Jun 29Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

What a meltingly sexy song! You wrote all your lyrics and music, along with the stunning performance? I'm such a word nerd, even when a song has a good tune, I can't ignore banal lyrics. But these had me leaning in to catch every turn of phrase. You are brilliant!

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TY, darling...love when people listen and get my lyrics...

One of my best in terms of lyrics...and you might get a laugh or two...I will share...

I wrote this about my guy and about a woman who sat on my boyfriend's lap when I was on stage singing...I came off stage to find her breasts in his face - and my guy was horrified...I laughed...but said thank you to her for inspiring a song...I said to her "Don't look at my man that way!


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it has my favorite lyric of all time..."you rotate my silk milky way"

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and the whole jazz CD is there too...I was a much better songwriter - this is my latest - I had matured with the craft?

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Jun 29Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

'you fall on me like a luscious weeping willow'

'your lips are like whipped cream on a cherry'

'your mind would make Einstein green with envy'

'you really don't wanna see a diva intervention so don't look at my man that way!'

I told you, I think, that I was playing The Big Purr when with my daughters for my birthday. At some point I mentioned something about you and they said, "Wait. You actually know her?" That's right, my pretties!

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

you listened to the lyrics...!!! You've made my day...and I really did need a shot in the arm...but not the death jab. Thanks for digging in...it is my joy to turn a lyric! 💞💖

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Jun 30Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

oh good, now you've given me a chance to go deep: you have a masterful use of the internal rhyme (something that always makes me happy, even with people I don't like as people, like John Meyer). And the slant-rhyme. You set us up for the stereotypical rhyme and then skitter off in another direction.

'Your eyes would make Valentino bi-'

In my next life I want to be a lyricist. I have a few hanging around and even spent some time starting to write a musical on child slavery called 'Don't Wait, Activate!' I had pictured it being performed by student theater groups, haha. It was surprisingly upbeat but I'm sure the cultural appropriation police would have shut me down.

I adore rhyme and rhythm. It forces your mind to go in unexpected ways, off the beaten path. I think it invites spirit into the mix, makes it a conversation between you and the Great Know-It-All, along with the Laugh-At-It-All.

Another post, eh?

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

I do love a great song - and it makes it flow even better when you write the music, and sing it yourself...everything just falls into the perfect groove - if you're a control freak? LOL

My songs are kind of like my babies - that I never had? almost ..like giving birth? They are my precious creatures...

I studied Cole Porter's lyrics and melodies...for years. I would rip the lyrics apart/dissect and analyze every word, rhyme and every song...that's the level of artistry I was going for...and of course I love to make people laugh...so there's that...ha!

rhyme and rhythm...truly interdimensional stuff - it's where so many of the muses hang out?

That musical would be amazing - but you would be targeted in no time...no matter how upbeat it was...

I love how you go deep, girlfriend, with everything you share...

And you're killing me with "the Great-Know-It-All - I'm so stealing that!!! Such a clever girl!!!

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Jun 29Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Yes a nice calm break from the insanity! ❤️

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Jun 29Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Love your music! Never stop!

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Jun 29Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Great song, thanks for posting it. I'll save this post of yours in case I ever need to find him again, but happy to report that I take MB in the AM along with many grams of powdered stuff like magnesium, vitamin c, niacin, NAC, B13, kratom & bubbly H2 water. Then I swim half a mile. Eventually I eat. Luckily (?), no ill effects yet.

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thx...that sounds like a good regimen...the fact that you swim is great too...!

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Jun 30Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

thx...just saw this last night...in fact - ! have two of his stacks in the draft...the one on mac degen too...thx for the reminder...

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Jun 30Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Awesome. I've been seeing a lot on this CD lately.

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me too...at least it is in our arsenal? On our cerebral hard drive?

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Jun 30Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Ya, that music/sound always sets an amazing vibe for movies like that. Loved it!

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thank you! thanks for listening...

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Thanks for creating it! Upon going through an awakening, my focus shifted to the physics of consciousness. I've learned that the X-factor in great art/music and other works of mastery is that the artists channels the vibe of the collective, by connecting to a field of collective consciousness, so in essence the masterpiece is a co-creation between the artist and their audience who are ready to receive the message that they hold within, but haven't heard yet. Essentially the artist speaks directly to the heart of their audience, so it can't help but receive love and appreciation... As such, the masterpiece is typically a product of flow, rather than over-thinking/working it. Minimally, the work of art/song comes as an inspired thought, out of the blue, via synchronicity, and then the artist polishes the edges. For songwriting, it's not unlike channelled writing that flows when we just write and rhyme naturally, fixing all the typos at the end... not interrupting the flow, then polishing it. It's the same idea as inventors who suddenly get a solution out of the blue, while not working on the problem, vs trying to think up an invention. You may already know all of this naturally, as a writer, but thought I would share it. I did a post on it that might interest you. Towards the end of the post, there's about 100 hit songs that were channelled on the spot, within minutes or while dreaming… You might be surprised! https://talknet.substack.com/p/are-people-getting-insight-from-another

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Jun 30Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Wonderful music! TY for sharing it.

