Lets not forget that "Lady" GagMe opened up the ceremonial rituals for the sitting resident. She is a witch of the highest order. She also opened for the Olympics on the whirled stage... a.k.a. Hunger Games.. Marketing for psychological warfare.

Watch the Doritos /Mountain Dew/PepsiCo packaging ... They tell us thru their marketing what coming down the pike. Berry Blast was Lahaina, Code black is the latest.

"Lady" GagMe's meat suit was indicative of the all the cattle they sacrificed shortly there after. It's all ritual witchery ALL the time!

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Author

her meat suit is the image that they all throw in our faces of the young girl who had her face ripped off by Hillary and Huma - from Anthony Weiner's laptop. You'll see the drawing everywhere once you start looking...the white volleyball in Hank's movie - on Ellen Degeneres' wall?

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke


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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Holy crap Batman! It's a two fer one? Very coincidental confuckery & SICK SICK SICK!

3 sicks in a row ... Did I just cast a spell? Either way, I stand corrected. I see what you also see, TY :)

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

It’s called frazzledrip

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Another great performance by GagMe. Oh, we feel so badly for her, don't we? She did what she had to do to have her career as an artist. Every single one of them that crosses that line, subjects themselves to sexual humiliation and then rapes and murders children (or sacrifices parents) need to be executed for crimes against humanity. Those of us holding "regular jobs" may have trouble making ends meet or saving for retirement, and no one is glorifying us or worshiping us, but we can all hold our heads high knowing we were honorable toward ourselves and to Humanity. I have no compassion for these selfish, egotistical "artists" who just throw all morality out the window for money, power, success. We will watch ALL OF THEM lose what they paid such a high price for. And their karma? If there is such a thing? I wouldn't want to have to atone for these kinds of sins, but I relish the thought of all of them doing so!

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I have a feeling that they THRIVE on the fact that they are all going to hell. They can all have they're depraved ways for eternity. May they burn forever! 🔥 ... In ICE!

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What happens to a soul that goes to Hell? I think it ceases to exist, I wonder if they know its not going to be a party "down there".

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Who knows. I thik everything here is opposite whirled.... so we have no idea of knowing. I just hope they ROT wherever they go.

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Their souls are already gone.

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Oct 14Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

And Monster Drinks symbol on the cans is 666 in Hebrew

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Oct 14Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

And now they come with cobra venom added- how demonic is that?

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Oct 14Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I thought she was a he.

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I think she is a he...THEY START THEIR BAPHOMENTS on hormone treatments early in their lives...Taylor Swift? So many others...

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I've heard that, But I can not confirm.

To me, It's a CREATURE ... regardless.

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Oct 14Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Exactly- good word.

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You are correct.

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

The lack of measurable outrage over her meat dress was an indication to me just how badly this planet needs an intervention by our creator. I refuse to believe that time has run out for the human species.

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Hideous dress or costume… girl wtf no one said anything ?? The first I’ve seen. Don’t follow culture

Or TV. but indicates a very sick 🤢 person and

Culture. Gagged

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Author

that red dress - her meat suit - is the image that they all throw in our faces of the young girl who had her face ripped off by Hillary and Huma - from Anthony Weiner's laptop. You'll see the drawing everywhere once you start looking...the white volleyball in Hank's movie - on Ellen Degeneres' wall?

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Ahhhh that’s IT!! Ok I had read the people that had watched the HRC VIDEO literally got sick.

Then like that no word of Weiner laptop ??

My God how uggggggh…

Ok so Wilson the Volleyball

Tom hanks movie

Is on Degeneres wall? Please explain the symbolism of the volleyball?



Names are so like these people play a role bad theater

So just exactly where is the Weiner laptop now??

Please don’t tell me it’s in the fbi s hands lol ??

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Tom Hanks had to go to live in Greece because they will not extradite them to the United States for pedophilia and he’s already been convicted once

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Once already? Ohh yeah the bloody face

Ohhh how Elen you’re a freak too!!!

Well when Covid came out Tom Hanks from Australia said he had it!!

I said F you Tom!!

The damn volleyball didn’t get bloody from the tooth extraction

But the blood ritual

Thanks 🙏 I did know Tom took pictures of children’s shoes

I’ve gone 180 degrees on hanks

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

The volleyball-it has a face that is very bloody just like what Hillary and Huma did to that girl. They had her face whipped off and she was still alive. Then they they put it on their own face and did the ritual.

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Ok well not really but ripped her face off …

These people are proud of that

Poor girl God Help those who are so abused.

Thanks for filling me with in.

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thank you too!

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

AGREED: "Time for a raid on the FBI."

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

No talent Gaga can shut up and eat her meat dress.

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

While Diddy was openly doing it, little stories like these go unnoticed. Illegal immigrant previously charged with raping 8-year-old girl arrested after erroneous release. Illegal immigrant was walking freely in US after being erroneously released by local authorities following a sex conviction.


Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants with sexual assault, murder convictions in US: ICE data


Texas Preschool Teacher Paid Young Boys $200 to Make Child Pornography After Contacting Them on Snapchat


This one has legs, I can't find links for. Arkansas father kills man found with missing 14-year-old daughter: police https://www.yahoo.com/news/arkansas-father-kills-man-found-201524117.html

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I said the last story about the dad killing his daughters Rapist/Groomer had legs.

Outraged mom stands by 'hero' husband arrested for shooting and killing creep, 67, who 'stalked and raped their daughter, 14, for months


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From what country did prancing pedo Walz immigrate?

