May 22·edited May 22Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

WOW! I knew it was going to be good when I read this paragraph: "They all have so much in common…so many familiar hand shakes, hand signs and signals, secret deals, salivating as they share stories of those secret societies, so much to discuss, their big plans, their Cloward hopes, their Pivan dreams to Make America Grieve Again…after all, there are so many more “holes” yet to be played…" and the longer I read the more I was knocked out. This is a masterpiece on the level of James Joyce. Out of the park epic! The ice picks must have jostled some brain cells in a good way. ❤️💕💋

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thx...and here I thought that maybe I was brain damaged?

Wow...James Joyce...that's quite the compliment.

I used to be the feature writer for the Newspaper when I went to Kent State...I can't tell you how many of my rants/articles were rejected as too controversial...ha!

So, I guess there are still a few that will still hang out at the Diva Drops Asylum after all...we've just got to keep it real...💖

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May 22Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

You're always a great writer. But this one was beyond epic. I'm not leaving the asylum. It's too much fun! 💋

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The Pharisees haven't changed since well before Christ. Biden is just like Hitler. All the stuff on the NEW GREEN DEAL WILL DESTROY AMERICA. IT HAS TO BE STOPPED. U.S. Funded A Nonprofit Tied To Palestinian Pro-Terror Universities

Terrorists have been arrested at both universities, which are rife with pro-terror activity, antisemitism, and Hamas-linked student groups.


EPA’s Clean Power Plan Rule Prioritizes Net-Zero Over Grid Reliability

Coal and natural gas plants provide 60% of the U.S.’ affordable, reliable, and baseload power. In a time of increased electricity demand, America needs to double down on harnessing these sources


More than 30,000 infected and 3,000 dead: The shocking numbers behind the infected blood scandal


Beware of ‘Spaving’: The Sneaky Money Trap Sneaking Up on Your Finances



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They've just reincarnated.


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This is the best thing you have ever written out of everything I have read over the last year. All of it absolutely spot on as they say in Britain! The reason to take heart is that from what I have been hearing Chabad Rabbis saying and "revelation of the method" like American Horror Story: Apocalypse, things may not go as planned down in those shelters. They may actually be designed to be death traps for people who know way too much and have outlived their usefulness. I believe these people are going to all end up at each others throats when they realize the Rabbis in charge actually just want all of what they refer to as the "mixed masses" DEAD. This is what THEY have been saying.

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May 22·edited May 22Author

Thx...I really hate to be the bearer of bad news...I would so much rather entertain...but...they want us dead, FFS...I've got to fight back, no?

and you're right...they are such pathetic fools...

"Apocalypse NOW"


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I have had the same idea for some years now..Trust No One..how to be sure the useless idiots do not talk..they were never going to be among the ‘great’.. that was a given but..

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May 22Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

So glad you're feeling better my feisty friend! This is epic. If you can't have good dreams, at least yours are kinky weird and oh so fitting! Don't make me picture Trump and Blinken in slithery man bras! Would Graham use the cobra jock strap under his missing chin? Aaaargh, too late!

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May 22·edited May 22Author

OMG..and I thought I could not love you any more than I already do...LOL Mwah!

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May 22Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

100% spot on!

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Thx, darling...💖

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Great rant, you're the Queen!!

The Ivan interview you posted earlier looks suspiciously like the trailer to a new SNL.

More theatrics to keep em occupied till they / we are.

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we’re on our own

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May 22·edited May 22Author

yes we are...! But we will not go down without a rant!

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

The future's here....we are it...we are on our own... www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq_QyAOa97o

::Like button out of commission::

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Its either, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer or,

I know nothing. Absolutely nothing !!! , and Im free falling...

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We're all free falling...