I tried M Blue for a while but then stopped. I think it was a Herx reaction but it kind of weirded me out. Mainly because I was following protocols from the FLCCC and don't trust them. Lately I'm decreasing my medications and also tapering off many supplements. There are a few I know I need but others I took b/c I trusted my functional medicine doc. I still trust him as a person, but came to realize that even the alternative docs were being fed bad advice. Trust him but not his knowledge base.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

thx...and thanks for listening...as for docs - same with me... I have to keep remembering that even the alt doctors are still "doctors" and have that mindset...old programming dies hard...

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Jun 29Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke
Jun 29Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Baby Blue 😉

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Jun 29Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I couldn't find your comments on the thread that I thought we interacted on recently, so imagine my pleasant surprise...oh, phooey, I just remembered it was on Sarah's recent meme collection post. Well, anyway, this just came in from a Stacker I subscribe to, and you might find it of interest. https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/314-a-top-chlorine-dioxide-cd-expert?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=690651&post_id=145324240&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=2cdjh&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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Thanks so much for the link. Am most definitely trying to understand the benefits of CDS. I found it as active ingredient in the mouthwash CloSYS. I want to know if it can cure infection (esp bacterial) and if this KNOWN to be the case. As a half-ass prepper type I want know if I cut my damn arm off and the bleeding is stopped will this stuff stop an infection cold?

If not I need to stock up on more antibiotics like Doxy. May I ask what you think?

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Jun 30Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I'd trust Ms. Depew's advice nearby. Almost exactly a year ago, I somehow lost 14 pounds in about 4 weeks. No change in exercise (half mile swim daily), diet or vitamin/supplement regimen. Sarah recommended checking out info at theuniversalantidote.com. I looked and bought her recommended kit of glassware and chemical components, but haven't gotten around to mixing up the medicine. On the chance that cancer might have been involved, I did take a combo of IVM and Mebendazole. Got CAT scans of chest & abdomen and a CAT colonoscopy with no tumors found. Maybe the IVM + MB did something? The weight did come back at a moderate pace and hasn't fluctuated significantly since last August (except for occasional overindulging ice cream).

But I've got this gear lying around and really should give it a try...there's too many testimonials around for me to think that it's just thousands of folks using placebo power to effect changes on the variety of problems that CDS seems to be efficacious against. And don't start a hobby of trapping bears until you find out about the antibacterial angle wrt CDS and don't lose that doxy either. :-)

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I saw Yoho's post too, just last night..was thinking of stacking it along with his other post on macular degeneration. I too have the CD and just haven't tried it yet, but there seem to be some amazing results with it. It gets confusing for me and I need to dig in before I just jump into it and start "herxing" FFS.

"Steve" sounded smart enough about it, although still talking viruses...but that's to be expected? They still have their white coats on?

Not sure I will get to stacking it though...or much else right now - on hospice watch with one of my babies..I took her into the bedroom after Bobby passed away, and I suspect that she is in the crosshairs with me...I'm a bit of a mess...I think she had a stroke, watching her closely, and I barely slept...and I'm sure we are taking some "heat"...too crazy here right now to dig in into the CD protocols that are seemingly all over the road - and I hate measuring anything?

anyway, thanks for staying on all of this...hope your are doing well...XO

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Hanging in there, here...hugs to you, your guy and alla y'all's furry babies.

Yesterday, I was responding to a comment over at Chez Sage (which I think was taken in the light-hearted spirit I intended). It involved some humor about paid assassins, so I felt obliged to indulge myself by including a link to a fave tune, Eno's "The Fat Lady of Limbourg". I chanced upon a cover by a defunct band that was new to me. Now, like Ricky Ricardo might say, I've got some listening to do. The second clip is only the second song I've gotten to, chosen due to having posted a clip of the "Shocked, shocked!" scene from Casablanca earlier over at Chez Tonika. It reminds me of some of your work, which is a compliment to them, and hopefully, if you give it a listen, a compliment to you, too.

Fat Lady https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbNmt1boXUA

New Casablanca https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vrcqZx5vKo

Cheers, Cousin Vinny

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I would put tea tree oil on a cut and oregano essential oil is a good antibacterial. Essential oils last a long time, so good prepper items.

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Jun 30Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

But let me ask you this; if you got your arm cut off would you be more comfy with Doxycycline or another substance?

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Well, hard to know, what the future might bring, but I did use only essential oils and herbal pain tincture when I broke my toe, bruised the ball.of my foot badly. And it worked with a little mind over matter during the worst pain night.

Pomegranate peel does so much for us, I use that and other things too.

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Jun 29Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Great song!

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Magnificent! You mind if my wife covers this song! She is a local singer here in NOLA and Bourbon Street snd I believe she would perform it well and bring some interest back to it for you!!! Love all your stuff and Billy Zane was a hunkster for sure!!!

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Still wary of meth blue but tempted. Mmmmm those songs though. And Billy Zane - WHAT?? Wow. Just wow. <3

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Oh my goodness - absolutely wonderful music, Pasheen! ❤️‍🩹

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Wow, Pasheen you are a gifted lady! And the snippets of your life are so entertaining and upbeat! Thanks for them X

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i dont trust the pharmaceutical industry... and most modern medical ... io think here is truth of life...https://duckduckgo.com/?q=sewerage+divers+india&t=ffab&atb=v223-1&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images

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Love the song! Has chilled me out after the lyrics I just posted 😄

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