Jun 29Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I saw this video early on. With all the corruption with pharma, I believe him. I'm a mother already in mourning for my stupid, and much higher than me, educated adult kids, who are still alive today, but have suffered with infections requiring urgent care and heaps of antibiotics. Most of my jabbed friends with constant chest infections that antibiotics fail to clear.

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Jun 29Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I remember this story ... amazing there were ANY survivors! Yet there is little knowledge adrift in the masses about this, as the medical cartel continues to push mRNA as a magic bullet for cancer and everything else. Until mainstream media is taken out, the truth only finds its way to a small percentage of us. So sad that so many Normies will continue to take these "treatments"!

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It is criminal not to report these atrocities...hang them all...

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Nothing the scorpion monsters do surprises me so not too hard to believe that the study had disastrous results... even if he exaggerated on the size of the study. Gaah! ❤️

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The Covid Clown Show has shown us that if you put the right make-up on the doctors, they’re able to find each other.

Just as easily as we can spot the different acts from the cheap seats as we hurl our peanuts at them.

After intermission I am going to throw my whole fucking beer at ‘em.

Even the guy following the elephant and shoveling up the shit has their number.

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I saw this video 2 yrs ago, but it was on Brighteon. I was flabbergasted & horrified, 5 out of 200,000... and I don't remember if he mentioned his name or not. I had bookmarked it, and 3 articles about it. One of the 3 links is now 404. But, here's another one of the three.


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Says it all.

Could it be any clearer

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