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May 22Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Brava, Diva! New electable snakes in town soon...it'll be herpetologically epic...just feed 'em USDough and watch 'em grow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ntn8yfOmIA

::my Like button hasn't worked for a week or so, but I resonate with all the other comments here::

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May 22Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Love the mostly sharpened claws; can hardly wait for the full sharpening!! We stand in Love and integrity as the lies flow around us and try to engulf us. They cannot beat our LIGHT. ❤️

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May 22Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

It seems there is more to the Federalist story. Part 2. UPDATE PART TWO, BIDEN'S ARMED & DANGEROUS MAR-A-LAGO RAID: FBI Took DOZENS of Photos in Melania Trump's Room - Were Focused On Her "Binders" - And They Were Ready to Kill. All.

Armed FBI agents storm President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago in August 2022 looking for incriminating documents – reportedly about them. The Biden DOJ authorized deadly force for the raid.

Part Two:

Judge Aileen Cannon on Tuesday unsealed numerous motions related to Jack Smith’s classified documents case against Trump. The documents included evidence that Joe Biden was ready to have his main political rival, Donald Trump, and his family killed for a publicity stunt!

Of course, if ANY OTHER THIRD WORLD COUNTRY did this to a political rival, the Biden regime would be lecturing that country about human rights. Joe Biden has single-handedly destroyed this nation’s cultural norms and historic precedent in less than four years.

Cristina Laila reported earlier that one filing revealed Biden’s FBI authorized the use of deadly force during their raid on Mar-a-Lago authorized by US Attorney General Merrick Garland in August 2022.

But there is even more shocking information included in the released report that we reported earlier. The Biden regime not only approved deadly force at President Trump’s home, where Secret Service members are stationed every day but they also made plans for casualties. The Biden DOJ and Chris Wray’s FBI also notified a local trauma unit to prepare for casualties.


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May 22Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

One of the few news I trust.

Filings: FBI Authorized To Use ‘Deadly Force’ In Mar-A-Lago Raid

The FBI was authorized to use 'deadly force' against former President Trump when agents raided Mar-a-Lago, according to a court filing.


Attorney General Merrick Garland personally approved the unprecedented raid on Trump’s Florida home in the summer of 2022, after which special counsel Jack Smith indicted Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents. Notably, President Joe Biden also retained classified documents following his tenure as vice president but was not charged by his own Justice Department because prosecutors said he would likely “present himself to the jury, as he did during our interview with him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”


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May 22Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

The Brit HIV Scandal broke. Now who is going to break the USA HIV scandal? I had to use https://metager.org/ to find a few that link's on Slick Willie and the AR prisons. I put them up on Edwin's new article.


Many turned up on Monica. You might not find it anywhere else. https://metager.org/

It is another reason to keep Covid out of our blood supply.

Tainted Plasma Traced to Arkansas Prison: Bill Clinton's Blood Trails

Loaded on MAY 15, 1999 by St Clair, Jeffrey published in Prison Legal News May, 1999, page 1

Filed under: Misconduct/Corruption, Contractor Misconduct, Government Misconduct, Prison Industries, HIV/AIDS, Medical Experiments/Exploitation, Blood. Location: Arkansas.



Arkansas Bloodsuckers: the Clintons, Prisoners and the Blood Trade



Bill Clinton And The Deadly Arkansas Tainted Blood Scandal


EXCLUSIVE: Clinton Foundation AIDS Program Distributed


REVEALED: Clinton’s HIV Scandal | John Hawkins' Right Wing News


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WOW...great reporting...TY

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It needs a sub-story written, more Rucker's style of writing. I'm better at digging stuff up than writing and connecting. Then we have to add the Fauci HIV stuff. I have those links too. Nuremberg and Helsinki Accords need to be used. Then nooses. There is no statute limit on Murder. Congress has known for generations and done NOTHING.