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Something feels really fishy about this. The timing. The perps are "disappearing" ....possibly to their bunkers? Is this just another SHOW for the masses to keep us looking away from the transhumanist agenda & land grabs? All the crappy movies ruined on purpose? The actors having to sign contracts that their likeness can be used in perpetuity" & thru all dimensions, while holographic shows are booming in Vegas.

Something reeks of deception.... again & some more. Are we ALL living in a distorted Hollywood movie?

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I recall Beyonce referring to her alter ego, stage(d) presence as "Fierce Sasha." As I see you as not only perceptive but, also intuitive, Pasheen, am thinking you must have picked up on that in the ether. Others continue to roll their eyes at the mere mention of this type of behavior. I think it ubiquitous amongst the soul-challenged who have opted to avoid their life-review and re-enter this dimension with the mind, sans heart, to hone their skills of all that is sinister.

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

GagMe is a dude, and a demented one at that. Serpent Race double downer for sure.

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Why are all the PedoWood shock and awe coming out now? Are we being distracted from more serious issues facing America today? Agenda 25? Agenda 30? The global financial reset?, etc.

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Probably, a much juicier topic than Longshoremen going on strike.

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Not ever buying it . Lady Gaga is a witch . 1st and foremost she a product of the pedos.

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Oct 14Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Pasheen, don’t forget about this one too!

Lady Gagne MENTORED with Marina Abramovis


And this one..


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yep...and it's no wonder that Marina was picked by Zelensky as Ambassador to Ukraine to help with the orphans...OMG

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Oct 13Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

First I’m not up on culture. But the outfit if this is Gaga in blood 🩸 I’d say that is absolutely creepy!!

Expose evil is our charge!! FBI has not been very helpful in Epstein files, hunters laptop, now Diddy tapes.

When Trump says we caught them “All” wondering

If this includes these blood thirsty adrenochrome cannibals and this is part of the slow red pill 💊


Kanye sacrificed his Mom? That’s not a good report card.

Seems we are at a point in time where decades of UNGodly people doing things difficult to even mention now seeing the light of day. Timing ⏱️ is interesting.

For those who don’t think elections were stolen,

Bill gates is philanthropic, music talent ascends on talent, no geoengineering, are going to have a rude awakening.

Cold splash at 4 am wake up.

“They would never do that” I hear often.

I think in my head “ no You would never do that”

Most people can not will not even consider how evil this evil is. Ephesians 5:11

Gaga is no lady no talent to my taste.

Let the Epstein Diddy Jay Z Beyoncé bull shit

All shock the indifferent people who respond

“ ohhh, they’d never do that”

May God have mercy and protection for the Truth


And wrath upon those who sacrifice babies & people Engorging in others blood for Lucifer.

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Oct 14Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Ugh! How I loathe these insufferable CELEBRITARDS who are completely controlled spokes-puppets of the globalist parasite genocidal total slavery agenda.

Did you know that ALL the major entertainment unions: SAG, AFTRA, Actors Equity, AGMA since 2021 still demand that all their casts and crew be jabbed and boosted or NO GIGS! They are all NAZI/GESTAPO SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS!

I cannot stomach any Hollywood product anymore and that started before 2020 when their creepy corruption made everything unwatchable. I enjoy foreign, independent films, fuck Hollywood.

I am too marginal, unfamous, and weird as an entertainer to be eligible to ever join their unions, but I would never want to have anything to do with those jerks in the upper level satanic globalist so-called show biz.

I’m from NYC. I want to use my entertainment skills to fight back! Entertainment as ART!

The ruling psychos are anti-life/anti-human, cruel and sadistic, totally the opposite of what it means to be fully human, to cherish all living beings and to strive to live life to the fullest.

At times when I feel thwarted by the malign forces trying to destroy this world, I experience rage and despair but I refuse to give up trying to do the things that give my life meaning, that I love to do with intense passion, and to help make the world a better place.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Contortion Dance Entertainer, offers advanced yoga feats of flexibility, despite injuries all over her body: torn rotator cuffs in both shoulders, a disintegrated spinal disc and 2 hip replacements! At 69, she presents special theme- and character-based acts that challenge ageism and gender role stereotypes and she flexibly freestyles to any genre of music live or recorded. She is a testimony to the benefits of an organic vegetarian diet, daily exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Please invite her to SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE at your event: mailto:amyharlib@e-activism.com, https://www.instagram.com/amyharlib/, https://www.reverbnation.com/amazingamycontortionistuniqueyogadancer


My SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (69) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!

Thank you.

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Amy - ❤️

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Oct 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Wonder why the Christains aren't interested in stopping all this child sacrifice? They go after depressed pregnant

women about abortions..YET blatant butchery, torture, perversion, blood sacrifice... truly evil... I wonder why Christians are not all over this.

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so many churches are involved and complicit...and making a fortune...

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You must not know any.

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I do not know evil like that.. no

.Just read about it I know some people who were abused as a child in devil worshipping and escaped, for a short time. They are dead now. No one is suppose to escape.

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deletedOct 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke
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Rose colored glasses.

. Prayers work only if a person wants to move on thar direction... there people are convinced their choice is netter... what then? Just let them slowly.murder stolen.children? I don't hear Christians only praying to stop abortions... they burn clinics and are very aggressive. This issue.. ???

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Oct 14Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Evil doesnt reform it has to be destroyed, shoot them.

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Oct 14Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

What is really sad is that its the public that MADE them! People are so weak to grovel after the "entertainment" industry; whether its music, movies, sports, etc... If people would stop following, buying their music, going to their concerts, movies, sports and so-called entertainment, there would be none of this. Our society has too much time on their hands.... too gullible and easily led by "entertainers"

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