Jun 20Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

That picture is a tiger swallowtail butterfly. All butterflies are actually symbols of the spirit world, and they are frequently seen in near death experiences or when people die, experience a heavenly realm, and then are resuscitated and are able to recount the afterlife. The original MK ULTRA program may have actually killed people or abused them to the point where they experienced the spirit realm and then were able to recount experiencing butterflies. I know they certainly tried to mind control people through abuse and trauma but they eventually had to realize, to their dismay, that the human brain is far more complex than they expected and it’s not easy to create dissociative disorder because most minds simply don’t react to trauma by creating multiple personalities, although some certainly do, most people simple become psychologically debilitated people or develop other mental health issues and are not useful to those seeking to control them. Some very resilient people are able to overcome childhood trauma and abuse and create healthy lives as adults, though most will develop addiction issues or will self harm or harm others as adults.

The powers that be eventually had to give up the idea of being able to easily control a mind through abuse due to the many varied responses that different individuals will have to abuse- many of the responses are the opposite of controllable.

With this new offshoot of a mind control program that we experience as targeted individuals, again they have to see the uncontrollable responses and reactions that people have, many of us do the exact opposite of what they want- we do not censor ourselves, we do not choose fear or allow them to have authority over our minds. In essence they have to recognize their own psychological weaknesses next to the psychological strength of others.

Just because they never knew stronger, braver, more resilient and more powerful souls existed, doesn’t mean their assumptions would be proven right through the information this program harvested from so many of us - their assumptions are constantly being proven wrong, but they simple choose denial and obstinacy, rather than change their understanding according to new information that comes in to challenge their sadistic wishful thinking.

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Jun 20Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thank you! ❤️

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Jun 20Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thanks again!

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Jun 20Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke


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Sarah IS awesome. But I must agree with Sabrina on this one. More talking heads/hero balls, ABSENT OF NETWORK ENGINEERS WHO CAN ADDRESS THE REAL DANGER LURKING and explain the WBAN, the JOBS and ISR mission to those who refuse to look, is not what we need. More distraction and mutual masturbation while the transhumanism agenda marches on unabated and augmenting more victims by the minute. Just my crazy opinion of course.

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