The House That AIDS Built


https://odysee.com/ @spacebusters:c9/Once-were-the-Living:7


WE NEED Nuremberg, Helsinki



On The Heels of Austria and Germany Locking Down The Unvaccinated, EU Leader Calls For Throwing Out Nuremberg Code In Favor of Forced Vaccinating All Dissenters https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/heels-austria-germany-locking-unvaccinated-eu-leader-calls-throwing-nuremberg-code-favor-forced-vaccinating-dissenters/

Fauci Ran Grotesque AIDS “Vaccine” Experiments on MINORITY Children in the 90’s, Causing ORGAN FAILURE, DEFORMITIES, BRAIN DAMAGE


Testing on Orphan Children




good old Hatch ran a inquiry see link below

In 2005, the AIDS research division under Fauci’s agency was also required to reinstate a whistleblower, Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, its chief of ethics and regulatory compliance, after he been wrongly fired in retaliation for raising safety concerns in Fauci’s agency’s research. Link is dead. Found this 1 https://lobbyistsforcitizens.com/2021/10/28/anthony-fauci-belongs-in-prison/ Sources used: Jon Solomon report, U.S. congressional investigation of Foster kids used for Aid research.

Complaints https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/fauci-says-americans-should-trust-doctors-himself-his-career

They’re still testing on orphan kids apparently- Dr. Davey Crocko has been covering this https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZunifmFMmbyU/


1955–1970: Saul Krugman, MD, conducted despicable medical experiments at Willowbrook


HPV Vaccine Risks Include Genocide


Anthony Fauci’s Wife: Christine Grady – Hidden Face of the Vaccine Trials?








Guinea Pig Kids https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/guinea-pig-kids-faucis-legacy-of-cruel-experiments-on-children-dead-babies-and-mass-graves/

2nd Source https://www.democracynow.org/2004/12/22/guinea_pig_kids_how_new_york

while I've not been able to tie this to Fauci it needs more digging

More children there is a link in the article where Geraldo did a story on it https://www.forbes.com/sites/leahrosenbaum/2020/06/12/willowbrook-scandal-hepatitis-experiments-hideous-truths-of-testing-vaccines-on-humans/?sh=1c659b98279c

This is the Beagle Puppy experiments https://beckernews.com/fauci-under-fire-for-cruel-experiments-on-sick-puppies-dogs-heads-locked-in-cages-with-flesh-eating-parasites-for-science-42657/

Monkeys https://100percentfedup.com/fauci-conducted-unreliable-painful-experiments-on-rhesus-monkeys-for-vaccines/

BOYS https://www.americanlibertyemail.com/articles/fda-hearing-covid-vaccines-killing-2-for-every-1-life-saved/

Investigation Reveals Damning Info On Dr. Fauci Torturing ORPHAN BABIES And CHILDREN In His AIDS Drug Experiments


NEWS Fauci’s NIH Division Paid $205K For Researchers To Study T Monkeys https://truthpress.news/news/faucis-nih-division-paid-205k-for-researchers-to-study-transgender-monkeys/

Are you familiar with the 50’s? era “Special Cancer Virus Program”? Scientists took monkey viruses, juiced them up & injected them into humans as part of a vaccine experiment. This is where RSV originated, & many of our modern day viruses like MERS were borne from these types of programs. An anon researcher who has dug into the archives (much of which has been scrubbed) was just on a YT livestream presenting his findings & it was absolutely riveting.

Starts at 21:00ish: https://youtu.be/A75vnk8M4IQ

Yell at someone who will hear you.




Fauci's dead babies


NIH under investigation for $1.2M purchase of beagles for ‘hideous’ experiments: PETA VP


The National Institutes of Health spent $1.2 million buying Beagle puppies for experimentation from a Virginia-based puppy breeding mill currently under federal investigation for animal cruelty.


NIH Files Federal Investigation into Primate Facility


National Institutes of Health investigate AZ primate research lab over animal welfare concerns




Freedom and Coercion

Why COVID-19 Clinical Trials Cannot Be Trusted


COVID Conspiracy Laid Bare by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s email Correspondence




Top 12 Takeaways From the Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone Interview





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May 22Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Like Prince once said..”Sexy never left” 🐍

Full-speed ahead w/ the Uniparty and all of their useful idiots. #blessyourheart


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Trump is a master of optics, and is playing long-term. Without him we would all be dead now, so the idea that he is some kind of Khazarian Mafia [KM] plant makes no strategic sense for the democidal Deep State [KM], whose agenda was put back at least four years because of his presidency. Why plant one's own thorn in one's side?

