Jul 6·edited Jul 6Author

Thank you all for posting on this stack...it is a focus for me...I think it is critical to know.

I wrote this to Effra about how normies can make you crazy...I thought I would add my rambling screed here as well.

Honestly, I have to cut the normies some slack. Turns out that about 35% of the population are hightly suggestible, and totally unaware that they are constantly being bombarded with subliminal messages.

That goes for all of us. Our thoughts are penetrated and altered constantly...it takes a lot of awareness to question your thoughts, always, just to make sure that they are organic - and truly yours.

They have been bombarding us with messages for years and it is now unimaginably invasive and ramped up with the Starlink satellites and 5Geee- "get the vax" "the vax will save your life" Trump is dangerous, he's Hitler" "Biden will save our democracy" "be afraid" "trust the experts" and on and on...we are constantly under attack...penetrated with these targeted messages...

We have got to know this - and make sure that any thoughts we have are our own...especially thoughts of self harm. I rinse and repeat on grief and rage - but I try to get out of it as soon as I recognize the cycle - because that too is a tactic - a thought implant - to keep us traumatized, demoralized and ineffective...paralyzed to take any action at all...even if that action is just a rant...

I often think that some of my hideous headaches are a result of me fighting the programming...I don't think I'm as asleep at the wheel on this as they would like me to be. I try to monitor my thoughts all day, and trust me, it is exhausting.

I guess I just really want us all to know as much as we can about this battlefield of the mind - and how deeply we are being impacted by the bio-hacking, as well as the poisoning - our minds too, are in the crosshairs right now, and it's a huge component in this battle - and I think we have to factor it in if we are to have a chance of somewhat successfully navigating this horrific mindscape PsyOp, for as long as we are able.

I've been saying for years that there will come a day where we don't have an independent thought left. That day approaches - and it has already arrived for about 35% of our fellow humans.

Our awareness is really our only shield. Or I'm delusional...

We need detoxes for our minds too? Maybe Diva Drops Asylum offers some mind detoxes from time to time?

Hang in there...and fight the programming...

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Jul 6Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Mine started when I was a kid...in the '50's. I'm 74 now.

Not so much these days for me, thank goodness. I think I was a MILAB "share".

LOTS of questions....

You are not alone!

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We are not alone...in any sense of the word...we will have to compare notes one day...privately?

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Jul 6Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Yes, I would like that. 🙏

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Sooner than later....

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Jul 6Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Must have been a really lonely time :( You posting about it a little while back opened up my eyes to it as I had no idea any of this targeting of individuals existed - or even could exist. It's bullying at its most sinister - you don't get to know who's doing the bullying

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Jul 6Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Oh Baby! You have done it again! Knocked truth out of the park! They go after my kids to get to me. I sing with you!🎤

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Author

💞❤ kids and pets and loved ones too...hold your kids close...they target so many children, mostly using V2K *voice to skull- and they use your voice or a familiar voice to make kids do things that they normally wouldn't do. Make sure you tell them if they ever hear any voices in their heads, to tell you immediately, so you can tell them to ignore anything that might be destructive...hang in there...

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Jul 6Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Love her to bits💞😍

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Jul 6Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

I know what you mean about the anger. I sometimes experience grief and anger in the same day: intense sadness regarding the destruction of the human genome, and then anger at the Normies who still refuse to see and understand (or who are now incapable of seeing and understanding).

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Honestly, I have to cut the normies some slack. Turns out that about 35% of the population are hightly suggestible, and totally unaware that they are constantly being bombarded with subliminal messages. That goes for all of us. Our thoughts are penetrated and altered constantly...it takes a lot of awareness to question your thoughts, always, just to make sure that they are organic - and truly yours.

They have been bombarding us with messages for years and it is now unimaginably invasive and ramped up with the Starlink satellites and 5Geee- "get the vax" "the vax will save your life" Trump is dangerous" "Biden will save our democracy" "be afraid" "trust the experts" and on and on...

We have got to know this - and make sure that any thoughts we have are our own...especially thoughts of self harm. I rinse and repeat on grief and rage - but I try to get out of it as soon as I recognize the cycle - because that too is a tactic - a thought implant - to keep us traumatized, demoralized and ineffective...paralyzed to take any action at all...even if that action is just a rant...

I often think that some of my hideous headaches are a result of me fighting the programming...I don't think I'm as asleep at the wheel on this as they would like me to be. I try to monitor my thoughts all day, and trust me, it is exhausting.

I guess I just really want us all to know as much as we can about this battlefield of the mind - and how deeply we are being impacted by the bio-hacking, as well as the poisoning - our minds too, are in the crosshairs right now, and it's a huge component in this battle - and I think we have to factor it in if we are to have a chance of somewhat successfully navigating this horrific mindscape PsyOp, for as long as we are able.

I've been saying for years that there will come a day where we don't have an independent thought left. That day approaches - and it has already arrived for about 35%.

Our awareness is really our only shield.

We need detoxes for our minds too? Maybe Diva Drops Asylum offers mind detoxes from time to time?

Hang in there...and fight the programming...

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Jul 6Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Never stop singing and creating - the arts and imagination are humanity's saving grace!

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

This article just tripped my brain circuitry like a pinball ping-ponging erratically; like the time I realized that rogue elements at the highest level within the government perpetrated 9/11, and I was tilted into a state of sombre silence.

Great vocals, Pasheen.

Son of a gun.

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Jul 6Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thank you for your service applies here! Thank you for truth telling and singing! Love you! ❤️

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TY...Love you too!

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Jul 6Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Evil. Pure evil. None of this technology is for the benefit of individuals; it's designed to tag, track, and trace every human being in this planet along with other nefarious plans. I would venture to guess 80% of the general public has little to no knowledge of this tech and will willingly accept as it's rolled out. 15% understand it but don't care, and the remaining 5% are aware and will fully resist.

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Jul 6Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Knowledge is power. Thank you for all you do. God Bless.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Sabrina-Super Woman. Nancy Sinatra singing These Boots Were Made for Walking..or should it be for ‘balking’? How about Michael McDonald’s, Taking It To The Street?

I gotta listen to your song again, Experiencer, love the lyrics & music. again…and again.

In 1973, after telling my psychiatrist (shrink) there is a computer “chip’ in my brain, he said, “Larry , you are suffering from paranoid delusions!” Since he didn’t believe me, I went to various hospitals to

see if I could get an X-ray of my head. Every radiologist laughed at me. Some even joked and said, “be happy you’ve got one head and one chip, instead of two heads and two chips.”

Later, I asked a number of “brain surgeons,” if they could help me. The brain surgeons said, “ Bring me an X-ray of your head.” So, I asked my brain,” Is going homicidal better than going postal?” The answer was, “Only if you’ve got two heads."

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I’m of the considered opinion that a person never completely gets over or heals from grief. Same with trauma. We learn to cope and to adapt. Or these wounds drive us into a n early grave. I’m greatly happy that you are still with us, Diva!!

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