Oh Man..... words fail me ....

Brains been hacked....they stole my verbs !

Awesome post Diva!

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Jun 20Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I was just having this discussion with a wonderful nurse I met .. but she didn’t want to hear anything negative about zeolite … so weird 😭 .. I had that same reaction from a neighbor who is using it … everyone very defensive right now 😬😬

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we need to be utterly paranoid about everything and everyone...

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Jun 20Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Way back during Covid when I started following Dr Malone.. I shared his stuff with a NY Dr I know… she told me she attended high level meeting very early on stating all new medications were being transitioned to mRNA platforms” .. ..

she also tried to warn me away from Malone ..

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she steered you right...I can't believe anyone is even CONSIDERING vaccines - ANY vaccines...I swear, I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe...geez...

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Jun 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Brilliant post, DivaD. Does anyone know if the same can be said of the Touchstone products -- Zeolite and Fulvic? Am going to stop supplementing -- and eating.

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I've heard warnings about zeolite. too..honestly, I'm in the same place...I hardly supplement either these days...amd if I do, I look for off brands? although we just have to accept that everything is contaminated...so, I'm mostly doing herbs, cleanses, and non-invasive stuff...red light therapy, intermittent fasting, etc., but at some point we will be overwhelmed and unable to withstand the levels of contamination...I honestly think we are just buying a little time...

I've been fighting the chemtrails since the 90's, so I don't hold out any hope that we will ever stop this extermination event, with so many horrors coming at us from so many angles - the info will never hit critical mass - we will never be able to stop any of it...and now with the frequencies neutering our thoughts and draining and hacking us - there will be no awakening or uprising...they have the deadly toyz and we are cornered in our kill boxes...

sorry to get so doom and gloom, but that's how Debbie Downer feels today...

Hang in there...every day that we're not in a dissident camp is precious...

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Jun 21Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Don’t you see this is all obfuscation to keep us off alternatives to our health? Maybe other brands are ok but not Masterpiece? Maybe the other way around? This is satan at work for thousands of years! Discernment!

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Author

I don't think so...Dr. Ana could have really sounded the alarm on it, but one word from her and Ariyana did a major hit piece on EDTA, knowing it was Ana's wheelhouse. And, Ana's research outweighs the makers of MP - so, in the end, it depends on who you think you can trust...do I trust Coe? That would be a no.

Am I going to do IV EDTA? ...no... yes...discernment...and we all have to go from our own intuition on all of it.

We know by now that we have to detox - but IMO, we will not be able to outrun this horror...we're just buying time...

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I hear ya but the human body is pretty miraculous and I am wondering if the torus fields of our heart and body may be able to energetically’neutralise’ or enhance us, plus I’m leaning in to simulation stuff with Archaix at the mo which I’m finding empowering. It’s the ultimate test really, it is all going to shit, where do I stand, who am I? Warm Irish hugs and blessings to y’all.

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