Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Did you see my piece that your joke inspired? https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-master-baiters

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Thx for the heads up...amazing post...I've had no time to breathe here. I swear I get a college degree everytime I dive into one of your posts...just great! They are legendary!!!

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

My dr told me to avoid zeolite. And he understands nano in any supplements is not safe. We are the long term study!

My detox pathways are messed up and leaky gut & brain barrier issues.

The master stuff would get in my brain faster & my body doesn’t produce the peptide necessary for detoxing it.

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke
Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thanks. Looks like an excellent podcast! I downloaded at night so i can turn everything else off.

Much appreciated.

I’m doing Ritchie Shoemaker protocol for biotoxin mold illness. Pure resin cholystramine is helpful for me. Many people take Welchol , a tablet. Less expensive. To bind the toxins and help eliminate them.

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thanks. Always looking for good info as well as sharing 🙏🏼

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Jun 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

One of the reasons I like this platform so much!

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Jun 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Me too! 💞⭐💞

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Human Consciousness Support ? Well, it's certainly a brand name that shields/deflects against anyone complaining about making unwarranted claims to being concretely scientific, medical, or, you know, tangible. Skateboards...I almost made them acceptable... www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SKBvxUJG6E

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

What a headline! The trust factor is declining on all supplements! We have to do our own research on many levels. Even the Wellness Company- check who is on their board!

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yep...everyone is suspect now...

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Charge Back? You have up to 6 months to do a chargeback if made with credit or debit card.

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Hmmm...maybe I'll try that. I payed with PayPal, though. But Thx so much...good idea!

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Pretty sure I got a refund on a Paypal purchase years ago. Not sure if it makes a difference whether the ultimate source of finds was a credit card or a bank account. Worth a try, no? Get your dough back and splurge on some acrylic paint (if you have any $$$ left after buying cat food, of course.)

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Author

ain't that the truth...ugh...i will try...thx ...and there is little to no splurging in this household...but lots of love...and fur...

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Jun 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I listened to louse snob, the c e o’s of pay p al and bp along with the female from the London screwl of eco nomics talk about snake holder capitalism and how they’d get (force) businesses onboard under the guise of environmental activism. Haven’t used pp since.

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yeah...I know...just haven't changed to another service...

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Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Yes you can also file dispute with Paypal but you will probably have to call to get that started. If there is a problem with a product and they refuse to accept returns that's a problem. I worked with Visa and I'm sure paypal has buyer protections.

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will put it on my endless list - thx again...

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Jun 18Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

More evidence that we need to be careful and trust gut instincts! It’s up to me to decide what goes in my body, just like it’s up to you for yours. All we can do is share information as we find it.

Personally, I like Dr. Ana and how she goes about things, but I’ve not felt easy about the EDTA solution and so haven’t tried it. But I still read the everything she puts out because I know she is trying to get people to pay attention, just like you Diva. ❤️

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Same here...could not agree more...and thx! ❤️

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Listened to this episode today and was well impressed with his guest. Detox detox detox.



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none of the PDFs tell me anything and the links therin do not open...so what's the deal?

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

I tested the links and they all work. The links are full of information. The last one has hundreds of posts. Please have a look again. Thank you.

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