Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Every time electricity or Electromagnetics is brought int the mix...there seem to be a plandemic.

i.e. telegraph=Spanish "flu"

4G=Avian "flu"

5G= Covid Novel "flu"

IF we live in a simulated electrical grid.... THIS makes perfect sense to me.

.Possibly radiation from solar activity effects biological life & bodily detox events.

Infanttyron3 linked THIS: It connects to solar flares .....



So WHAT REALLY is a virus? CODE from the cosmos!

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yes...I saw a great vid just as this scam rolled out...an older woman on the street in London - she laid it all out - frequencies corresponding to all of these "pandemics. ...lost it somewhere

and when people wrere dropping in china as 5G rolled out?

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SO Diva, Is a virus language /CODE of the cosmos before it was bioengineered to feed off of human made tech frequencies? I Think, Yes.

THEY can NEVER admit to THAT ... as it would incriminate THEM as murderers!

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perhaps so...plausible

the virus ruse is also a cover for their poisoning, whether by jabs, frequencies, etc.

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I agree! It's about time we're getting to the bottom of their bullshittery!

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Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Space borne viruses it says?

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Researchers have connected other events, particularly weather, to sunspot cycles before, the noted astronomers wrote," ... ... ..."

" But the evidence linking influenza goes back more than two centuries to the first recorded influenza pandemic in 1761, they said."

So CODE from the cosmos=Virus I'm thinkin :)

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I don't get the Flu, never/ever in my nearly 76 years. Except for the 2 'scare' shots years ago. Those were horrible, I've never had a Flu shot since. Bronchitis and Sinusitis in high pollen years. Stop the Bronchitis cough with Tesslon Perles and it runs its course. Flonase and Cetirizine for the Sinusitis.

From the Flu chart drop, I'd say we had a Spanish Flu year prolonged by Fauci's crap regime and Paxlovid. Neither shots prevent, they either make worse or milder bouts. Add in the nasty crap in our food that makes it filling, but not healthy.

WHAT THEY DO TO MEAT: https://www.ecowatch.com/5-dangerous-substances-big-ag-pumps-into-your-meat-1881903038.html


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AND you have a fully intact & beautiful mind to boot !!

Thankyou for the links. :)

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

It's a lot more than a "virus." It's a countdown:


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Jun 15Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

She put together a fantastic article, to be sure! 💖⚔️💖

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I’m with you, Pasheen. Still waiting for my apology from the Peanut Gallery of assorted jabbed relatives.

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STILL. Fucking amazing. I feel that WE are all that is left.

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What do I do with all the active links on Fauci HIV horrors, it needs someone more skilled at writing than I am. to do it justice.

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