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The five: chimeras created by science

This article is more than 4 years old

A chimera is an organism with genetic material from two or more sources. Experiments in the field may save lives but are ethically controversial


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What an amazing dot-connecting diatribe! You did a fabulous, concise job of laying it all out! Brava!

The quote from Kyle Hence's article you embedded says it all in a nutshell: "Trump’s call to “drain the swamp” made a great catch phrase on the campaign trail, but the hard truth is that he consistently places money and power above integrity and moral courage." This has been shown to be true many times over, and is the greatest threat to our future. It breaks my heart to see clearly that Trump is owned, he's a liar, and he is in the club whether by choice or compromise. Now, how to get the Krazy Trump Kultists to pry their eyes open? Those with ears to hear and eyes to see ... ?

The Woo people I follow, Remote Viewers, Psychics, all see a future without Trump. He just isn't here at a certain point. Could be dead, could be taken off-planet for his safety once the word spreads? They also see no election, though Trump may re-emerge as CIC by bringing in "his" military and proving the 2020 Election results were fraudulent. Several people I listen to (Mike Adams, Jim Willie and others) have stated they believe the Deep State has shifted their support back to Trump because "the other side" is hopeless, they already destroyed themselves. Willie thinks Trump has had a handshake deal with the Satanists that he will reneg on (bless his heart) but I don't think Satan allows one to erase their signature in blood on the document which sells their soul to him.

The psychic teams see America breaking up into pieces, at least temporarily, while States regroup and use their Sovereignty to build an honest local, limited government. There will be a lot of people moving around, as blue-haired Loonies congregate in States that will cater to their pronouns and insanity (destined to fail), while common sense people will move to areas of like-minded folks. Everything must and will change, from grass roots up. Education, food, "medicine" will become actual healing going back to herbs and nutrition, new money systems will have to be birthed ... basically every aspect of our lives infiltrated by evil must come down and be replaced. Eventually we may be able to reconstruct the new United States, based on our Constitution, but it seems logical that at least initially we should break away from the insanity one State at a time if we can't stamp it out across the country. The remote viewers see that all governments at all levels insist on going back to the principles of the original Constitution in the future.

The hardest part is going to be getting through the next 18-24 months as we dismantle the entire network of evil. While Kerry Cassidy recently stated "we can't kill them all, some deals must be made" I disagree. Get rid of ALL evil unless we want it to continue to spawn more evil ad infinitum! The insane people will have the hardest time dealing with truth and reality (and no, reality is not subjective ... truth is truth, perception of it is perception ... perception is not reality.)

My message to my fellow warriors here is: Do not despair. We are experiencing the Fall of Rome all over again, and it is gonna bleed and be emotionally/psychologically painful. The best we can do is to help our loved ones get through it, be as prepared as possible with food, water, etc. so we do not fall prey to FEMA's handouts of cricket food and plastic water. If we have our survival needs handled, we can sail through this unscathed ... stay out of the fray and do not comply .... and then help rebuild when we get to the other side.

We don't need any politicians ... the word itself conjures up "snake salesman" (pun intended), completely owned by Lobbyists and bribery, sexual honey pots and severe consequences that keep them in line. No more. Never fucking again.

Let's create the world we deserve, get rid of these demonic parasites and experience freedom for the first time on our beautiful planet. When the captured masses succumb to their jabs, we will move up another level spiritually and not be held back by the weight of their ignorance.

And if we can't git 'er done, beam me up Scotty! WE CAN DO THIS!

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I think I missed it forgot the point of the red string on left wrist? What was it? TY

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