Why don't you consult the good Dr. McCullough ? According to John Leake's recent article he is "on a quest to find the spike protein antidote." Holistically, of course.

Seriously, have you ever tried Chlorine Dioxide (MMS Drops)? I am taking them for ten years preventative and in the rare occasions of getting a little sick.

I am also doing regular coffee enemas for about ten years. Now this is a bit wild, but in my first year of coffee enema I had thousands of "strange" objects leaving my body, from pin size to walnut size - a life worth of accumulated rubbish. I also released a fist sized growth that looked like a tumor - not kidding. I briefly considered to "save" it and get it into a lab but didn't have the stomach to do it on the day.

I have no idea if the two methods would take care of nanotech but chlorine dioxide is one of the most powerful oxidation agents on the planet. Just do your homework before you use it to make it safe.

Is there an actual test you can do for nanotech?

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Sep 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I've used the topical EDTA. It must have been working, as it felt as if I was having toxic releases during the months that I was using it.

Regarding deactivating the nanos, have you seen Dana Ashlie's interview with a researcher who utilizes Borax to deactivate the nanos, along with apple cider vinegar? He says the high ph of the vinegar helps with this deactivation process.

Here's the video link – the pertinent info starts at 28:50:


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thanks so much...I will check it out for sure!

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Sep 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Ditto. I take baking soda. A balanced ph is the great elimonator. Get ph strips

Also use bentonite clay which attracts with its negative charge.

Wary of an commercial products.

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Bard - where do you recommend getting bettinite clay?

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Sep 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I've been reading and watching her intently! Big fan of EDTA and Vit C even before her results. I lean Herbal as opposed to vitamins, except Vit C! So cilantro, kelp, spirulina and massive Vit C for me and they are coincidentally good for heavy metal detox....but I've been adding EDTA just in case. ❤️

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Great to hear...awesome...I'm about to get back on this...! Thx...❤️

Let me now what Vit C you take...10,000 a day is a lot...and I hear that you should do 1,000 an hour...or let an hour go by in between?

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Sep 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I take Liposomal Vit C around 8-10K a day even when not trying to detox, and I was around some really sick people during Covid and didn't get it .... I'll get out my bottle here in a while and send it to you...when I was detoxing from Cipro, I took 20-25K of Vit C and the same herbs I listed above plus 30-50 Billion units per day of probiotics...and I never had any ill effects....knock on wood but it's been 24 years since that happened.

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geez..good thing you did...Cipro is awful...ok...great, no rush...I just have to get some more Vit C in a month or so...

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Sep 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Didn't get Covid?

What's Covid?

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I'm using shorthand for whatever the fuck was floating around making people really sick durng that time of the worldwide Wuhan PsyOp...but I get your point.

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Sep 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Ask him to answer his own snarky question...just because he didn't get ill doesn't mean there wasn't something or things making people ill. We're all trying to answer that question, aren't we?

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

That's the 100(?) Trillion dollar question, is it not? EMF/5G? Nanotech bioweapon? Graphene poisoning? All of the above? I wish I knew, because something very bizarre killed my mother in summer of 2021 and I was affected by it too. It's pretty obvious that something strange was making people ill, especially in 2021, and compelling them to go into the hospital to be (apparently) killed to support the safe & effective propaganda. Got any answers to your question?

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Sep 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Yes, Nanos on pcr tests and chemtrails and 5G

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Sep 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

with the liposomal you don't have to worry as much about spacing it out. I take it in 3 doses though...

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that would be better than remembering all day when you took the last one.

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Here's some things to be aware of:

High doses of oral Vitamin C can cause diarrhea and urgency symptoms which can be very distressing. I developed diarrhea after taking 4-5 grams of liposomal Vitamin C per day. All should be aware that it can be a limiting factor. I surely wouldn't start with 10 grams. It might be wise to begin with about 3-5 grams per day.

If I were going to start taking liposomal EDTA and liposomal Vitamin C concurrently, I would be careful about initial dosages and be sure to observe the fasting rules with respect to taking oral EDTA. Moreover, kidney function must be normal if one plans to take the dose of EDTA that many recommend (250-500 mg./day). Dr. Anita Baxas has published several substack articles about her protocol/recommendations for anyone interested in reading them.

It goes without saying that we don't know whether these EDTA and Vitamin C products from various manufacturers contain MT/NT or not. Moreover, we don't know whether if they do, their effect is still powerful enough to overcome the contamination. It is possible that even if they are contaminated with MT/NT, they might be effective enough to be worth taking. That seems to be the case with the patients that Dr. Ana has presented in whom she shows LBA (pre and post-treatment).

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Sep 22Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thanks for sharing! Let us know of course.

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Sep 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Make sure you take it in capsules so don’t cause issues w metal fillings.

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Papain dissolves hydrogel.

Cinnamon disrupts luciferase.



Blessed Salt.



[Onion/Garlic/Ginger/Gensing/Horseradish/Habanero Chile .....Apple Cider Vinegar]

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Something to consider Prior to trying EDTA because, well just because my degrees in chemistry and nursing compell me. ☺️😘


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I love what Dr Mihalcea is doing - seeking and finding and sharing solutions. Great you will try this.

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Proper nutrition, supplements, and exercise are key to peak energy performance and mental acuity, It does require discipline, tenacity, and pain (as in no pain no gain). Start easy and work up slowly over time and, in a year, you won't recognize yourself physically and mentally. It becomes a lifestyle.

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Thank you Dr. fir sharing your knowledge.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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