hence bang bang, bang bang. Let's pray for their protection.

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Sep 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

If we are going to win this Spiritual War, the pedos will be taken out. Until that happens, we are still "in it." Excellent post! Hoping we get to see the unveiling of all this ... the ghoulz ARE shitting their pants, switching gears, looking for new ways to destroy us before we destroy them ... it will be a fight to the finish. They hate that so much is being revealed, but they can't help but to continue exposing themselves. May they all burn in Hell. ALL. OF. THEM.

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Sep 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Some of these pictures are paste up. The one with Diddy between Kamala and the other woman is ridiculous.

What about the hand between Taylor and the Universal guy? Plus her forearm around him looks way too fat.

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This was an epic post Diva! 👏👏👏

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Sep 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Tom MacDonald still ended up getting kikeopted by MOSSAD Shapiro no less after all that unfortunately

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Sep 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Remember Isaac Kappy's rap ‘BRACKETS AND JACKETS- it's (was) 'deadly'....literally,,,

"According to police, on May 13, 2019, actor, Isaac Kappy “forced himself off” (as opposed to jumped?) from an overpass onto Interstate 40 in Bellemont, Arizona, where he was struck by an oncoming pickup truck. His death was ruled a suicide."



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Sep 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke


Admiral William Guy Carr's "Pawns in the Game" 1958 speech EXPOSING the whole Satanic conspiracy to enslave the whole world (65 years ago!!)


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Sep 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Fantastic work keep that scalpel sharp. These cretins need to be exposed

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Sep 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke


That includes the D.O.J. Every prison has a back door.

P.S. Do you think Oprah and Weinstein............................?

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Who knows what's really going on. We make it our concern but for most of us there's not much we can actually do because we are restricted of power.(See last paragraph and my blog for why that is)

Civil non violent disobedience and the continuation of work will keep this society moving in the right direction.

This world will not improve by any ideas the public may have until sovereignty flourishes.

Pedophiles protect pedophiles and "governments" work with them.

It goes back in far far far long ago times, when it was recognized that any who knowingly protects a criminal, and it was known to him of his criminal behaviour, is most likely criminal themselves.

Ahh but get this, WHAT IF, these criminals who protect criminals are being given their power by the victims of their chaos?

That is, regular people support them. believe them to be the solution of their criminal behaviour if only they could support them harder, be it voting, funding, taxes, joining the military, police, etc.

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Sep 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke


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Sep 19Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I was thinking he is Jeffrey Epstein 2.0. isn't he being held in the same jail. I told my BF and he said Diddy will be dead in 48 hours. 😳

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