Sep 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thanks so much for directing us to this wonderful post. Agreed much needed and healing. I'll skip the lipstick though. You know what they say about lipstick on a pig : )

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Sep 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thank you πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’–

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YW πŸ’–

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Sep 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke


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love this

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Sep 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

lol why should I give a fuck priceless title. Only think I care about is if I can get a chance to legally beat down a gangstalker that's all I give a fuck about. if I could kill one of them make the others think twice about the shit they do to us.

I've been watching others confront these piles of dog mess they are cowards.

they're all like No we didn't it's like the guy has you on video yes you did cock smoker/s.

One guy confronted a Ex Air force guy who was driving behind him at night brightening him like turning off and on his lights several times it shows it in the video. Lol cock smoker stood there like a deer caught in the headlights. trying to deny it. then tried to and I didn't catch that or hear it but tried from what the title said apologize. Lol ass hat.

Then the other one was this douche bag who It looked like he pulled over then as he passed him, since he pulled out. The douche bag speeds up and passes him again. so he filmed it and followed him then confronted him. Little douche bag holding his own phone recording him to tried to play the you're scaring me card. what a douche!

any how yeah I confronted gangstalker the other day he was liken all these other ones too. shitting his pants as I confronted him telling him don't gangstalke me those who pay you to do this shit are lying.

moron as i was trying to get pop said something out loud that went along with the v2k I hear like yes you did or you said you did or some assanine thing like that. I almost let it go but began to say what loud for him and he king of ran outside he was a clerk there. I waited for him to come back in and told him Hey I don't know who paid you but don't gangstalk me I film this and am filming then too I was but it didn't turn out good but I did hit record just before entering...

He was like I don't know what your talking about but maybe that will end his crap???

You know these people are dumb I could of gone off on him beat him down how stupid are you to think you can mumble loud enough for me to hear or others and not get beat down? I think I scared him though. So yeah if you can confront but film it don't get too mad just give them rope to hang themselves....

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Hang in there Doug...

We TI's have to power through the pain!

and big props to those on the front lines...


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Haha, " I have NO fukks to give" & "I just don't give a shit" are phrases that fall out of my face daily!

It brings me comfort while in this dense & evil realm.

Thanks for sharing!

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Net zero eggs about $6 a dozen. Are they healthy? I doubt it. https://www.eggfarmers.ca/2016/09/13000-chickens-zero-emissions-the-quest-for-a-green-barn/

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Have a wonderful day. Hopefully my splint comes off today.

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excellent...!!! Good luck!

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Yeah it comes off, no physio, just use it, stop if it hurts. go back in 4 weeks.

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Hi Pasheen, thanks for recommending this and the wonderful feedback. I am very happy it resonates with people.

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You're so welcome...it was a pleasure to share your amazing post!

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Sep 3Liked by Pasheen Stonebrooke

Thank you:)

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Hi Pash, I will read today, Its my Birthday and I know I haven't made much noise recently. I do give a fuck and Im back to serious song writing , re branding my self etc ,my new songs will be a rhythmic reckoning for this spinning ball of chaos we all ride upon . Love d

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Hi Doll...Happy Birthday, sweet boy!

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